Anton Repponen Photography

Coup de cœur pour le travail du directeur de création de Fantasy Interactive : Anton Repponen. Né à Saint-Petersburg, il nous propose également de découvrir son talent pour la photographie avec des clichés et des séries visuellement inspirantes. Une sélection d’images est à découvrir dans la suite dans l’article.

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Nature Scientific Interpretation

Avec cette série Axiom & Simulation, le photographe Mark Dorf examine la façon dont l’homme rapproche constamment les éléments de la nature, à la science et à l’art. En modifiant des paysages et grâce à l’ajout d’éléments géométriques, ce dernier nous propose de découvrir un univers surprenant.

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Oh Joy Guerrilla Action

Kut est un collectif de créatifs composé de réalisateurs ou jeunes musiciens. Ces derniers ont réalisé cette vidéo appelée « Oh Joy! » en décidant de casser le quotidien dans les rues de la ville de Riga et en y menant une opération sauvage et poétique. Une utilisation détournée du coton pour y changer l’atmosphère.

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Hello Nature

High art in a revelatory New England field guide by William Wegman


Best known for his photographs of his beloved Weimaraners, William Wegman is an American artist with a talent for the unexpected. The recent release of his book “Hello Nature” coincides with an exhibition at Bowdoin College Museum of Art, both serving to demonstrate the artist’s intrinsic connection to nature and the New England wilderness. In the spirit of childhood—Wegman spent his summers in Maine’s Rangeley Lakes region—the compendium takes the form of a mock survival guide complete with recipes, advice and helpful anecdotes.


Wegman writes that he wished to create “a fiendish nature guide. Something that would combine the New England transcendentalism with a lifelong interest in hiking, fishing, canoeing, and birch bark. Have you ever made tea from birch bark?” For fans of his dog portraits, the woodsy art will shed light on the Wegman’s relationship to creatures. Beneath a crude drawing of a woodland critter, Wegman sums up this connection by writing, “Life wood bee boaring without animals as pets. Without pets life wood bee unbearable.”


Organizationally, Wegman’s own writings and art are broken up with a duo of essays by curators Kevin Salatino and Diana Tuite as well as a piece of short fiction by author Padgett Powell. These written works focus on Wegman’s life, his work, and the role of the environment in both. From the artist, we get a recipe for cinnamon teal duck cake, advice on birdwatching and handwritten treatises on environmental reform.


The layout of “Hello Nature” is curious. Curious in the sense that much of the writing is barely legible, the organization sporadic and the effect emotive. Curious, too, in the sense that this is not the Wegman we think we know. Weimaraners are present, but many of Wegman’s best-known works are left out. The result is that his work is given context outside of the celebrity buzz that dressed-up dogs have earned him. In short, the book is an honest look at the artist and the naturalist.

“Hello Nature” is available for purchase from The Bowdoin Store and on Amazon. The accompanying exhibition of over 100 works is on view at Bowdoin College Museum of Art through 21 October 2012.

Luna Seo

Prisms reflect “That Piece of Time” in a young designer’s new collection

Seoul-born designer Luna Seo integrates prisms into her new collection, “That Piece of Time”, capitalizing on both the symbolism and unique refractive qualities of the prism as a metaphorical reminder of small daily wonders. “The prism is a medium that represents pieces of time,” says Seo. “It unveils pieces of time through the meetings between light and light-refracting materials. The idea is that these objects grasp time from the sunlight and shed unexpected, unrepeatable moments.”


A recent graduate from the Konstfack in Stockholm, Seo’s collection premiered at the Konstfack Degree Show and will show again at Tent London during the London Design Festival this September. The collection includes a vase and a coffee table, both items showcasing Seo’s desire to awaken a sense of surprise and a renewed appreciation for nature in her viewer.


The coffee table is made from solid walnut and is comprised of two levels separated by a glass prism. The prism refracts light onto the floor below and also reveals the graphic hidden beneath the table depending on the viewer’s vantage point. Similar to the table, Seo’s vase is comprised of a prism suspended from a stainless steel rod and granite base.”As expected, the role of the vase is ultimately to hold flowers,” explains Seo. “This vase also creates its own blossoms in time with the collaboration of the sun. It shows what is embedded inside daylight and reveals its beauty.”


