The Goods on How your taxes are spent

In honor of tax day the people over at GOOD visualize ‘how our taxes are spent’. To view the infographic in actual size, you know what to do.

Now That’s Ecovative!

This time last year, the “ecovators” entered our radar behind their groundbreaking styrofoam alternative. Now, Ecovative Design – a Green Island, New York based start-up – has announced a deal with Ford to develop a fungus-based, biodegradable material to be used for car bumpers, doors, and dashboards. Visit Good Magazine to learn more about this […]

Visualizing the cost of the Oil Spill in the Gulf

Good Magazine
has posted an informative infographic on the present cost of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. See the expanded version here.

GOOD Magazine Launches Design Competition For Haiti

GOOD magazine, has teamed up with PRE and Studio X to launch a design competition that seeks to rebuild Haiti. The call for entries asks creatives to come up with strategic, organizational, institutional, and/or architectural solutions to assist Haiti in their recovery efforts.

The winner of this month’s competition will receive half of the pooled entry fees, while the remaining half of the entry fees will be donated to the Haitian relief effort. Submit your ideas here.

World AIDS Day Infographic

Currently 33 million people suffer from HIV worldwide, GOOD magazine’s transparency for World AIDS Day visualizes countries that have made positive strides in reducing the number of people with HIV and others that have experienced a rise. To view the image at full-size click here.

GOOD info graphic

GOOD Magazine states:
There are 1.4 million active duty soldiers in the U.S. military. Of those, 117,000 soldiers are currently serving in Iraq and 68,000 are currently serving in Afghanistan.

Where arew the other 1.2 million?

Another Good Info Graphic

In their latest Transparency Series. Good in collaboration with Lamosca bring clarity into where CO2 emissions are coming from. Launch the BIG graphic here.

Sinking Ships

GOOD Magazines’ latest Transparency takes a closer look at the 20 of the largest bankruptcies ever—8 of which have happened in the last two years. Just last week General Motors joined the list of sinking ships at #4. To view the info graphic at full size peak over at GOOD.


A History of Gay Marriage

With the ruling on Tuesday by California’s Supreme Court to uphold the ban on same-sex marriages we felt this info-graphic by Good Magazine was appropriate. The graphic visualizes the history of Gay Marriage Bans in the United States.

The ruling leaves five states that allow same-sex marriages— Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, Vermont and Iowa—and four of those are in New England. The other states on the verge of approving gay marriage or debating it—New Hampshire, New York and New Jersey—are all in the Northeast, making same-sex marriage appear increasingly to be a regional phenomenon rather than a national trend.
