An Impression of South Africa

Cape Town artist Bryan Little put together a public art piece of hanging letters that represent “the names we call each other in the new South Africa.”

The names are both epithets and endearments, reflecting the divisions that continue to exist as well as the connections being forged.


Good Design Ten commandments


Back in the early 1980s, Dieter Rams was becoming increasingly concerned by the state of the world around him – “an impenetrable confusion of forms, colours and noises.” Aware that he was a significant contributor to that world, he asked himself an important question: is my design good design?

As good design cannot be measured in a finite way he set about expressing the ten most important criteria for what he considered was good design. Subsequently they have become known as the ‘Ten commandments’.

Here they are.

The ten commandments of Dieter Rams

Photograph by Abisag Tüllmann

L2 and L01 speakers, 1958, by Dieter Rams for Braun

Back in the early 1980s, Dieter Rams was becoming increasingly concerned by the state of the world around him —”€œan impenetrable confusion of forms, colours and noises.”€ Aware that he was a significant contributor to that world, he asked himself an important question: is my design good design?

As good design cannot be measured in a finite way he set about expressing the ten most important criteria for what he considered was good design. Subsequently they have become known as the Ten commandments

Here they are.

1. Good design is innovative

It does not copy existing product forms, nor does it produce any kind of novelty for the sake of it. The essence of innovation must be clearly seen in all functions of a product. The possibilities in this respect are by no means exhausted. Technological development keeps offering new chances for innovative solutions.

2. Good design makes a product useful

A product is bought in order to be used. It must serve a defined purpose – in both primary and additional functions. The most important task of design is to optimise the utility of a product.

3. Good design is aesthetic

The aesthetic quality of a product – and the fascination it inspires – is an integral part of the its utility. Without doubt, it is uncomfortable and tiring to have to put up with products that are confusing, that get on your nerves, that you are unable to relate to. However, it has always been a hard task to argue about aesthetic quality, for two reasons.

Firstly, it is difficult to talk about anything visual, since words have a different meaning for different people.

Secondly, aesthetic quality deals with details, subtle shades, harmony and the equilibrium of a whole variety of visual elements. A good eye is required, schooled by years and years of experience, in order to be able to draw the right conclusion.

4. Good design helps a product to be understood

It clarifies the structure of the product. Better still, it can make the product talk. At best, it is self-explanatory and saves you the long, tedious perusal of the operating manual.

5. Good design is unobtrusive

Products that satisfy this criterion are tools. They are neither decorative objects nor works of art. Their design should therefore be both neutral and restrained leaving room for the user’s self-expression.

6. Good design is honest

An honestly-designed product must not claim features it does not have – being more innovative, more efficient, of higher value. It must not influence or manipulate buyers and users.

7. Good design is durable

It is nothing trendy that might be out-of-date tomorrow. This is one of the major differences between well-designed products and trivial objects for a waste-producing society. Waste must no longer be tolerated.

8. Good design is thorough to the last detail

Thoroughness and accuracy of design are synonymous with the product and its functions, as seen through the eyes of the user

9. Good design is concerned with the environment

Design must contribute towards a stable environment and a sensible use of raw materials. This means considering not only actual pollution, but also the visual pollution and destruction of our environment.

10. Good design is as little design as possible

Back to purity, back to simplicity.

Things which are different in order simply to be different are seldom better, but that which is made to be better is almost always different.

Dieter Rams, 1993

My goal is to omit everything superfluous so that the essential is shown to best possible advantage.

Dieter Rams, 1980

–> Vitsoe

Design Indaba Blog: Day One

A real human presence: two of Rick Valicenti’s Notes to Self

Although not driven by any explicit theme, today’s opening series of lectures at the 12th Design Indaba in Cape Town proved to have a common thread in invoking the human being at the centre of the creative process. In his closing address earlier this evening, Bruce Mau extended this pervasive thought with an impassioned talk on how our core senses of “love and ambition” will be critical in helping inspire change through design: change that, Mau believes, is encouragingly already beginning to take root…

But more on Mau’s mission later. (The guy warrants a post all to himself).