For more information regarding pricing and availability, check out Seo’s website.

OLO Fragrance

Diesel fuel, tobacco, damp dirt and pine tree perfume from Portland, OR


Perfumer Heather Sielaff hand-blends idiosyncratic, mostly masculine scents for her label OLO Fragrance in her apartment in north Portland. “I’m not really girly,” she admits, and her perfumes tend to be intriguing rather than sweetly attractive. For example, Forêt’s notes of pine and vetiver recall the scent of earth and damp northwestern trees, while Victory Wolf’s birch tar, cedar and tobacco evoke nights spent camping beside an open fire.

Sielaff recently had a commission to create the smell of diesel fuel, which succeeded but had some unexpected consequences: “[The client] turned out to be allergic,” she says.


“Years of practical use allowed me to get to know the individual essential oils quite intimately,” says Sielaff, who trained as a neuromuscular therapist and studied aromatherapy on the side. “The thought finally occurred to me that making perfume would give me the opportunity to utilize my knowledge in a more creative way. It was initially just a hobby and I’m still a little surprised OLO took off the way it did,” she says.


Undoubtedly one of the most significant elements to OLO’s appeal is Sielaff’s sense of humor. Diesel-based perfumes aren’t the only unconventional product that she’s attempted—the limited edition Make Deux room spray—interpret the pun in order to deduce its intended usage—asks the would-be customer, with tongue firmly in cheek, “If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a smell?”

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Sielaff’s intimate knowledge of scents keeps her perfumes multi-layered, personal and complex. Many of her projects stay local and never make it out of Portland.”Some perfumes are limited edition or created for special events,” she says. One such side project was a fragrance created for the Portland-based band YACHT, called Shangri-La, that blends more than a half-dozen scents into one moody, floral concoction. She also created a limited edition art bottle and box series with Portland glass artist Andy Paiko and Portland woodworker Jason Rens.

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OLO fragrances are available online or at selected retailers. For more information on Sielaff’s upcoming projects, check her blog.

Tiny World Terrariums

Create your own miniature world full of beautiful flora and fake fauna with this step-by-step guide

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From their Victorian-era genesis to waves of popularity in the ’70s and in recent years, terrariums have taken on a variety of mossy forms. Leading their most recent charge was the uniquely charming, Brooklyn-based Twig Terrariums, whose uncanny ability to build miniature worlds complete with perfectly manicured landscapes and quirky characters breathed new life into the household standby. Twig creators Michelle Inciarrano and Katy Maslow have recently released Tiny World Terrariums, sharing step-by-step instructions on creating your own verdant paradise.


With revealing photography of little dioramic worlds depicting every situation imaginable—from graffiti writers in Manhattan to backpacking adventures in the desert—the DIY manual teaches the average crafter how to transform their own glass jar from a simple dish to an enchanting landscape. The book is filled with dictionary-like descriptions and even suggestions of proper tools for harvesting moss from the wild, making this little book an ideal guide for the novice “terrarer”.


Tiny World Terrariums is now available from Amazon for about $25. The book may also be purchased directly from Twig Terrariums, which also has more information, terrarium inspiration and a list of suggested NYC-based retailers for terrarium essentials.

Mad in Spain Titles

L’agence Süperfad a pu réaliser à l’occasion du festival Mad in Spain 2012 une séquence pour annoncer les intervenants. Nando Costa a pensé des créations typographiques autour de lettre en céramique peintes à la main. Un rendu en time-lapse à découvrir.




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Gleb Tarro Photography

Focus sur Gleb Tarro, un photographe américain renommé et reconnu pour la qualité de ses clichés. Avec des images simples et éblouissantes de nature, ce dernier parvient à exploiter tout son talent. Une sélection de visuels à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.




















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Cool Hunting Video Presents: California Carnivores

Follow our journey through a bizarre world of hungry plants at North America’s largest carnivorous plant nursery

In our latest video we trekked out into the beautiful farmland outside Sebastopol, California to visit California Carnivores, North America’s largest carnivorous plant nursery. We spoke with founder Peter D’Amato about his personal history with these hungry plants, their cultural significance and what it takes to raise up fantastical plants from seed. Taking in the active plant life, we watched Venus Flytraps chowing down and a got a peak inside the stomach of an American Pitcher Plant.