Give your smart phone and tablet a good uncluttering

A few weeks ago, my family traveled to New York City. Part of my preparation was to add a few TV shows to my iPad for the kids to watch on our way there and then back. Of course, I found out right away that I did not have enough free space available on my iPad, so I had to decide which apps, photos, ebooks, etc. to delete.

That process highlighted just how cluttered my device had become. The thing was filled with unused apps, partially watched TV shows, and there wasn’t any order to anything. Before we left, I did a quick deletion of items to free up some emergency space, then after we returned from vacation I did a good house cleaning on my iPad. You can, too, on whatever smart phone and/or tablet you may have.

  1. Delete unused apps. It’s so tempting to leave an app on your device because you might need it “someday.” In my experience, that someday almost never comes. Months later, I had well over two dozen apps installed that I hadn’t launched in twice as long. I deleted them. Now, if that day does come that I need that one special app, I can re-download it for free then and there.
  2. Organize the keepers. Operating systems on smart phones and tablets give you much control over the placement and grouping of your device’s apps. On an Apple product, to move things around tap and hold onto any app until they start dancing around. I call this “Jiggle Mode.” Now you can move then onto other screens, or create folders of like apps by dropping them onto each other. Just be sure to avoid …
  3. Folders on the Home Screen. Your device’s Home Screen should contain only the apps you use most often (Unsure? Keep a running list for a week). It’s tempting to make, say, a “Work” folder on the Home Screen. But, avoid this. I like to have one-tap access to most of the apps on my home screen, so keep most of your folders on the second screen, third, etc.
  4. Keep photos under control. Photos can devour storage space fast. If you use Apple’s iPhoto to sync photos, you’re in luck. Create a “Smart Album” to automatically grab, say, the last six months’ worth of photos. Select New Smart Album from the file menu, then select “Date” and “Is within the range last six months.” Finally, with your device connected to iTunes, tell it to sync only that folder. That way you’ll always have the latest photos to show off and not those that are years old.
  5. Reclaim storage space. Launch the Settings app and then tap General and then Usage. You’ll get a list of your apps and how much space each is using. Some camera apps, like Camera +, maintain their own camera rolls of photos, in addition to what your iPhone’s Camera app maintains. Delete those duplicate photos to save a lot of space.
  6. Re-think iTunes sync. I’ve fallen in love with Rdio, a subscription service that lets me stream music to my iPad and iPhone for a monthly fee. In fact, I barely use iTunes or Apple’s Music app anymore. Therefore, I stopped syncing my music to my iPhone and iPad, saving a lot of space. If you use a third-party app for podcasts (like Instacast), disable podcast sync through iTunes, too.
  7. Give it a good scrubbing. Once in a while, remove your case and give it and your phone/tablet a good cleaning. There are many manufacturers who make wipes specifically for electronic devices. I’m partial to iKlear.

There you have it! My pre-vacation frustration is your gain. For those who really want to go hardcore clutter-free, I have one more tip. Note that it breaks my rule about folders on the Home Screen … but that’s okay.

Most of us only use a few apps consistently. For me, Mail, Apple’s Camera, Twitterrific for Twitter, Calendar, Apple’s Podcasts and Safari are the big six. Yet, I’ve got twenty icons on my home screen. Why? In fact, it’s possible to have up to 48 apps immediately accessible from the home screen without creating a cluttered mess. Instead, you’ll be able to look at your favorite photo unhindered. Here’s how.

First, identify your most frequently-used apps. Don’t worry if it’s more than six. Like I said, you can keep up to 48. Next, follow these steps:

  1. Enter “Jiggle Mode” and gather the apps into a folder(s). You can store up to 12 apps in a folder, and the dock will hold four folders.
  2. Give each folder a descriptive name, like “Work,” “Reading” or “Games.”
  3. Drag the folders into the Dock, displacing apps you use less frequently.
  4. Clear the rest off of your home screen by dragging them to other pages.

Your’e done! Now you can access your favorite apps easily while enjoying a clutter-free home screen. Of course, you aren’t restricted to the iPhone. Below is a screenshot of this setup on my iPad.


Now, get out your iPad, iPhone, smartphone and/or tablet and unclutter it.

Let Unclutterer help you get your home or office organized. Subscribe to our helpful product shipments from Quarterly today.

Fubiz on iPad and Android

Découvrez dès maintenant l’application iPad & Android Fubiz pour accéder à l’ensemble de vos articles et contenus sur votre tablette. Avec un design et une ergonomie entièrement repensés pour un confort de lecture maximal, cette application a pour but de vous offrir la meilleure expérience de Fubiz sur tablette.

