The Most Advanced Sign on Earth

Le studio Breakfast NY nous propose de découvrir leur concept « The Most Advanced Sign on Earth ». Repensant l’usage des panneaux d’indication, cette création propose différentes catégories d’informations évoluant en fonction de l’actualité et des évènements. Une idée ingénieuse à découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.

Iron Man III Concepts

Jose Ortiz est un artiste basé à Los Angeles qui maîtrise à la perfection les différents outils en termes d’animation et de motion graphics. Il a récemment été en charge du générique d’introduction du film Iron Man III. Différentes créations impressionnantes à retrouver en vidéos dans la suite de l’article.

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Iron Man III Concepts-6
Iron Man III Concepts-4
Iron Man III Concepts-3
Iron Man III Concepts-2
Iron Man III Concepts-1
Iron Man III Concepts-5
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Atelier Oi per Louis Vuitton

Sono sempre un po’ scettico di fronte alle commistione tra moda e design, nonostante questa tendenza sia molto diffusa e ancora lungi dall’esaurirsi. Il copione è noto: le aziende di arredo e design sono continuamente in cerca di nuove idee e di visibilità, e si sono rese conto che una buona maniera di ottenere entrambe è collaborare con una casa di moda per dare una rinfrescata a qualche classico che hanno in catalogo da molti anni. Il rischio più grande è quello di ridursi a un’operazione di styling, che trasmette lo spirito della collaborazione solamente attraverso l’uso di materiali, colori e texture diverse.
Ci sono naturalmente delle eccezioni, una di queste è data da Louis Vuitton che ha messo insieme una squadra di super designers per creare una collezione di oggetti non direttamente collegabili al proprio brand, ma accumunati dal tema della mobilità e dall’uso della pelle. Il titolo della collezione è Objets Nomades: il mio preferito è lo sgabello progettato dagli svizzeri di Atelier oï, ma in quest’articolo di Dezeen puoi vedere il resto della collezione.

L’idea è chiaramente ispirata agli origami e, come un foglio di carta, lo sgabello può essere ripiegato fino a diventare una sottile cartella facilmente trasportabile. La superficie dello sgabello è rivestita di pelle colorata, ma all’interno è inserito un elemento in alluminio che conferisce alla struttura la solidità necessaria.

Atelier oï ha un formidabile portfolio di progetti di interior ed industrial design, alcuni di questi li ritengo dei capolavori per il fascino e l’eleganza della forma e delle soluzioni costruttive. Uno di questi è sicuramente la serie di lampade Allegro creata per Foscarini.

Tweezers by Clemens Auer

Austrian designer Clemens Auer has created a pair of tweezers made from a single loop of metal.

Clemens Auer designed the steel grooming aid to mimic the “O” shape created when the index finger and thumb of one hand are brought together in a pinching gesture.

Tweezers by Clemens Auer

“It is a poetic and intuitive translation of an image that feels natural into a simple product,” he told us.

Apart from the two ends that curve out to create the plucking implement, the metal band almost forms a complete circle

Tweezers by Clemens Auer

Galvanisation with various alloys can be used to achieve different coloured finishes.

More grooming tools on Dezeen include a stainless steel shaving set akin to industrial tools and shaving brushes with long locks of hair instead of short bristles.

Tweezers by Clemens Auer

credit card-sized pack of USB sticks and a tap that uses half as much water as a normal faucet are other useful items we’ve featured lately.

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Clemens Auer
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Interview: Raymond Biesinger: The self-taught Canadian illustrator on the sometimes blurry line between corporate and personal work

Interview: Raymond Biesinger

Montreal-based Raymond Biesinger is a self-taught illustrator. His work has featured in publications including the New Yorker, Monocle, the Guardian, Time, GQ, Dwell, the Globe & Mail. With such immense…

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Pick a Porsche: Design “the most personal car you’ll own” with the German company’s Customer Consultation Program

Pick a Porsche

by Katharine Erwin “I never understood someone who says, I want the blue car with the beige interior and buys the black car with a grey interior. I never get that, but it happens all the time.” These are the words of Sascha…

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Ilpox by Marina Hoermanseder

Orthopedic practices to correct body deformities influenced the leather straps and buckles in this fashion collection, presented by Marina Hoermanseder at Graduate Fashion Week earlier this week (+ slideshow).

Ilpox by Marina Hoermanseder

Vegetable-tanned leather is double-sided and painted red on the reverse to create patterns where sections are flipped over.

Ilpox by Marina Hoermanseder

“I became absolutely passionate about working with leather and manipulating it,” Hoermanseder told Dezeen. “I experimented a lot with moulding, twisting, buckling and strapping the leather around the body.”

Ilpox by Marina Hoermanseder

Buckles secure twisted straps down the length of a perforated leather skirt and helmets worn after an accident informed the back of a visored hat.

Ilpox by Marina Hoermanseder

A series of buckled bands form the sleeves of one top, which has a zip-up bodice and two wide shoulder panels clasped at the neck.

Ilpox by Marina Hoermanseder

Straps are also fastened around the legs with metal studs, either over bare skin or white leggings.

