Peel P50: Smallest production car in history

Peel P50

Peel Engineering Company produced 50 of these microcars during the early 1960’s on the Isle of Man in the United Kingdom. They are the smallest cars ever to go into production. It’s got three wheels, one door, a 49cc engine with a three speed manual transmission. A Peel P50 could do 38 mph at max speed and weighed in at 130 lbs with a claimed fuel consumption of 100 miles to the gallon. Kind of amazing. Check out this article about the car in the Daily Mail. There have some great photos.

Come a long way, kinda

Check out this “record player” iPhone app. The author, Theodore Watson, threw it together in one morning. I really like projects that get the point across quickly. It’s a build-to-think mode and sparks dialogue (like this blog post) that gets people thinking about how to use what’s around them.

At Free Art and Technology, via NOTCOT

1947 (yes, really!) Nissan Tama Electric Vehicle

1947 Nissan Tama

22 MPH top speed with a range of 40 miles.