Spook by Iskos-Berlin for Blå Station

Spook by Iskos-Berlin for Blå Station

Stockholm 2011: Copenhagen designers Aleksej Iskos and Boris Berlin of Iskos-Berlin present this armchair made from a single sheet of felt at Stockholm Furniture Fair this week.

Spook by Iskos-Berlin for Blå Station

Called Spook, the design for Swedish brand Blå Station is completely hollow with no frame or support.

Spook by Iskos-Berlin for Blå Station

The seat is made from a sheet of polyester felt, pressed and made rigid.

Spook by Iskos-Berlin for Blå Station

The two designers met through their work for Danish studio Komplot – see their Nobody Chair made of pressed felt in our earlier story.

Stockholm Furniture fair continues until 12 February. See all our coverage of the event here »

The information that follows is from Blå Station:

Spook by Iskos-Berlin

Design is normally preoccupied with the idea of having full control over functions, forms, materials and so on. But why not be more forgiving and let materials behave as they “want” to behave according to their nature? Why not give an object the freedom to be “abnormal”? To be unique? Spook is a statement of opposition to the masculine striving for the submission of material, for overall perfection that tolerates no disobedience, no mistakes.

A flat felt mat, draped into a three-dimensional shape, creates natural folds that later stiffen in the production process – folds that never twice fall in quite the same way. Each chair, being almost the same, becomes different. “Mistakes” are forgiven. They give life, they are accepted – no discards, no rejects! Spook chair is a mono-block produced in a single process using only polyester felt material. There is no frame of any kind, nor any additional materials like screws, glue or reinforcements. It is a 100% recyclable material.

See also:


Axel Bjurström
at Stockholm 2011
Luca Nichetto
at Stockholm 2011
Inga Sempé
at Stockholm 2011
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