Ilpox by Marina Hoermanseder

In some cases the leather items are worn over ruffled tops in red, grey and white, designed to emulate skin maladies.

Ilpox by Marina Hoermanseder

“The colourful silk ruffles were inspired by serious skin conditions such as smallpox and represent skin that is falling apart,” said Hoermanseder. “They provide a contrast to the stiff leather elements.”

Ilpox by Marina Hoermanseder

Accessories include straps that fit around the head and cuffs that look like plaster casts, which can be attached to metal hooks at the breastbones of some tops.

Ilpox by Marina Hoermanseder

“The accessories are my favourite,” the designer said. “Outside of the collection they work with casual clothes, adding a little fetish edge that’s still high fashion.”

Ilpox by Marina Hoermanseder

Other garments are created by wrapping skin-coloured bandages around the body.

Ilpox by Marina Hoermanseder

“My aim was to give women a spine, by giving them support and self-confidence in the world of fashion,” Hoermanseder concluded.

Ilpox by Marina Hoermanseder

The collection formed part of the Esmod Berlin International University of Art for Fashion exhibition and show at Graduate Fashion Week 2013 in London earlier in the week.

Ilpox by Marina Hoermanseder

We recently featured an exhibition in London that displayed fetishistic prosthetics.

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See more 2013 graduate projects »

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Marina Hoermanseder
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Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

Competition: Dezeen and UK designers Dorothy have teamed up to give readers the chance to win one of five prints that group Hollywood actors into constellations named after films they have starred in (+ slideshow).

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

Dorothy‘s pair of Hollywood Star Charts feature constellations named after culturally significant films since 1927 and the group of stars that form the clusters are the actors that appeared in them.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

Films on the Golden Age chart include The Wizard of Oz, Gone with the Wind, Casablanca and fifty-nine more classics.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

The names are mapped onto the Los Angeles night sky as it appeared on 6 October 1927 – the release date of Al Johnson’s The Jazz Singer, the first feature-length motion picture with synchronised dialogue.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

The Exorcist, Star Wars and Pulp Fiction are among the 108 movies on the Modern Day print, based on the night sky over New York on 16 June 1960 – the date and place that Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho debuted.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

Titles were included if they are chosen for preservation in the US National Film Registry, Academy Award winners or the designers’ personal favourites.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

A key at the bottom of each print lists featured actors, date of their Oscar win or nomination and position of their star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

Readers have the chance to win either a dark blue Golden Age or dark grey Modern Day open edition chart, worth £25 each.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

The litho prints are also available as signed limited editions in gold and silver, which cost £100 each. All prints are available to purchase at Dorothy’s online store.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

To enter this competition email your name, age, gender, occupation, and delivery address and telephone number to with “Hollywood Star Charts” in the subject line. We won’t pass your information on to anyone else; we just want to know a little about our readers. Read our privacy policy here.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

Competition closes 4 July 2013. Five winners will be selected at random and notified by email. Winners’ names will be published in a future edition of our Dezeen Mail newsletter and at the top of this page. Dezeen competitions are international and entries are accepted from readers in any country.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

We’ve previously run competitions to win maps with locations names after films and prints that feature bands and songs with colours in their names next to corresponding hues on the colour wheel, both also by Dorothy.

Competition: five Hollywood Star Charts by Dorothy to be won

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See more design by Dorothy »

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by Dorothy to be won
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Negative Space Animal Masterpieces

Basé à Tbilisi en Géorgie, George Bokhua est un illustrateur et graphiste de talent qui nous propose de découvrir cette série « Negative Space Animal Masterpieces ». Des créations minimalistes mais du plus bel effet pour illustrer des animaux en usant aussi bien des pleins que des vides. A découvrir dans la suite.


Boundary lights by Faudet-Harrison for SCP

These pendant lamps designed by London studio Faudet-Harrison for design brand SCP comprise two concentric cylinders.

Boundary lights by Faudet-Harrison for SCP
Boundary 300

Faudet-Harrison combined circles of aluminium in different shapes and sizes to form the lamps, which are manufactured and sold by SCP.

Boundary lights by Faudet-Harrison for SCP
Boundary 120

Each boundary light is composed of two spun aluminium circles, connected by small stainless steel fixings and hung from a white braided cable.

Boundary lights by Faudet-Harrison for SCP
Boundary 320

The inner circles are powder-coated in pebble grey with ends that curve gently inwards, while the outer circles are powder-coated in white.

Boundary lights by Faudet-Harrison for SCP
Boundary 300

The lamps are available in three variations – the 120 is a spotlight, the 300 is an ambient light and the 320 is both a spot and ambient light.

Boundary lights by Faudet-Harrison for SCP
Boundary 320

Boundary lights were on show at Clerkenwell Design Week in London last week. Other lights on show at the event included a pendant lamp made from twenty-six cable ties and lamps based on glass vats found in a milking parlour.

Boundary lights by Faudet-Harrison for SCP
Boundary 120

See all our stories about Clerkenwell Design Week »
See all our stories about lamps design »

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Faudet-Harrison for SCP
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