In the first pair of talks today, Sean Adams and design partner Noreen Morioka discussed the importance of recognising both “fun” and “fear” in their AdamsMorioka studio, while Rick Valicenti went through a selection of his firm Thirst’s work, completed in his tireless search for conveying “real human presence”.

Poster for the Sundance film festival by AdamsMorioka

By way of an introduction, Adams – who is also the current national president of AIGA – hinted that the AdamsMorioka lecture would not, as design talks often do, focus so much on the finished product.

Instead, theirs would reveal the “driving home crying aspect of the job… the bits we’re not supposed to talk about” – the fear, essentially, of criticism, of suffering ideas-block, of ignoring your instincts and not trusting your gut; one of the most valuable bodily assets a designer can possess.

Indeed, Adams recalled a meeting with Robert Redford to discuss the promotional material for his Sundance film festival.

After numerous unsatisfactory attempts at concepts for posters (Redford knows a thing or two about graphic design, apparently) Adams went with his very first sketch of an idea.

Fear in itself can be a good thing though, Adams concluded – designers need to stop and ask themselves, ‘just what is that I’m trying to protect myself from?’

Work for Nickelodeon

Morioka picked up the second half of the talk by turning the attention onto how the AM studio maintains a sense of fun within their working practice.

Throughout their work – for clients as diverse as GAP and Disney, UCLA and CalArts, bright colours, bold type and an LA exuberance abounds. But it’s via witty, often satirical, self-initiated projects that they really push the fun boat out.

Work for Mohawk fine papers

The pair’s well-honed skills as story-tellers suggests that the NM studio must be a pretty fun place to work as it is. Adams’ talk had already been peppered with aphorisms from the lyrical work of Rogers and Hammerstein, no less.

But there is a very serious studio at work here. Morioka sagely commented on how it was “important to be creative, but more important to be an advocate of creativity.”

And the Indaba would no doubt agree…

Rick Valicenti’s methodology is to establish one-to-one connections with people via his design and typographic work. “Through creation, we pass on the good spirit,” he says rather appealingly.

What follows is a great foray into how design can crop up in places where even the designer doesn’t expect it. Valicenti’s typefaces can find themselves on unintended platforms: his sci-fi font, Infinity, was originally designed for US Robotics, but wound up showcased in a fictional art catalogue (designed by Thirst) and ultimately on CBS’ somewhat garish website.

Valicenti’s late-nineties adventures in the digital realm were ahead of their time. A beautiful motion graphics piece he designed in 1999 for a Herman Miller showroom, for example, was created using computer software and motion capture.

While it’s overtly a digital piece – tracking the movement of a ballet dancer – it boasts more humanity than much of today’s most complex CGI.

An installation for Herman Miller featured motion capture animation

For Valicenti, the human being is at the core of all his work or, at least, the quest for the human presence is.

Take the fantastic digital piece he made in collaboration with the artist Arik Levy, a 15-minute visual simulation of a recording of a phone conversation he had with Levy about his forthcoming exhibition (a video of the work is here).

As Levy gets more animated and excited, the mass of lines and nodes gets more intense.

Stills from Valicenti’s collaboration with artist Arik Levy which visualised Levy’s voice

Valicenti ended reiterating the importance of personal expression in working life.

His Note to Self project is essentially a series of visual journal entries he made over a year, using Sumi ink applied with a syringe or foam brush on Rives paper. Here are four of them:

“Part mood-swing, part fact, part fiction and fantasy,” apparently. Brilliant.

As head of the Design Interactions department at the RCA, Anthony Dunne is no doubt surrounded by an array fascinating student projects. Along with his RCA colleague, Fiona Raby, the pair also design as Dunne & Raby and so, for their presentation, they showed a mixture of work from students and practitioners working within nano and bio-tech design and their own investigations into technological advances.

