Poetry in Collages by Caroline Attan

L’artiste anglaise Caroline Attan combine le paper art, l’origami, les collages et la poésie pour en faire des compositions circulaires très colorées. Entre les papiers collés et pliés, on peut lire la poésie de Pablo Neruda. Un travail qui rappelle les calligrammes d’Apollinaire réactualisés à la tendance du paper art.


Life-Sized Elephant in Paper Sheet

Basé en Suisse, l’artiste Sipho Mabona (dont la devise est qu’il n’y a pas de limites dans l’origami) a fait cet éléphant en taille réelle entièrement avec des feuilles de papier. Des clichés du projet extraordinaire appelé « White Elephant », signés Philipp Schmidli, sont à découvrir dans la suite.


Ghostcubes by Erik Aberg

Créé par le designer suédois Erik Åberg « Ghostcube » est un système de verrouillage de cubes de bois qui peut être tordu, tourné, et plié pour créer des formes de plus en plus complexes qui rappellent l’origami. Une création unique et complexe, et un œuvre esthétique qui ravira tous les passionnés d’origami et de casse-tête.

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Ghostcubes by Erik Aberg 16
Ghostcubes by Erik Aberg 15
Ghostcubes by Erik Aberg 14
Ghostcubes by Erik Aberg 13
Ghostcubes by Erik Aberg 12
Ghostcubes by Erik Aberg 11
Ghostcubes by Erik Aberg 10
Ghostcubes by Erik Aberg 9
Ghostcubes by Erik Aberg 8
Ghostcubes by Erik Aberg 6
Ghostcubes by Erik Aberg 5
Ghostcubes by Erik Aberg 4
Ghostcubes by Erik Aberg 3
Ghostcubes by Erik Aberg 2
Ghostcubes by Erik Aberg 1

Origami headgear folded to resemble mythological creatures

Origami headgear folded to resemble mythological creatures

These paper headdresses have been folded into the shapes of creatures from Chinese mythology by Paris accessories designer Qi Hu for the city’s Printemps department store.

Origami headgear folded to resemble mythological creatures

Qi Hu created the spiky pieces for a display in Printemps using origami, a technique she developed growing up in China.

Origami headgear folded to resemble mythological creatures

“Origami is our childhood game, it has affected me since I was little,” Hu told Dezeen. “I always use it as one of my main methods for my works, trying to tell Occident stories in an Oriental way.”

Origami headgear folded to resemble mythological creatures

The designer explained that she was approached by the store’s visual merchandising department to create origami decorations for a display.

Origami headgear folded to resemble mythological creatures

“I came up with the mask idea because it does not influence the clothing,” Hu explained.

Origami headgear folded to resemble mythological creatures

“While they told me that they would put the decoration at the entry of the men’s section, I thought about guardians and some ancient creatures’ figures in front of Chinese traditional gates.”

Origami headgear folded to resemble mythological creatures

Hu took the forms of revered Chinese creatures such as lions, dragons and kylins – a mix of a dragon, horse, ox and wolf – as the base shapes for the headgear.

Origami headgear folded to resemble mythological creatures

The paper is folded into pointy shapes that resemble horns, tusks, teeth and ears.

Origami headgear folded to resemble mythological creatures

The pieces are displayed on mannequins in the menswear department of Printemps and the designer describes them as being “full of masculine power”.

Origami headgear folded to resemble mythological creatures

Although each piece in the collection is different, Hu reused some of the same techniques across all of the designs to speed up the folding process.

Origami headgear folded to resemble mythological creatures

“I decided to modularise my design and I reuse and combine different elements,” said Hu. “Every mask has something in common but is truly unique.”

Origami headgear folded to resemble mythological creatures

The headdresses are on show in the store until 18 March.

The post Origami headgear folded to resemble
mythological creatures
appeared first on Dezeen.

