Waar is Ekko? combined posters and signage for a music festival by Kok Pistolet

Dutch Design Week 2013: graphic designer Kok Pistolet painted over sections of 40 posters around Utrecht to turn them into directions from each location to a venue for a music festival (+ slideshow).

Waar is Ekko? by Kok Pistolet

The Ekko music club was one of the hosts for Le Guess Who? festival in November 2012. Pistolet‘s poster design promoting the venue incorporated drawings of hands that point right and left.

Waar is Ekko? by Kok Pistolet

The A0 posters were printed in monochrome and put up in various places across the city. The streets and turns from these locations to Ekko were then mapped by the designer.

Waar is Ekko? by Kok Pistolet_dezeen_14

Pistolet visited each poster and painted over some of the directions with bright colours.

Waar is Ekko? by Kok Pistolet

The right and left turns that remained in black and white became a route that led the visitor to the venue. As they got closer, more directions were painted out.

Waar is Ekko? by Kok Pistolet

“The concept was based on the basic function of a promotional campaign; getting people to visit the venue,” Pistolet told Dezeen. “We translated this basic given into a map-like system so people would be able to find Ekko from any place they encountered the poster.”

Waar is Ekko? by Kok Pistolet

This project was nominated in the category for Best Graphic at the Dutch Design Awards as part of Dutch Design Week 2013. The top prize went to Iris van Herpen’s 3D-printed fashion collection.

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for a music festival by Kok Pistolet
appeared first on Dezeen.

Pretty Vacant Installation

Le studio Rietveld Landscape a imaginé au sein d’une ancienne chapelle au Centraal Museum d’Utrecht cette installation magnifique appelée « Pretty Vacant ». Une création qui s’est inspirée de Vacant NL, le projet proposé par la Hollande pour la ‘Venice Architecture Biennale’ en 2010. A découvrir en images dans la suite.


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Pretty Vacant Installation
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Pretty Vacant by Rietveld Landscape

Dutch design office Rietveld Landscape has built an arched foam screen with hundreds of building-shaped holes inside a disused chapel at the Centraal Museum in Utrecht (+ slideshow).

Pretty Vacant by Rietveld Landscape

Rietveld Landscape designed the screen as a reversal of its Vacant NL exhibition from the 2010 Venice Architecture Biennale, where a suspended model city was used to demonstrate the potential of 10,000 vacant government spaces in the Netherlands.

Pretty Vacant by Rietveld Landscape

Here, the installation presents the “negative spaces” of the model city and stretches from the floor of the mezzanine all the way up to the ceiling. It will form a backdrop to a changing selection of objects from the museum’s collection of applied arts and design from the last two centuries.

Pretty Vacant by Rietveld Landscape

“The blue window literally and figuratively sheds a new light on the space and complements the architecture of this medieval chapel,” says the studio.

The installation is on show at the Centraal Museum until 31 January 2014.

Pretty Vacant by Rietveld Landscape

Rietveld Landscape is a design and research office based in Amsterdam. Its other projects include an installation that looked like a burning building and a criss-crossing bridge. See more architecture by Rietveld Landscape.

Pretty Vacant by Rietveld Landscape

Photography is by Rob ‘t Hart.

Read on for more information from Rietveld Landscape:

Pretty Vacant

The installation Pretty Vacant by design and research studio Rietveld Landscape encourages visitors to take a fresh look at the empty spaces of the Centraal Museum. The blue window literally and figuratively sheds a new light on the space and complements the architecture of this medieval chapel. The window is based on the ‘negative spaces’ of Rietveld Landscape’s earlier installation Vacant NL, which was the Dutch submission for the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2010. The installation in the Gerrit Rietveld-designed pavilion in Venice showed the enormous potential of 10,000 disused public buildings in the Netherlands from the seventeenth to the twenty-first centuries.

Rietveld Landscape’s work fits in well with the Centraal Museum aim to acquire work at the intersection of art, design and architecture. Rietveld Landscape is a young studio that represents in an outstanding way the new developments at this intersection. Museum Director Edwin Jacobs described them as “the talents in field of spatial interventions, without equivalent in any existing architectural or theoretical discourse. They are real new-thinkers in images.”

Through the acquisition of this installation by Rietveld Landscape with support from the Mondriaan Fund, the Centraal Museum has realised its ambition of adding Vacant NL to the ‘Collectie Nederland’.

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Rietveld Landscape
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PLAY Project by Ka-Lai Chan

Dutch designer Ka-Lai Chan has wrapped a whole wall, furniture and ornaments behind an all-encompassing layer of sticky tape at an abandoned apartment in Utrecht.

PLAY Project by Ka-Lai Chan

The installation was one of ten created earlier this year by artists and designers in a building set to be demolished to make way for a new housing development.

PLAY Project by Ka-Lai Chan

Chan took over one wall in the living room and covered picture frames, a table, a chair, a clock and a telephone beneath the white tape.

PLAY Project by Ka-Lai Chan

She claims her inspiration for the project was the way people “adapt to society” by trying to fit in, but also want to reveal their own identities.

PLAY Project by Ka-Lai Chan

“The tape makes everything the same,” Chan told Dezeen. “Object and wall are merged and belong together, but the objects are also rising out of the wall and want to stand out.”

PLAY Project by Ka-Lai Chan

Curators Niels Janssen, Felice Mul and Wilke Heijnen coordinated the PLAY Project within the Eiland8 development area at the invitation of developers Mitros and Portaal.

PLAY Project by Ka-Lai Chan

London designer Dominic Wilcox created a similar installation last year, when he coated every item and surface inside an abandoned office with white paint.

See more stories about installations »

The post PLAY Project
by Ka-Lai Chan
appeared first on Dezeen.

Mac N Cheese Animation

Un travail impressionnant de près de 5 mois pour réaliser ce film d’animation par 4 étudiants de l’Ecole des Arts d’Utrecht aux Pays-Bas. Intitulé Mac N Cheese, il est directement inspiré de Team Fortress 2 et du film Meet Buck. Une course poursuite sur un montage très dynamique.




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Happy Camper Project

Un clip vidéo sous la forme d’une animation et d’une histoire sur les mésaventures de la vie de camping, pour le groupe Happy Camper. Une création signée par le collectif néerlandais Jobjorisenmarieke basé à Utrecht (Pays-Bas). A découvrir dans la suite de l’article.



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Anansi Playground Building by Mulders vandenBerk Architecten

Mulders vandenBerk Architecten of Amsterdam have completed a playground building in a park in Utrecht, the Netherlands, with a Corian façade engraved with images of fairytales from around the world. (more…)

Gaudi Stool by Studio Geenen


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