Galaxy Type Posters

Le graphic designer Romain Roger a imaginé une série de posters de typographies du plus bel effet appelée “Galaxy Type Posters”. Rendant hommage à des polices reconnus comme Clarendon, Avant Garde, Bauer Bodoni, Bello, Fette Fraktur ou encore Helvetica, ces impressions sont à découvrir en images dans la suite.

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Waar is Ekko? combined posters and signage for a music festival by Kok Pistolet

Dutch Design Week 2013: graphic designer Kok Pistolet painted over sections of 40 posters around Utrecht to turn them into directions from each location to a venue for a music festival (+ slideshow).

Waar is Ekko? by Kok Pistolet

The Ekko music club was one of the hosts for Le Guess Who? festival in November 2012. Pistolet‘s poster design promoting the venue incorporated drawings of hands that point right and left.

Waar is Ekko? by Kok Pistolet

The A0 posters were printed in monochrome and put up in various places across the city. The streets and turns from these locations to Ekko were then mapped by the designer.

Waar is Ekko? by Kok Pistolet_dezeen_14

Pistolet visited each poster and painted over some of the directions with bright colours.

Waar is Ekko? by Kok Pistolet

The right and left turns that remained in black and white became a route that led the visitor to the venue. As they got closer, more directions were painted out.

Waar is Ekko? by Kok Pistolet

“The concept was based on the basic function of a promotional campaign; getting people to visit the venue,” Pistolet told Dezeen. “We translated this basic given into a map-like system so people would be able to find Ekko from any place they encountered the poster.”

Waar is Ekko? by Kok Pistolet

This project was nominated in the category for Best Graphic at the Dutch Design Awards as part of Dutch Design Week 2013. The top prize went to Iris van Herpen’s 3D-printed fashion collection.

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SKVÍS by Siggi Eggertsson at Spark Design Space

Images of fantasy goddesses are hidden in brightly-coloured graphics on the walls, floor and ceiling of this exhibition space in Reykjavík, Iceland (+ slideshow).

SKVIS by Siggi Eggertsson at Spark Design Space

Berlin-based Icelandic graphic designer Siggi Eggertsson created a set of eight posters that fit together in different ways to form a seamless, patterned wallpaper across the interior of Spark Design Space.

SKVIS by Siggi Eggertsson at Spark Design Space
Photograph by Vigfus Birgisson

Eggertsson used a mixture of curved and straight lines to generate the complex pattern. “My work is all based on grids and construction of geometric shapes,” Eggertsson told Dezeen.

SKVIS by Siggi Eggertsson at Spark Design Space

“I normally work with warmer and less saturated colours, but for this exhibition I wanted to create something overly colourful, so I decided to use only pure CMYK colour blends,” he said.

SKVIS by Siggi Eggertsson at Spark Design Space
Photograph by Vigfus Birgisson

On closer inspection, the graphics merge together to form images of women or ‘skvís’, the Icelandic term for a young, pretty and smart girl.

SKVIS by Siggi Eggertsson at Spark Design Space
Photograph by Vigfus Birgisson

“They are sort of imaginary muses, said Eggertsson. “I knew I wanted to make a system of modular posters that could connect to each other in numerous ways to create a seamless pattern, but didn’t really know what to draw.”

SKVIS by Siggi Eggertsson at Spark Design Space

“At first I thought about creating abstract patterns but then realised it would be more fun to draw pretty girls,” he added.

SKVIS by Siggi Eggertsson at Spark Design Space

The exhibition continues until 16 November.

Here’s some information from the exhibition organisers:

SKVÍS at Spark Design Space

There is a special relationship between mind, sight, fine muscular movements and hands which, together with its reflection in the virtual world of digital technology, has given birth to a new species of of homo sapiens. The American science fiction writer William Gibson wanted to refer to this new-born species as “Cyber-punks”.

SKVIS by Siggi Eggertsson at Spark Design Space

That was 30 years ago. This species has from early childhood had an almost unbreakable bond with a keyboard, a computer screen and a mouse. The infinite virtual world seems to be a dwelling place, an extension, and a reflection of their feelings and thoughts. When this proximity reaches a certain stage they become one and the same, the virtual world and the species.