Meat is not necessarily murder (when there’s no victim)

They opened with some arresting images from a project called Victimless Meat, developed by Oron Catts, Ionat Zurr and Guy Ben Ary, a meat product that can be grown in a laboratory from cells obtained from animals.

And as consumers, it’s in our relationship to these kinds of scientific developments that various design-related questions inevitably arise. What shape should this victimless meat be if it was produced? How would it be marketed? If no animals were killed in its formation, then could vegetarians eat it too?

Or could you take cells from humans – from popstars or politicians? – consuming their meat as an act of love, or hate, even.

This act of “putting these ideas into a consumer consciousness”, explained Dunne, “doesn’t belittle them, but activates a different part of our thinking.”

Design is essentially functioning as a language with which to open up discussions of how these technologies might open up our lives.

Another interesting project they discussed was their own Evidence Dolls commission for the Pompidou Center in Paris which, again, was a way of investigating how biotechnologies might impact on society.

A quick look at their site offers some detailed explanation: “We focussed on young single women and their love lives as this provided a number of interesting perspectives on genetics: designer babies, desirable genes, mating logic, DNA theft. It is not intended to be scientific, but more a way of unlocking their imaginations and generating stories that once made public, trigger thoughts and discussions in other people.”

“One hundred special dolls were produced to contain material from a male lover from which DNA could be extracted at a later date. The dolls were made from white plastic (which could be annotated) and came in three penis sizes, S, M, and L.”

As Dunne outlined, their investigations are more about asking questions than providing answers. They certainly posed some very intruiging ones today. (Check out their work and ideas at

A moving presentation from Luyanda Mpahlwa of Cape Town’s MMA architects followed in the afternoon, which I’ll post more on once we’ve been to see the work of the 10×10 architectural project in action.

Plus there was some more inspiring work from product designer Stephen Burks (who was lucky enough to receive a giant birthday cake on stage) and the charming and highly-talented Paris-based collective, 5.5.

And Bruce Mau’s emerging plans to establish a series of Centers (plural) for Massive Change will be looked at in more detail in another post.

The bar’s been set pretty high for tomorrow.

Vehicle for collection of recyclable materials

2nd place at the competition “Design of Social Character”, promoted by the brazilian Development Ministry.

Erica Weiner Jewelry


Erica Weiner has created a small jewelry empire from her Lower East Side apartment, making eye-catching, affordable pieces that are delicate and tell an intriguing story. One piece that caught our attention (as well as that of many fashion bloggers) is the Waldorf Astoria necklace ($85). Erica created a hand-cast replication of a cocktail pick used in the 1930s-50s at the Waldof Astoria Hotel. A beautifully nostalgic necklace, it would fit seamlessly into any downtown-meets-uptown wardrobe.

Another one of our favorites is the Pretzel Knot Necklace ($30). Made of matte brass and is clasp free, it features two small pretzels that can be worn layered with other necklaces or by itself for a more dainty look.


“In short, we try to make cool, affordable jewelry out of base metals, repurposed materials, and vintage chain and charms. (It’s sort of like recycling, I guess.) I would say almost half of our materials come from closeout lots from the ’70s and ’80s, this stuff just sits around for years in dusty boxes until we get our hands on it. All of our jewelry is made in New York City, mostly at our studio on the lower east side.”
-Lindsay Salmon, Co-Founder of Erica Weiner Jewelry.

For more information on purchasing go to the site.

Spotlight on Thakoon, Luella and Giles At London Fashion Week, Madonna’s W Cover, And More..

Adam Lippes for Mango, Revealed! -Racked NY

Duskin Gives Us Tough Love For Fall -Refinery 29

Giles Deacon revisits his student days -IHT

Michelle’s Club: Members Only -Style File

Power of One -Elle

Prim and punky: Bartley’s ‘cute utilitarianism’ -Guardian

Fashion FAD -Vogue UK

Why Madonna Wore the Beckham Dress… and more -W

This Just Inbox: “Celebrating the Cross” crucifix couch


Humans since 1982 just sent us their new design, with strings attached:

We created a new polarizing product. With our lounge “Celebrating the cross 1” we want to: 1. Show that the cross has not only a semiotic meaning but also a practical function. 2. Celebrate a new practical function of the “cross.”

