ExtraBold Book

ExtraBold est le recueil de toutes les images de Serial Cut, un studio de design espagnol établi à Madrid se concentrant sur la direction artistique de projets internationaux. Ce livre est doté de plusieurs pages utilisant la technologie de réalité augmentée pouvant être utilisées avec l’application ExtraBold (iPhone et iPad).


David Byrne: How Music Works

David Byrne’s epic reflection on his art form

David Byrne: How Music Works

David Byrne has added yet another accomplishment to a CV that includes musician, former Talking Heads frontman, creator of the record label Luaka Bop, photographer, artist, film director and author, with his new follow-up book to “Bicycle Diaries” (2010), “How Music Works,” available today. The two-pound, 344-page work is…

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Questo è il libro sull’abc delle infografiche smart animate. Edito da Gestalten. Per ispirazioni vale anche la più classica ricerca su Vimeo.


RGB Colorspace Book

Tauba Auerbach est une artiste américaine qui a pensé ce « RGB Colorspace Atlas ». Ce livre de 3200 pages nous présente les évolutions du code de couleurs RGB page par page. Le résultat donne ce livre objet coloré visuellement intriguant, imprimé à Wide Awake Garage. Plus d’images ainsi qu’une vidéo dans la suite.

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Star Wars Origami Book

Se vi dilettate in origami, fatelo anche sui characters di Star Wars.

Star Wars Origami Book

How To Swear Around World

Se avete bisogno di imparare qualche insulto in lingua di diversa dalla vostra, questo libro può darvi una mano. Scritto da Jason Sacher.

How To Swear Around World

Forever, The New Tattoo book

Il meglio della scena tattoo underground lo trovate raccolto su questo libro edito da Gestalten.

Forever, The New Tattoo book

36 Hours: 125 Weekends in Europe

Edita da taschen a cura di Barbara Ireland del New York Times (una delle autrici della rubrica 36 hours), ecco la guida con consigli pratici se vi trovaste a passare un week end in una delle 125 capitali europee recensite in questo libro. Lo trovate qui.

36 Hours: 125 Weekends in Europe

Herb Lubalin Book

E’ in pre-ordine il libro con le opere di Herb Lubalin, uno dei migliori graphic designers del ventesimo secolo. Edito da Unit Editions.

Herb Lubalin Book

Century of the Child

The influence of kids on 100 years of design

The historical ebbs and flows of an entire century can certainly encompass a significant amount of societal change, but did anyone bother to ask about the kids? The new book “Century of the Child: Growing by Design, 1900-2000” by MoMA’s architecture and design curator Juliet Kinchin and the department’s curatorial assistant Aidan O’Connor does just that, compiling an extensive history of objects and ideas linked to the population’s youngest members.

The illustrated book examines the historical context and beginnings of philosophical and influential movements such as Avant-Garde Playtime and the German Youth Movement, and their influence on modern design movements in their respective cultures. Released in conjunction with the MoMA exhibition of the same name, the survey examines the impact of design on children’s development and conversely, their role in shaping the direction of design through the years.


The book and exhibit stem from Swedish design reformer and social theorist Ellen Key’s 1900 book, “Century of the Child” that foresees the 20th century as a time for progression in regards to human rights, as well as an overwhelming societal importance of children.


The book begins at the start of the 20th century with The Kindergarten Movement and the emerging idea of childhood in Vienna with the art of Gustav Klimt, paralleling Sigmund Freud’s influential theories of child development. The authors envision the concept of childhood as a symbol of the inevitable constant change of what is modern. “By its own definition what is up-to-the-minute and aesthetically or conceptually innovative in a certain decade or in one particular context should not, indeed cannot remain so, any more than a child can remain a child,” they write.


Children may shape culture, but they are also products of their own creation, as seen through their role in The German Youth Movement. World War II and its traumatic aftermath was universal for humanity, even the children who assisted in its evolution. The book explores the changing use of toys and books to enable the processing of trauma and therapy from what was then described as “Effect of War upon the Minds of Children”.


Laden with essays, artwork, objects and images from school architecture, clothing, toys, children’s hospitals, nurseries, furniture, posters, animations and books, the book and exhibit offer the audience an endless supply of examples of the theories and ideas explored. Through this exemplification, the book harps on the fact that our world revolves around a universal desire to build a better tomorrow for children, and thus the modernization of cultures progresses.

The book is available online and at the MoMA Store. Keep an eye out for the museum’s upcoming exhibition, which will run from 29 July through 5 November 2012.