Ready To Party In Singapore With red dot award: design concept!

You can define concept design as creative energies that think more efficiently. One of the benchmarks of this genre is the red dot award: design concept. By the time you read this, team YD will be Singapore bound to capture the events live, as they unfold. October 19th is when the winners will be unveiled for the 2012 edition. This year was special as YD’s publisher Takashi Yamada was one of the jury members. In Takashi’s own words, the whole experience was empowering! Join Yanko Design live on the red carpet as we catch the histrionics of young designers as they waltz up the ramp to claim their coveted prize. The party begins at 7:00 pm – Singapore time, so stay tuned to Facebook, Twitter and this page!

Live from Singapore: 7:00 pm [4:00 am PST]

Here is a quick recap of the 2011 event.

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(Ready To Party In Singapore With red dot award: design concept! was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Singapore Calling – Live Coverage of the 2011 red dot concept design
  2. YD & red dot award: design concept Partner Up!
  3. 20 Best of Best red dot award : design concept 2011

Projection Mapping Live

Cette vidéo est un montage reprenant une partie de la performance live entièrement composée par l’artiste Dandypunk. Sur l’excellente musique Ants d’Edit, ce projection mapping en live dévoile le voyage d’un homme à la recherche des secrets renfermés dans le livre « The Alchemy of Light ». Plus dans la suite.

Projection Mapping Live5
Projection Mapping Live4
Projection Mapping Live2
Projection Mapping Live
Projection Mapping Live3

Libratone Speaker

Voici ces enceintes de la marque danoise Libratone au look épuré et doté d’une connectivité sans fil « Airplay ». Elles sont conçus en bois laqué et s’habillent de housses en tissus. Pour l’occasion, Fubiz vous permet de gagner un exemplaire Libratone Live en édition limitée par tirage au sort dans les commentaires.


Pour obtenir le modèle Libratone Live en édition limitée (valeur 700 euros) : par retweet du compte Twitter, en rejoignant la page Facebook Fubiz et enfin par tirage au sort dans les commentaires jusqu’au 5 août minuit.


TEDxMogadishu: Rebirth

An impromptu conference aimed at reforming a war-torn nation

For many Somali‬ refugees, the film Black Hawk Down serves as one of their only memories of the civil war that has ravaged their country for the last two decades. This Thursday, 17 May 2012, thousands of expats—along with the rest of the world—will see their nation again in a live broadcast of TEDxMogadishu, an impromptu conference bravely taking place in Somalia’s capital city.

Documenting the event are filmmakers Sebastian Lindstrom and Alicia Sully, a progressive duo who recently shot a feature film highlighting the various ways people use camel milk. After filming the TEDx summit in Doha, Lindstrom and Sully joined fellow organizers in Somalia to finalize plans for TEDxMogadishu and make the underground announcement about the nation-shaping symposium.


With a war on the periphery and pirates on the beaches why risk venturing to Mogadishu when the whole conference will be streamed online via satellite? Well, for the first time in years, Mogadishu is being spared active fighting, and people are coming back and opening businesses. There are success stories to share, like that of participant and supporter Liban Egal, who is the founder of the brand new First Somali Bank.


The goal for TEDxMogadishu is to create a space in which to spread ideas for positive change in Somalia. Lindstrom points out that the group empowering the independently organized event isn’t the first to see a change taking place in Somalia (he helpfully sent over links to The New York Times, Newsweek, Voice of America and Foreign Policy). In some ways, Mogadishu is a model forum for the TEDx conference as it stands on the forefront of something hugely important–the rebirth of a nation.


If you tune in to the satellite stream of the conference on Thursday, you will witness a powerful movement happening in Mogadishu. Along with the short lead time on the announcement of the event, safety precautions are being put into place to protect the attendees and speakers, which Lindstrom says includes “a chef and restauranteur, a real estate developer, the founder of a university, the founder of the first Somali bank, a camel farmer, healthcare specialist, a Somali journalist and more.”

To find out how to attend the three-hour conference you can call or email the organizers. Those tuning in digitally can catch the live feed at 2pm in Mogadishu (12pm London, 7am New York).

Best Summer of my Life

Sur la musique Ommadawn de Mike Oldfield, le réalisateur connu sous le nom de BabaBC nous propose une vidéo retraçant son été qu’il a pu passer en Amérique du Sud, du Pérou au Brésil. De belles images filmées avec un Canon 550D à découvrir dans la suite.







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Montreal – Live The Language

Un hommage aux excellentes vidéos Live The Language de Gustav Johansson, avec cette réalisation et collaboration de Xuan Pham et Roman Koscianski autour des richesses de la ville de Montréal. Des plans et un travail sur la typographie, sur la musique de Magnus Lidehall.




Previously on Fubiz

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National Geographic – Augmented Reality

Un excellent concept par l’agence Appshaker pour National Geographic, avec cette démonstration en réalité augmentée dans un centre commercial en Hongrie. Un écran géant permettant l’incrustation d’images 3D en temps réel tels que des dauphins, dinosaures ou léopards.


Previously on Fubiz

Copyright Fubiz™ – Suivez nous sur Twitter et Facebook

Live The Language

Une magnifique série de spots pour les stages linguistiques par EF, avec cette déclinaison sous forme de “séquences de vie”. Une direction de Gustav Johansson, et un travail de typographie d’Albin Holmqvist dans les villes de Paris, London ou Beijing. Les vidéos sont dans la suite.





Previously on Fubiz

Copyright Fubiz™ – Suivez nous sur Twitter et Facebook

Static On The Wire


After three years of anticipation, DFA’s Holy Ghost delivers a set of nu-disco classics with their debut EP, Static On The Wire. Dropping today, 18 May 2010, its slick, retro stylings go beyond the surface, capturing the dance-floor grandeur of Giorgio Moroder and Bobby O with “Say My Name” and “I Will Come Back.”


Nick Millhiser and Alex Frankel established their name as deejays and remixers, reworking tracks from Moby and MGMT to Phoenix. Having supported electronic musician The Juan Maclean, the two (bonafide perfectionists known to nerd out on their tons of gear and equipment) have fully developed their live act and the work paid off. We caught the Brooklyn-based duo performing for the first time ever this past weekend in the basement of Damon Dash’s TriBeCa studio for an intimate, sweaty crowd of about a hundred. With Alex on vocals and keys, while Nick attacked the drums like a machine, their show mixed the energy of a house party with the polish of experienced musicians—to awesome effect.

Catch Holy Ghost yourself when they tour with LCD Soundsystem this summer. Static On The Wire sells from iTunes and Amazon.

AntiVJ Projects

Coup de projecteur sur les derniers projets du label visuel AntiVJ. Un mélange réussi entre live et installations design réalisées en mai 2009 pour le festival Nuits Sonores de Lyon ou encore en Corée du Sud avec Songdo : une performance audiovisuelle inattendue.

Une collaboration entre Yannick Jacquet, Joanie Lemercier, Olivier Ratsi, Romain Tardy, Thomas Vaquié et Nicolas Boritch.

Previously on Fubiz