Study: Disorder begets disorder

I want to call your attention to a recent article in Science magazine that discusses a study conducted in the Netherlands that found “when people observe that others violated a certain social norm or legitimate rule, they are more likely to violate other norms or rules, which causes disorder to spread.”

In one of their experiments, the team of researchers attached paper fliers to bicycles that were parked in an alley with a sign that prohibited graffiti. The researchers covertly observed people as they retrieved their bicycles from the alley, and noted what they did with the paper fliers. Their results are striking.

One day, when the walls of the alley were free of graffiti, about a third of the cyclists littered their flier on the ground. But, on another day, when the walls of the alley were covered in graffiti, more than two-thirds of the cyclists littered their flier.

Another experiment tested whether or not people would steal money that was protruding from a mailbox when they passed by it. [Researcher Kees] Keizer and his colleagues [at the University of Groningen] observed that, when the area around the mailbox was tidy, only 13% of people passing by stole the money. However, when the area around the mailbox was littered with trash, 25% of the people passing by were willing to steal the money.

Over the course of their experiments, the researchers observed that people were much more inclined to disobey posted signs when it seemed like other people were doing so, litter when there was graffiti or the sound of fireworks present, and even steal when there was graffiti present. Given these observations, Keizer and colleagues suggest that as a certain norm-violating behavior becomes more common, it will also negatively influence conformity to other social norms and rules.

The study reinforce the findings of the Broken Window Theory, but also has very interesting implications for an unclutterer’s home.

The research suggests that if your home is in order, you and others in your home are more likely to keep the orderly state. Conversely, if something is disorderly, it is likely that more mess will develop.

I see this happen all the time in my home. Either my husband or I will feel unmotivated to open up the dishwasher to put a dirty cup or glass inside of it. The next person comes along, sees the dirty cup on the counter, and assumes the dishwasher must be filled with clean dishes. So, the second dirty cup is set on the counter. By dinner time, there will be a collection of dirty dishes on the kitchen counter when the dishwasher has been completely empty all day. Mess begets mess.

What do you think of the findings of this study? Do you find that disorder leads to more disorder? Does order motivate you to continue the orderly cycle? Let us know what you think in the comments.

initial link via Guy Kawasaki, picture by Matt

Le Corbusier’s miniature following

Lo studente croato Matija Grguric ha costruito questa replica della Villa Savoye progettata dal celebre architetto Le Corbusier.

Mishka Bootleg Black Bart Tee

Per celebrare l’insediamento di Obama il 20 gennaio Mishka rilascerà questa tees celebrativa in vendita dal 16 gennaio.

Accessories: Exotica at West Elm

From Julie:

New at West Elm, appealing Moroccan-inspired accessories.


Above: Zigzag Rug; wool/cotton blend, starts at $39 for the 2-by-3-foot size.


Above: Multicolored Tassel Towel; hand towel size only, $15.


Above: Handloomed Striped Cotton Throw; $59.


Above: Berber Rug; inspired by Moroccan tribal art. Acrylic/wool/cotton blend; $89 for a 3-by-5-foot rug, available in gray or cinnabar.

FTW-Crew: Berlin Photoshop Graffiti

graff1.jpg graff2.jpg

Writers from the FTW-Crew (Mr. Tailon, Baveux Prod., Kone and Epoxy) were recently spotted altering posters of Britney Spears, Leona Lewis, and Christina Aguilera in the Berlin metro. In a clever form of adbusting, they superimposed the Photoshop steps it takes to make the ladies look so picture perfect, both a lesson in design and a gentle reminder of our urban airbrushed landscape.

A Series Storage

The notion of the Golden Ratio lives on in this storage unit from HundredsTensUnits that grows decreasingly useless.|via Cribcandy|

Wild Animals

La photographe Mikel Uribetxeberria a mis en scène des animaux dans des situations très décalées. Une série de 8 images commanditées par Animalia, à découvrir dans la suite.

