My Better Half Series

Amanda Jane Jones est une graphiste basée dans le Michigan qui a eu l’excellente idée de photographier des couples de personnes pour sa série créative My Better Half. Elle prend ainsi un cliché du couple ainsi qu’une photo de chaque personne qu’elle étoffe graphiquement avec des anecdotes et des symboles.

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Him Her

Nessim Higson nous propose sa dernière animation en jouant sur la typographie. “Him Her” se veut être l’histoire d’une relation entre lui et elle, simplement par l’enchainement de lettres retraçant les phrases les plus importantes d’une romance. A découvrir dans la suite.




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H.BLOOM for Valentine’s Day

Ace your Valentine’s Day gift-giving with a helpful info-graphic

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With Valentine’s Day a week away, people everywhere are nervously approaching flower shops. Most don’t know what they want and they may be worried about getting the wrong thing. With this in mind, H.BLOOM brings you a handy info-graphic to help you pick the right bouquet for your beloved. As a special offer for Valentine’s Day, the subscription-based flower delivery service is offering the option to buy individual arrangements outside of their regular plans. However, if you’re feeling extra romantic, go ahead and spring for the full service, which allows you to have flowers delivered on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis.

Subscriptions are currently offered in Washington D.C., New York City, San Francisco and Chicago, and can be purchased on the H.BLOOM website. One-time deliveries can be made anywhere in the continental U.S. by calling 1-877-425-6665.



Rethinking the standard brand film, Waris Ahluwalia creates a dreamy love adventure to feature select hotels

Premiering last night, HERE is a dreamy short film produced by Waris Ahluwalia for The Luxury Collection Hotels & Resorts. A romantic treasure hunt of sorts, the film stars Agyness Deyn, whose journey takes her halfway around the world following clues that lead to her mate. Directed by Luca Guadagnino and shot in only nine days, the team traveled from the Equinox Resort
in Manchester, Vermont to the Phoenician Resort in Scotsdale, Arizona and finally ended at the Royal Hawaiian in Waikiki.

A puzzle, a journey and an adventure in luxury, the 15-minute film is warming and meditative. The piece is timeless—there are no hints of when, only where. The hotels are featured, but not promoted. It’s a simple love story full of happiness and levity. The costumes, sets and lighting are all gorgeous. HERE is a piece of art, but HERE is also a film commissioned by the brand and marketing group at Starwood’s The Luxury Collection. While we’re not surprised Waris and his team could produce such a great work, it’s a pleasure to know that an organization like Starwood could step back and have trust in the creative process, letting a piece like this come to life.

Arab Stereotypes

Peter Fuss a eu l’idée de placer dans la gare de Gdansk en Pologne ces affiches. Avec un message de paix, ces affiches sont là pour rappeler de ne pas penser qu’avec des stéréotypes, et qu’il faut prendre du recul sur ce que l’on peut entendre. Une action efficace à découvrir dans la suite.














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Pietro BigChief

Lui è il piccolo, dolcissimo Pietro BigChief

Pietro BigChief

Blik Animation

Le studio Polder Animation a imaginé ce film d’animation de courte durée et sobrement intitulé “Blik”. Il présente l’histoire d’un jeune garçon tombant amoureux de sa voisine plus âgée que lui. Une vidéo joliment réalisée, qui est à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.




Previously on Fubiz

Copyright Fubiz™ – Suivez nous sur Twitter et Facebook

A Love Story in Milk

Catsnake a réalisé pour “Friends of the Earth” ce spot sympathique autour d’une histoire d’amour entre 2 bouteilles de lait. Tournant autour du sujet du recyclage, cette vidéo intelligente se veut sensibiliser, tout en utilisant le levier de l’humour. Une création à découvrir dans la suite.




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Max Wanger

Reinvented wedding photography captures modern love

Cover bands and Jordan almonds aside, the real make-or-break wedding detail comes down to the one thing that may even outlast the vows—the photos. One wedding photographer reinventing traditional wedding photography is Los Angeles-based lensman Max Wanger. With a confident eye, Wanger captures effortlessly elegant images of love-filled weddings, engagements or couple’s lives, creating tangible memories that wouldn’t look out of place in a glossy publication. Describing his work as “offbeat, whimsical and romantic” and inspired by everything from Mos Def to “little kids who are way cooler than me,” this blogger-photographer-retailer had plenty to tell us about love, lens choice and lifelong commitment.

Big one first, what does love mean to you?

I’m not sure how to adequately articulate that. As a photographer, I’m lucky enough to be surrounded by love all the time and I’m lucky enough to be able to capture it. In that sense, love is what I see all around me.

Who inspired you to get behind a lens?

I built my first camera when I was seven-years-old. I made a Polaroid out of paper and scotch tape. I suppose that was the beginning of my photography career.

Did you plan to start shooting couples and wedding or was it something you just fell into?

As silly as it sounds, it just happened one day. I thought there might be a way to put my own spin on weddings, to photograph them differently. So I tried. Now, two years later, here I am.


How do you capture such intimate and private moments in your pictures without interrupting the moment?

I try to stay invisible as much as I can. The beginning of a shoot is always the hardest for clients because very few are comfortable in front of a camera. After a few minutes though, you get into a rhythm and it becomes all about them, and at that point I’m just an observer.

You are married yourself?

Yes, I got married last year. Shooting my own wedding would have been a pretty impressive feat, but, thankfully and luckily, we have amazing friends who are also amazing photographers so they shot it for us.

What are your tools of choice?

Photo mechanic to sort through images, Photoshop to process… Oh yeah, a few 5D Mark IIs, a handful of Polaroids and a Contax G2.

How did your popular blog and now online shop come about?

The blog was a necessity to get the work out there, to establish a voice. The shop was started because I wanted to do something different; I wanted to push myself in another way. The original idea behind it was to sell limited edition shirts based on my photographs. The hope was to sell a different shirt every month so people could collect them. I’ve since changed it so it isn’t monthly anymore. When I feel inspired to put another design out there, I do it. We actually just released our first hoodie and we also sell prints and postcards.


What is the greatest compliment you’ve ever received?

Someone once told me that I made them believe in love again. That was a pretty good one.

Does being behind the lens ever stop you from fully embracing the moment?

I don’t think so. If anything, I feel like I embrace it more behind the lens. When I’m behind the camera, I feel like I’m seeing a world no one else sees. I think that every photographer needs to feel that way, otherwise what’s the point? Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the moment that I have to be careful—I’ve almost fallen off of a cliff and a roof, and I’ve actually fallen into a pool. Not my finest moment.

What do you think of apps like Hipstamatic and Instagram?

I like them. I think they’re fun. Ultimately, that’s what photography is about—having fun, experimenting and letting go.

What do you do when you’re not shooting?

When I’m not shooting, I’m processing. When I’m not processing, I’m responding to e-mails. There’s no end to learning how to run a business.


What inspires you?

Off the top of my head—Rodney Smith, Tim Walker, Paolo Pellegrin, Mos Def, New York, Tokyo, negative space, simplicity, little kids who are way cooler than me.

What’s next for you?

The immediate are trips to New York, London and Ireland. In the future are commercial gigs, personal projects, a little golf and a lot of sleep.

Love Ring

Disegnato da Natalia Gomensoro, potrete comporre lettere come love, kiss, ever, more, fun, amor, beso, etc…lo trovate qui.

Love Ring