Conçue par Fubiz, The Twelve & Ileo Tech, voici les fonctionnalités de l’application iPad et Android :

– Ergonomie et design entièrement repensés
– Fonctions de partage Facebook et Twitter
– Deux vues : mosaïc et horizontale
– Slideshow d’images et de vidéos
– Un onglet Fubiz TV
– Un tri par catégorie
– Moteur de recherche

Site officiel – Fubiz for iPad : App Store – Fubiz for Android : Google Play

Fubiz on Ipad and Android copie
Fubiz on iPad and Androi
Fubiz on iPad and Android11
Fubiz on iPad and Android10
Fubiz on iPad and Android9
Fubiz on iPad and Android6
Fubiz on iPad and Android5
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Interaction of Color App: Josef Albers’ influential book on color reimagined for the iPad

Interaction of Color App

In 1963, Yale University Press published a book that would change the way people approached color. Now, in partnership with The Josef and…

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MAXHASH: Put the world’s hashtags in the palm of your hand with HYPERHYPER’s new app


MAXHASH, the first app from design and developer studio HYPERHYPER, is the newest way to browse the internet. The app conglomerates hashtags from popular social media networks (so far…

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iMessaging With iBackpack

Love the idea of owning the iBackpack, a simple communicating tool for cyclists. The backpack features a transparent window through which your tablet (aka iPad) can be seen. It syncs in with your Smartphone via Bluetooth and using a special app, you can let the world know if you are going to be taking a right or a left turn. The Smartphone doubles up as a rearview mirror and relays info like break signal or emoticons and messages to the tablet.

Here is how it works:

Rear Mirror: Scenes behind users are displayed on their smart phone by using camera on tablet PC in the backpack.

Turn Signal: Using swipe and gyro sensor in smart phone on bicycle handle bar.

Break Signal: When riding speed rapidly slows down, speed sensor in Smartphone will recognize it and relay it.

Message: Users can display messages on their tablet PC by selecting saved messages on smart phone.

Designer: Soohun Jung

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(iMessaging With iBackpack was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Freedom To Draw, To Create, To Rest My Hand On The iPad

We are well aware that Adonit is set on making tools that help creative people stay creative, even on the go. With our increased dependency on tablets like the iPad and innovative apps, drawing and sketching on using technology is a natural extension of who we are now. The latest Jot 4 Stylus overcomes many of the obstacles that were posed earlier, thanks to innovative solutions like Palm Rejection.

With the goal to remove barriers that limit thought and creation, Adonit strives to make drawing on the iPad, as natural as possible. One of the problems that most users faced was the inability of the iPad to allow the resting of the palm on the screen while drawing. This is mainly because the iPad is designed to be used by stubby fingers and not precise tools like the Adonit Jot. To overcome this hurdle and make sketching as intuitive as possible, Palm Rejection has been introduced. What this means is that the Jot Touch 4 lets you rest your hand on the screen as you work. The only thing that will make a line is your stylus. It’s time to draw like you’re used to.

In fact the Jot 4 is the first stylus to get 2,048 levels of pressure sensitivity on the iPad. With Bluetooth 4.0, this new Jot Touch helps delivers the best looking and most natural lines. The fine tip gives you accuracy that rubber nibs can’t and the precision disc lets you see exactly where your mark is being made. If you ask my honest opinion, then the Jot is the most precise stylus I have used thus far. The the ballpoint precision and quality is something that Adonit Jot Styluses are known for!

Here is a list of Jot Touch compatible apps that keeps growing even as we speak! One last thing… when paired with Bluetooth 4 devices, the new Jot Touch gets up to 1 month of battery life on a single charge!

Designer: Adonit [ Buy it Here ]

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(Freedom To Draw, To Create, To Rest My Hand On The iPad was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Big pixels are back!

The 8-bit Bumper for iPhone 5 and 8-Bit Sleeve for iPad Mini hearken back to the beginnings of the video game revolution, when the music was awesome and mushrooms were the most valuable treasure! The pixelated design and jaggy edges complete the 8-Bit look and durable TPU material keeps iDevices safe. If Mario had an iPhone, this would have been his bumper… and you can own it here!

Designer: Big Big Pixel

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(Big pixels are back! was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Focus sur Adrià Navarro et Di Shin qui ont imaginé ce projet « Inkscapes ». Une impressionnante performance réalisée sur un mur interactif au « Interactive Corps Building » dans la ville de New York. Trois artistes dessinent sur des iPads pour créer du contenu en temps réel. Le tout est à découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.


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Hex Cross Body for Apple Newton

In 1993 Apple changed the way we interact with technology on the go with the introduction of the original tablet device, the Newton. The personal digital assistant put the power of the era’s most impressive technologies—writing notes, drawing shapes, faxing and saving to…

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Phhhoto: Animated GIFs turned party souvenirs through a ring-lit photo booth


GIFs are fun, shareable, and now they’re the ultimate party trick. Our friends at software company HYPERHYPER originally created PHHHOTO—a social photo booth that creates looped-motion images—to record a blowout event they were throwing last December. Engaging and endlessly entertaining, PHHHOTO was such a huge hit that they decided…

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