Animal Tissue by Yuki Ariga

Créé par Yuki Ariga pour le fabricant de mouchoirs japonais Nepia, ce beau court métrage propose une animation d’origamis faits de mouchoirs délicatement pliés représentant des animaux. Voici un making-of d’une imagination et d’une créativité débordante et plus de visuels dans la suite de l’article.

Animal Tissue By Yuki Ariga12
Animal Tissue By Yuki Ariga9
Animal Tissue By Yuki Ariga13
Animal Tissue By Yuki Ariga11
Animal Tissue By Yuki Ariga10
Animal Tissue By Yuki Ariga8
Animal Tissue By Yuki Ariga7
Animal Tissue By Yuki Ariga6
Animal Tissue By Yuki Ariga5

Cosmic Surgery by Alma Haser

Dans sa série « Cosmic Surgery », la photographe anglaise Alma Haser crée de nouvelles dimensions cosmiques aux visages de ses modèles. La retouche qu’elle fait donne un effet 3D et une construction d’origami kaléidoscopique, soutenant qu’un être possède plusieurs faces dans lesquelles on peut se perdre.

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Cosmic Surgery by Alma Haser 10
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Cosmic Surgery by Alma Haser 2
Cosmic Surgery by Alma Haser 1
Cosmic Surgery by Alma Haser 12

Folded Metal Kiosks

L’agence Make Architects de Londres a conçu deux kiosques en préfabriqués sur la place Canary Wharf. Le kiosque est en fait un bloc rectangulaire compact qui, quand il s’ouvre pour accueillir des clients, imite la forme géométrique de l’origami. Un kiosque original en métal sculpté est à découvrir en photos et en vidéos.

The Concept :

The Prototype :

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Folded Metal Kiosks 4
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Folded Metal Kiosks 2
Folded Metal Kiosks 1

DIY Lampshades by Mostlikely

Product news: Austrian design collective Mostlikely has created a set of posters that can be cut up and folded into lampshades shaped like cartoon animal heads.

DIY Lampshades by Most Likely

To create the DIY Lampshades, Maik Perfahl and Wolfgang List of Mostlikely collaborated with Vienna based artist BOICUT, whose illustrations cover the designs.

DIY Lampshades by Most Likely

The poster arrives in a tube as a roll of paper, which can be framed as a 2D picture.

DIY Lampshades by Most Likely

The paper pattern can also be cut out, folded and glued together using the tabs drawn onto the image.

DIY Lampshades by Most Likely

The colourful graphics form different faceted animal heads, which can be used as lampshades, stacked up to create a totem pole or worn as masks.

See more information from the designer:

The goal was to create complex objects at a low price that can be used as masks, posters, lampshades or something else. To achieve a low price and be able to ship our designs worldwide we deliver our lampshades as construction sets in a role of paper.

DIY Lampshades by Most Likely

The customers have to cut out, fold and glue the parts together by themselves – DIY. The aim of our company is not only to design lampshades, we produce them also by ourselves. All designs were printed on a large format printer and packed in our workshop in Vienna.

DIY Lampshades by Most Likely

Until now we only produce lampshades in a simple white design. Since sometime we have the idea to bring more colour in our world and to offer our customers lampshades with designs and colour all over. We want to invite artists and designers from all over the world to be part of our company and deliver colour designs for our lampshades.

The post DIY Lampshades
by Mostlikely
appeared first on Dezeen.

Omni Bag

Inspiré de techniques venant de l’origami ou du patchwork, l’Omni bag de Kumeko est un sac qui change de contenance au gré des besoins de son utilisateur. Utilisable aussi bien comme un sac à main que comme un cabas, l’assemblage de polygones en bâche permet une grande souplesse de l’objet. A découvrir en images.










Playtime Origami Collection

Les créatifs Ying Zhang et Ida Thonsgaard lancent leur première collection d’inspiration asiatique et scandinave « Playtime ». Modulable grâce à un principe qui rappelle celui des origamis, c’est une collection transformable que proposent les deux designers. Un beau projet à découvrir dans la suite.







