LECIA Only Gets Better

Inspired by the monocle and the color wheel, this LEICA X3 concept looks at picking the best features found on smartphones and marrying them with the ones found on a digital camera. So basically this is a lovechild that is the size of a lens and transfers the pictures instantly to your smartphone, tablet or Mac via Bluetooth. The camera is automatically turned on when the lens is flipped out and a simple user interface allows you take pictures in a jiffy.

Specs include both manual and automatic control for aperture, shutter speed and ISO. I like the direction of this concept; it aims at tapping into the future of photography and brings a totally new dimension to the modern habit of sharing pictures with the world.

Designer: Vincent Säll

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(LECIA Only Gets Better was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Henrik Vibskov: Neck Plus Ultra: The Danish fashion designer invades Paris’ Galerie des Galeries for a conceptual exhibition of necks

Henrik Vibskov: Neck Plus Ultra

Named for the Latin motto “nec plus ultra” (literally, “nothing farther beyond”), Henrik Vibskov’s latest effort “Neck Plus Ultra” is a continuation of his AW 2013 show, “The Stiff Neck Chamber.” Taking place in an elaborate space—a forest of upside down long necks that can be identified as black…

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Customizing The Camera Options

Equinox brings to life a new way of customizing cameras. Until now, different CCD parts were used repeatedly, every time we bought different cameras. With the EQUINOX we have a square Corepart with CCD and a lens mount. This aspect allows you can change parts on your own, transforming your gadget from a small compact to Professional high-end camera.

Users varying from general to professional photographers are able to function with ease. Depending on purpose, it can be suitable for journalists and wildlife photographers and there are adapters for indoor shot. Nowadays with advanced technology, Photograph and image software can take control of all processes of a camera in the Studio without the need of a camera body. To sum it up, all we need now with EQUINOX are CCD, lens and a cable adapter.

Designers: Dae jin Ahn & Chun hyun Park

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(Customizing The Camera Options was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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The iWatch Wet Dream

While some of my friends argue that an iWatch would be a failure, the success of TikTok and LunaTik go to prove that wearable gadgets on the wrist are more than welcome. Keeping this in mind, designer Tolga Tuncer capitalizes on the iWave with his version of the iWatch concept.

With the ability to communicate and Cloud sync with the iPhone, iPad, iMac and MacBook, this slim concept watch features a non-touch screen OLED screen teamed with a slim touchpad. Specs include a slim touchpad with MP3 controls at the lower end of the body. It measures only 3.3 cm wide and consists of several sections that are attached to a flexible bracelet body.

Designer: Tolga Tuncer

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(The iWatch Wet Dream was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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The iSmart In Television

All the great things you ever wanted in a TV, they can be found in the Smart TV Concept. WiFi, gesture control, currency conversion, weather report and much more! I agree that as a concept you can keep adding features that please you but if we look at this smartly, then the panel kinda design nails it for me. What do you think?

Designer: Vladimir Ogorodnikov

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(The iSmart In Television was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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McLaren P1 Supercar

A quelques jours du salon de l’automobile de Genève 2013, le constructeur britannique McLaren a dévoilé sa supersportive P1. Cette voiture hybride au design splendide concurrence les performances de vitesse de la Bugatti Veyron. Un modèle supercar d’exception qui ne sera produit qu’à 375 exemplaires.

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McLaren P1 2
McLaren P1 1
McLaren P1
McLaren P1 8
McLaren P1 5
McLaren P1 6
McLaren P1 7
McLaren P1 9


iKnow, we all waiting in anticipation for something spectacular to come forth and the iWatch rumors are pretty strong. So if we were to indulge in fantasy for a minute, then this is how Esben Oxholm thinks the Apple team would design the phone/watch. Heavily inspired by the look of the iPhone 5 and sporting a minimalistic, sleek look, the watch is crafted with black aluminum on the outside and a thin layer of soft matte rubber on the inside.

It has got the highly recognizable round home button as the only physical button. The rest of the fun happens on the newly developed slightly double curved touch screen. The iWatch can be fitted to your liking, by removing or adding spacers in the lower part of the bendy bracelet.

Designer: Esben Oxholm

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(iWatch was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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W Lykan Hypersport

Le constructeur arabe de voitures de luxe W Motors a dévoilé récemment sa super-car venant du Liban. La W Lykan Hypersport possède un design très impressionannt et sera selon le constructeur bientôt commercialisée dans les grandes régions du monde au prix de 3,4 millions de dollars. A découvrir en images dans la suite.

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W Lykan Hypersport1
W Lykan Hypersport2

Bugatti Gangloff Concept

Le designer Paweł Czyżewski a eu l’excellente idée de s’inspirer du modèle de voiture 1938 Type 57 SC Atalante Coupe pour imaginer avec une modélisation 3D ce Concept Bugatti Gangloff. Magnifiquement réalisée, ce projet est à découvrir sur son portfolio et dans la suite de l’article.

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Bugatti Gangloff Concept2
Bugatti Gangloff Concept
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Laptop Or PC, You Decide

PANDORA is a flexible laptop PC for the next generation. Through its flexible display and proper application of various technologies, this laptop PC can be applied to a number of interfaces smoothly. A shade less thicker than typical tablets, the device boasts of thin flexible battery technologies as well. A good hybrid concept for gen-next I love the new form and approach towards the design.

Measuring only 9mm thick, it can be easily gripped and is convenient to carry. Materials used include fine porous grapheme materials, high polymer and silicon on the hinge part.

Designer: Jeabyun Yeon

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(Laptop Or PC, You Decide was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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