SKVIS by Siggi Eggertsson at Spark Design Space

Siggi Eggertsson is an artist of this new world. He was born in 1984 and will turn 30 next year. His life has been a constant journey in the virtual world almost since birth. He has never paused to consider the ordinary. He dives deep into the basic squares which the visual presentation of the screenshot and the printed matter are based on.

SKVIS by Siggi Eggertsson at Spark Design Space

If patterns were a pure geometry without reference to the biological world such as flora or fauna, they were arabic or eastern. Patterns with a reference to flora or fauna, plants and birds, originated in Rome. A combination of the abstract and the real are found in Indian or Chinese mandalas.

SKVIS by Siggi Eggertsson at Spark Design Space

The methodology is in fact the same. Squares based on horizontal and vertical lines. The density of the squares, or the resolution as we now call it, is the only thing that decides whether we can read into the pattern a representation of something real. The highest resolution digital photograph can be blown up until it ends up like squares on a ruled page without a reference to anything real. Siggi also uses a quarter of a circle pasted into a square – that is what his personal style is based on.

SKVIS by Siggi Eggertsson at Spark Design Space

The exhibition consists of eight modular posters. The nature of the pattern is almost always spiritual – a suggestion of divine beauty. This beauty of infinity is always present in Siggi’s work. This may be related to methods for expanding ones mind, whether by use of substances or meditation.

SKVIS by Siggi Eggertsson at Spark Design Space

That world has goddesses floating about, as can be seen in Siggi Eggertsson’s representation. He invites us on a guided journey as someone who has seen a world none of us have seen. This is a journey into infinity where we fleetingly catch a glimpse of the goddesses and make the briefest of eye contact.

SKVIS by Siggi Eggertsson at Spark Design Space
Photograph by Vigfus Birgisson

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DIY Lampshades by Mostlikely

Product news: Austrian design collective Mostlikely has created a set of posters that can be cut up and folded into lampshades shaped like cartoon animal heads.

DIY Lampshades by Most Likely

To create the DIY Lampshades, Maik Perfahl and Wolfgang List of Mostlikely collaborated with Vienna based artist BOICUT, whose illustrations cover the designs.

DIY Lampshades by Most Likely

The poster arrives in a tube as a roll of paper, which can be framed as a 2D picture.

DIY Lampshades by Most Likely

The paper pattern can also be cut out, folded and glued together using the tabs drawn onto the image.

DIY Lampshades by Most Likely

The colourful graphics form different faceted animal heads, which can be used as lampshades, stacked up to create a totem pole or worn as masks.

See more information from the designer:

The goal was to create complex objects at a low price that can be used as masks, posters, lampshades or something else. To achieve a low price and be able to ship our designs worldwide we deliver our lampshades as construction sets in a role of paper.

DIY Lampshades by Most Likely

The customers have to cut out, fold and glue the parts together by themselves – DIY. The aim of our company is not only to design lampshades, we produce them also by ourselves. All designs were printed on a large format printer and packed in our workshop in Vienna.

DIY Lampshades by Most Likely

Until now we only produce lampshades in a simple white design. Since sometime we have the idea to bring more colour in our world and to offer our customers lampshades with designs and colour all over. We want to invite artists and designers from all over the world to be part of our company and deliver colour designs for our lampshades.

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Take It On Posters

Ces posters ’Take it On’ ont été pensés pour la School of Visual Arts à New York sous la direction artistique de Stefan Sagmeister et Jessica Walsh. Avec des compositions typographiques impressionnantes, ces posters, visibles dans les couloirs du métro new-yorkais, font la part belle à la créativité.

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“Basilicas” by Adrian Johnson: This graphic designer creates prints celebrating the form and function of classic cameras

An identifiable aesthetic and high level of simple sophistication mark the ever-evolving graphic design work of Liverpool-born artist Adrian Johnson. But having become increasingly disenfranchised with commercial illustration work after…

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Binary Prints by Alex Trochut

Binary Prints by Alex Trochut

These portraits of electronic musicians and DJs by Spanish illustrator and designer Alex Trochut show one image during the day and another at night.

Binary Prints by Alex Trochut

Alex Trochut screenprinted two different images onto the same surface using black and phosphorescent ink in a checkerboard grid of tiny squares. When seen in the light the portrait printed in black is visible, but if viewed in the dark a different image suddenly appears.

Binary Prints by Alex Trochut

Trochut told Dezeen that he developed the technique first and then decided on a suitable subject matter: “I thought that if I could show two different images it made sense to work on the idea of there being two sides to someone’s personality.”

