This picture (more after the jump) is from an event curated by Italian group Petralito Rotiroti Associati (dedicated to graphic design, visual identity, editorials, graphics for exhibitions, and events). It involved five Italian street artists (BROS, ERON, IVAN, NAIS, OZMO) in a unique, experientially focused exhibition. Amazing venue too.
“The exhibit hosted by the Urban Metamorphoses section of the 2009 Creativity Festival showcases experiences rather than works of art. The project envisions five private spaces of which each artist takes possession and expresses his or her own artistic experience. The five previously unpublished works have been especially created for the exhibition and are featured in spaces where visitors can go in and listen to the narrations of each artist. The exhibition is curated by Michelangelo Petralito, Gianni De Simone, Iolanda Rotiroti and Serena Vinattieri.”

Photos by MAX ROMMEL