Sink Your Teeth Into These Seriously Scary Vampire Halloween Costumes!

imageWith the Twilight and True Blood sexy vampire phenomenon leading the way, these blood-sucking bad guys are back in full force. But even before the unruly hair and pale skin of Edward Cullen the soap opera story plot lives of those hot monsters from True Blood, vampires were still around and intriguing us regular mortals while scaring the living daylights out of us at the same time. It started with Dracula, and then there was Christopher Pike and Anne Rice who added sex appeal to their vampiric characters (who could forget Brad Pitt as a young, brunette bloodsucker?), and of course the ultra-buff Wesley Snipes in Blade. Now with Halloween fast approaching, there’s never been a better time to dress-up as these Halloween classics. Choose the usual vampire get-up with the swirling cape, fake blood and drawn-in widow’s peak, or put a modern day spin on it a la Twilight and don a cool leather jacket, lighten your skin tone by about 6 shades and pop in some fake fans. Bonus points for chiseled good looks and stubble. Check out the slideshow for what you’ll need to have an undead Halloween!

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