Binary Prints by Alex Trochut

The portraits reflect the notion that the musicians and DJs depicted, including Four Tet, Acid Pauli and Damian Lazarus, transform and come alive at night.

Binary Prints by Alex Trochut

Binary Prints was first shown earlier this month at Sónar+D, the innovation and technology area at the Sónar arts and music festival in Barcelona, where many of the musicians have previously played.

Binary Prints by Alex Trochut

Trochut initially used the idea of a camouflaged image for the cover of his monograph More is More, which featured a hidden pattern printed in glow-in-the-dark ink.

Binary Prints by Alex Trochut

A concept for glow-in-the-dark roads was presented at Design Indaba in Cape Town earlier this year and we previously featured a book with a glow-in-the-dark cover and spine that was displayed in a room where the lights turned on and off automatically.

Binary Prints by Alex Trochut

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Here is some more information from the designer:

Recently launched at Sonar Music Festival, Binary Prints by illustrator and designer Alex Trochut, is an ingenious technique that he’s invented to allow him to illustrate two completely different images on the same surface, one visible by day the other only visible by night.

For his first series Trochut has teamed up with some of the biggest names in electronic music such as James Murphy, Four Tet, Damian Lazarus, John Talabot and many more to create a series of portraits that explore the people behind the music.

Binary Prints by Alex Trochut
Trochut’s More is More monograph

These nocturnal images wake up when the lights go out, just as DJs come alive at night, they glow in the dark to reveal a nocturnal persona, an icon of music and sound.

The inaugural exhibition of Binary Prints will present this first series of DJ portraits, which will continuously grow as more artists are added and the show continues to tour music festivals and galleries around the world.

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Alex Trochut
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Owning Stereotypes: A poster series geared toward reclaiming queer stereotypes and educating the masses

Owning Stereotypes

There is an inherent power in owning stereotypes. And thanks to Brooklyn-based illustrator Paul Tuller and creative director James Kuczynski, you can own…

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Rap Posters

Zaven Najjar est un directeur artistique vivant à Paris et amoureux de hip-hop. Avec ce projet Rap Posters, il nous propose d’illustrer avec talent des paroles de différents MCs et chanteurs, allant de Kanye West à Oxmo Puccino en passant par Gil Scott Heron. Un projet nourri au quotidien à découvrir dans la suite.

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Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

Competition: Dezeen and UK designers Dorothy have teamed up to give readers the chance to win one of five prints that group Hollywood actors into constellations named after films they have starred in (+ slideshow).

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

Dorothy‘s pair of Hollywood Star Charts feature constellations named after culturally significant films since 1927 and the group of stars that form the clusters are the actors that appeared in them.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

Films on the Golden Age chart include The Wizard of Oz, Gone with the Wind, Casablanca and fifty-nine more classics.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

The names are mapped onto the Los Angeles night sky as it appeared on 6 October 1927 – the release date of Al Johnson’s The Jazz Singer, the first feature-length motion picture with synchronised dialogue.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

The Exorcist, Star Wars and Pulp Fiction are among the 108 movies on the Modern Day print, based on the night sky over New York on 16 June 1960 – the date and place that Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho debuted.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

Titles were included if they are chosen for preservation in the US National Film Registry, Academy Award winners or the designers’ personal favourites.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

A key at the bottom of each print lists featured actors, date of their Oscar win or nomination and position of their star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

Readers have the chance to win either a dark blue Golden Age or dark grey Modern Day open edition chart, worth £25 each.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

The litho prints are also available as signed limited editions in gold and silver, which cost £100 each. All prints are available to purchase at Dorothy’s online store.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

To enter this competition email your name, age, gender, occupation, and delivery address and telephone number to with “Hollywood Star Charts” in the subject line. We won’t pass your information on to anyone else; we just want to know a little about our readers. Read our privacy policy here.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

Competition closes 4 July 2013. Five winners will be selected at random and notified by email. Winners’ names will be published in a future edition of our Dezeen Mail newsletter and at the top of this page. Dezeen competitions are international and entries are accepted from readers in any country.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

We’ve previously run competitions to win maps with locations names after films and prints that feature bands and songs with colours in their names next to corresponding hues on the colour wheel, both also by Dorothy.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

See more graphic design »
See more design by Dorothy »

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by Dorothy to be won
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