Laptop Or PC, You Decide

PANDORA is a flexible laptop PC for the next generation. Through its flexible display and proper application of various technologies, this laptop PC can be applied to a number of interfaces smoothly. A shade less thicker than typical tablets, the device boasts of thin flexible battery technologies as well. A good hybrid concept for gen-next I love the new form and approach towards the design.

Measuring only 9mm thick, it can be easily gripped and is convenient to carry. Materials used include fine porous grapheme materials, high polymer and silicon on the hinge part.

Designer: Jeabyun Yeon

Yanko Design
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(Laptop Or PC, You Decide was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Previously on Fubiz

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Note design studio

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Note design studio

Note design studio

Note design studio

Smart Phone Note

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avec le projet “Smart Phone Note” qui est un carnet de prises de notes adapté aux accros du digital : il possède un rangement d’iPhone et d’écouteurs. Plus d’images dans la suite.







Previously on Fubiz

Copyright Fubiz™ – Suivez nous sur Twitter et Facebook