Fubiz Interactive

Nous sommes fiers de vous présenter aujourd’hui le site corporate de l’agence Fubiz Interactive spécialisée en communication numérique et en édition en ligne. Un site vitrine présentant les projets et les différents clients de l’agence. Plus de visuels dans la suite.








Une navigation au clavier ou à la souris la plus intuitive possible, sur un travail en collaboration avec le collectif 9ko. Vos différentes remarques et retours sur le site sont les bienvenues.

Previously on Fubiz

Interactive MultiTouch Sphere

Basé à Londres depuis 1998, voici le studio créatif Seeper. Un collectif qui explore les différentes interactions utilisateurs et numériques en créant des expériences multi-sensorielles. Un exemple avec cette sphère tactile et interactive. A découvrir dans la suite.



Previously on Fubiz

Interactive Type

Une application dynamique intitulée Laika qui permet de créer une police qui se modifie en temps-réel. De nombreuses possibilités et paramètres grâce à un boîtier conçu pour l’occasion. Une idée intéressante par le duo Michael Flückiger et Nicholas Kunz.


Previously on Fubiz

Interactive Liquid Wall

Une décoration d’intérieur interactive avec cette idée de mur entièrement souple qui garde les empreintes et interagit avec les êtres humains. Un concept du designer allemand Stefan Ulrich (Elpolo), gagnant aux International Design Awards 2009. Plus d’images dans la suite.



Previously on Fubiz

Jim Denevan

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“Jim Denevan draws inspiration from the earth to create sensual works of fleeting beauty—culinary installations in sunny farmlands across America and large-scale art pieces on the wave-swept sands of coastal beaches.”  You can make a reservation on his website.

virtual laser keyboard

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Amazingly cool! A pocket-sized laser device that emits a full-size functional QWERTY keyboard – that will work on any flat surface. Created by i.Tech, it’s available for wireless or cable.

Toast messenger by Sasha Tseng

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Eat your words! This toaster by Sasha Tseng incorporates a little message board where one can write quick notes. The message also gets “toasted” into the toast itself. Fun fun! See Sasha’s website of wonderful projects here.

Coca-Cola’s 100-Flavor Soda Fountain

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Coca-Cola is introducing a “fountain of the future” beverage dispenser that contains more than 100 flavours! Read more about this amazing interactive machine here.

Olafur Eliasson: Sculptor of light and space

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Olafur Eliasson is one of the most interesting and influential visual artists of our time. He brings the idea of “interactivity” to a new level. He is more interested in “why” rather than the “what”. In this talk, he speaks quite eloquently about his work.

“Many of his best-known works explore architecture and the mechanics of perception, almost as if the fantastical imaginings of Buckminster Fuller were reinterpreted by a cognitive scientist.”
Michael Joseph Gross, New York magazine

WAD magazine

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WAD’s an urban fashion and culture magazine that takes a really unique approach to its publishing. Not only have they set up a totally awesome way to navigate older editions on their site, they’ve also reworked how each issue is themed and edited. A guest editor, that is usually a top player in a particular industry (including the head of Ed Banger Records), is given free rein over their own issue. Here