Solar powered water purifier.

The 2009 Index Awards winner was the smart and simple Chulha stove. (Read about it here.) But among the final nominees there’s a lot of other interesting ideas that we think deserve a mention, too. Like the solar powered water purifier Solar Water Plant. We have been posting on water and water purification earlier here on Smart Stuff because we think the supply of clean drinking water is one of the most important issues in the world today. We have also presented a few different ideas for ecologically sustainable water cleaners. (More on our water-related pages.) The Solar Water Plant is as far as we can see not a new invention, but more like a development of existing ideas toward clean water production on a larger scale than previous projects. The system consists of two tanks of water and a solar power module that warms pasteurizes and cleans the water. To this is added a thermostat that stops the use of water that has not been sufficiantly heated. Design by Kent Laursen and Anders Fjendbo Jørgensen.brbr

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