Inspired by Alchemy: Designers visit the theme of alchemy by mixing mathematics with magic

Inspired by Alchemy

by Stefano Caggiano Design is all about making things more than they are initially—more efficient, more beautiful, more meaningful. In their work in improving reality, designers take care of all dimensions, from the functional, material ones to the aesthetic, conceptual ones. They are…

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MoMATH: National Museum of Mathematics offers new perspectives on making the subject approachable


In opening to the general public in NYC last weekend, the National Museum of Mathematics (MoMATH) became the only numerically-focused museum in North America. The idea behind the museum dedicated to the quantitative field, according to mathematician, founder and executive director Glen Whitney, stems from the desire “to remove…

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Tactile Waveforms

Voici le dernier court métrage de Süperfad. Réalisée par Nando Costa, cette vidéo explore les liens entre la science, les mathématiques et la musique. Visuellement impressionnante, la création est à découvrir en images et en vidéo dans la suite.



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Light + Mathematics

Un nouveau showreel de l’artiste Peter Szewczyk, avec une impressionnante liste de collaboration comme les films Shrek, Harry Potter, Ice Age ou Star Wars. Une vraie maîtrise en animation, direction et effets visuels. Vidéo disponible dans la suite.


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