Talk about cross-sectional!


Eileen Gray Dragons Chair Fetches $28 Million on Day Two of YSL Sale

eileen gray fauteuil.jpgOodles of Ruhlmann, lots of Lalanne, and enough primo Jean-Michel Frank pieces to furnish at least two Architectural Digest-featured pieds-à-terre. Such was the dazzling array of 20th century treasures on offer yesterday in the second evening sale of Christie’s three-day blockbuster auction of the Collection of Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Bergé, which has brought in €307 million ($386 million) so far. The 20th century decorative art and design sale alone realized a record €59.1 million ($76.5 million), setting 12 world record prices for artists at auction. Among those artists? Eileen Gray, whose otherworldly “Dragons” armchair (pictured above) sold for an otherworldly €21.9 million ($28.3 million), shattering the auction record for a 20th century decorative artwork.

gray satellite.jpgNo word on who will be taking home the now famous fauteuil, which has a Maria Felix-meets-Vincent Price flair and reminds us of the Karl Lagerfeld-designed Chanel couture dress that Anna Wintour wore to last year’s Met Costume Institute gala. Created by Gray between 1917 and 1919 and acquired by her early patron Suzanne Talbot, the leather-upholstered chair is framed in sculpted wood “lacquered brownish orange and silver and modelled as the serpentine, intertwined bodies of two dragons, their eyes in black lacquer on a white ground, their bodies decorated in low relief with stylized clouds,” notes the catalogue. “The armchair distills all that was so personal and so magical in the first, intimately expressive phase of Gray’s career,” and work from ensuing years, when she swapped lacquer for architecture, sold well too. Gray’s “Satellite” hanging lamp (circa 1925 and pictured above), once suspended from the ceiling of YSL’s Rue Babylone apartment, sold for €2.9 million ($3.8 million), well exceeding its €600K-€800K estimate. Suffice it to say we were outbid on the Francois-Xavier Lalanne-designed Bar “YSL,” which went for a cool €2.7 million ($3.5 million). We’ll drink to that.

Previously on UnBeige:

  • ‘Buying Binge’ at Paris YSL Auction; World (Probably) Not Ending
  • Christie’s Prepares for YSL Mega-Sale

    New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media

  • Furniture trend for schools: Stand and Deliver


    [photo credit: Ben Garvin for The New York Times]

    Here’s a rather interesting trend: Stand-up furniture coming to schools. Apparently, having the option to stand at variable-height desks can help kids burn calories and even improve concentration. As the Times reports,

    The children in Ms. Brown’s class, and in some others at Marine Elementary School and additional schools nearby, are using a type of adjustable-height school desk, allowing pupils to stand while they work, that Ms. Brown designed with the help of a local ergonomic furniture company two years ago. The stand-up desk’s popularity with children and teachers spread by word of mouth from this small town to schools in Wisconsin, across the St. Croix River. Now orders for the desks are being filled for districts from North Carolina to California.

    …The stand-up desks come with swinging footrests, and with adjustable stools allowing children to switch between sitting and standing as their moods dictate.

    …”At a stand-up desk,” Ms. Seekel said, “I’ve never seen students with their heads down, ever. It helps with being awake, if they can stand, it seems. And for me as a teacher, I can stand at their level to help them. I’m not bent over. I can’t think of one reason why a classroom teacher wouldn’t want these.”

    …”We’re talking about furniture here,” she said, “plain old furniture. If it’s that simple, if it turns out to have the positive impacts everyone hopes for, wouldn’t that be a wonderful thing?”

    Read all about it, and the research going into it, here.
