Unexpected Books by Terry Border

Terry Border se décrit à la fois comme photographe mais aussi en tant qu’humoriste. Il s’est amusé, avec sa série Wiry Limbs Paper Backs, à reprendre des couvertures de livres et à détourner l’objet en fonction de l’histoire que contient ce dernier. Un rendu réussi à découvrir dans la suite.

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Unexpected Books by Terry Border

ListenUp: Chairman Mao’s love for Leonard Cohen, Pacman and Peso in North Korea, William Onyeabor remixed and more in our weekly look at music


Clyde Lawrence Band: Say My Name feat. Gracie Lawrence NYC native Clyde Lawrence had written music for soundtracks like “Miss Congeniality” and “Music & Lyrics” before even turning 15, but more recently, the multi-instrumentalist and singer-songwriter took on Destiny’s Child’s 2000 classic “Continue Reading…

ListenUp: Daft Punk, Sonny Terry, Florence + The Machine and more in our weekly music recap


Sound Advice 171: Handselecta The World’s Best Ever looked to graffiti-focused type designer Christian Acker for the latest installment of Sound Advice, the site’s regular music offering created by a different person every week. Sound Advice…

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Covers Architecture

En utilisant des objets du quotidien, l’artiste Luis Urculo a cherché à représenter différentes structures architecturales pensées par Frank Lloys Wright. Utilisant avec intelligence livres, matériel audiovisuel ou encore vaisselle, voici 10 représentations de bâtiments dans la suite.






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Titanium iPhone 4 Cover

Snow Peak’s minimalist iPhone case solution

Having tried a few different iPhone cases, I was skeptical that any could offer protection without majorly detracting from the sleek form of the phone itself—much less one designed by a camping gear brand. But after shattering my second iPhone, it was time to get serious. The minimalist design of Snow Peak’s cover seemed to fit the bill.

Made from a single piece of titanium, it adds negligible weight and bulk, while incorporating a clip-in lanyard. The ability to hang your phone around your neck might seem like a nerd-level accessory (I’m also guilty of sporting eyeglasses chains on occassion), but the usefulness it lends, from biking with it to cooking and grocery shopping, makes it undeniably chic.

Most importantly, the clean design of Snow Peak’s case most closely matches the iPhone’s aesthetic. Though mine has suffered a few dings and scratches in the weeks I’ve been using it, the case looks like a seamless extension of the silver sides of the phone. For the logo-averse, it conceals the Apple logo, though it does mean I can’t check my lipstick in its mirrored surface.

Limited to an edition of 300 and on sale as of today, the case sells from Snow Peak for $120 each—no, titanium does not come cheap.

Hand-stitched Vogue covers

Inge Jacobsen ha sferruzzato questa cover di VOGUE.

Hand-stitched Vogue covers

Cover Version (LP)

Artists reinvent favorite album art in a group show

Skindeep approximations, deceitful marketing ploys, masterpieces of graphic design—cover art’s slippery role gets a tribute in Cover Version (LP), curator and artist Timothy Hull’s second show to take up the theme. The first, held at Los Angeles’ Taylor De Cordoba gallery, had artists dreaming up alternate covers for books in 2008, but in this show Hull tasked the over two dozen artists with re-imagining record covers that made an impact on them.

Predictably, the resulting exhibit currently at the Brooklyn Academy of Music runs the range, from the iconic (Grace Jones’ Night Clubbing by Colby Bird) to sardonic (
Mathew Cerletty’s
stock photograph version of Harvest) and silly (a topless girl astride a dinosaur as envisioned by Dave McDermott).

The show is open through 20 March 2011, check out more images in the slideshow below.

Web Services Covers

Un excellent travail de l’artiste Stéphane Massa-Bidal, déjà présenté en mai 2009 pour Retrofuturs Quotes. Des couvertures au style rétro afin de présenter les services sociaux et web 2.0 du moment. Plus d’images de son travail dans la suite de l’article.






La suite est disponible dans la galerie

Previously on Fubiz

Incase iPhone/iPod Gaming Covers

Giocando con il vostro iPhone/iPod non sempre si ha una presa solida. Ci ha pensato in questo caso Incase mettendo sul mercato queste ergonomiche Gaming Covers.

Incase iPhone Gaming Covers