French Museums Make Plans to Go Free Beginning in April


Because it’s the new year now, if you’re still hunting around for resolutions to follow and are eager to make some big life changes, might we suggest becoming young and French? We recommend it because France’s president, Nicolas Sarkozy, has just unveiled a plan to make all museums in the country free for any citizen under the age of 25 (and schoolteachers too, if you’re a little past that number), likely in the hope that this will create a more intelligent and cultured citizenry down the line. Maybe it’ll also help keep the French museum industry thriving with more to do? Or at least it might encourage parents to bring their kids without worrying about paying for a slew of tickets. And hey, let’s cross our fingers that it becomes so successful that it spreads to every country (because could both easily pass for 25 and/or could probably get some fake IDs). Here’s a bit:

In a speech promoting French culture in the coming year, Mr. Sarkozy also said that he would lift a partial freeze on state financing for the performing arts. He announced as well that he planned to create a new national history museum.

Also, this free museum plan probably keeps the Louvre up top in the rankings, doesn’t it? Clever Sarkozy. Very clever.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media

Choose from the heart: Clutter free and feeling fine

Today we welcome Danielle LaPorte, author of the blog White Hot Truth, as a guest on Unclutterer. She is a consultant who helps entrepreneurs rock their careers, is a former think tank exec, and author of the bestselling book, Style Statement: Live By Your Own Design.

Clutter is the result of choices. That may sound obvious, but until you start to actually examine your choices, a clutter-free life will elude you. Peace of mind is often buried in the choices you didn’t make. The “default” choices to let stuff into your life that doesn’t really match your true self.

Your bookshelf, your dinner plates, your nicky nacs. Shoes! (Shoes are a whole psychology unto themselves. I’m sure if Freud lived longer he would have studied the mental underpinnings of footwear choices.) Your sofa. Your in-box. Your pantry contents – all are the result of your choices. You’re the gatekeeper to your home. And nothing gets past you without your conscious or unconscious approval. So what makes it in…and why?

Do a quick visual scan in your head right now – room by room. How did what’s in there get there? Because it was on sale? Because it came with your ex-boyfriend but didn’t leave when he did? Because you positively love the design. Because it makes your heart sing?

I used to keep a ton of books in my living room because I thought it made me look smarter. Big ego choice. Now, I let books pass through my mind and my hands. And the books that I do keep, are well, the keepers – absolutely precious texts that I refer to for regular facts or inspiration.

Ego choices can be deadly. I know someone who chose a Mercedes she couldn’t afford because she wanted to drive up to her high school reunion in it. I had another client with a closet full of vampy, slutty clothes – when what she felt best in was a crisp white shirt and straight jeans. She kept choosing trashy clothes in rebellion against her mother, who for years, told her what was proper to wear.


  1. My [insert name of well-meaning relative] gave it to me and I just can’t throw it out.
    This is tricky. But it gets down to this: life’s short and it’s your place. Objects carry memories and attitudes with them. If you want your home to be your temple or your chill-zone, then making choices based on obligation are only going to weigh you down.
  2. I really hate this [insert home item or piece of clothing] but I’m waiting to have the money to buy a new one.
    Something amazing happens when you get the stuff you don’t like out of your life – stuff that you do like has the room to show up. So chuck the old futon chair from university days, even if it means you sit on the floor for a while. You’ll be raising the vibe, shedding unwanted pounds and sending the universe a clear signal that you’re ready for quality…right now, not later.
  3. I got it for free, so I may as well keep it.
    Gasp. This is the ultimate gotchya-sucker default choice. ‘Cause ain’t nothing for free, baby! (Well, true love is free, but that’s about it.) If it’s taking up physical or mental space – it’s costing you. Everything has an environmental cost to manufacture, ship and dispose of. And when I think of all the “free” crap that I lugged around from apartment to apartment in moving vans – I could have saved enough to buy stuff I really loved.
  4. But what if I need it someday?
    Trust that if you ever need it, you’ll have what you need to get it. If you haven’t worn it for a year and half – give it away. If you’re waiting to lose the ten pounds, forget it. Just love yourself now. A happy life is an as-is life. And junk drawers are called junk drawers for a reason.

Simplicity demands ruthlessness. Consistent, conscious choices create momentum in your life, vitality, sweet satisfaction. You are what you eat. You are the friends you keep. And you are the stuff you choose. So choose from the heart every time – it always knows what’s best for you – and your living room.

Herbal Slippers

I always get the image of the Looney Tunes where two guys are stuck on an island and one looks at the other and his friend turns into a hot dog when I encounter these herbal remedies for your various body parts. These slippers can be placed in the microwave or freezer for heating or cooling treatment. They’re packed with lavender, rosemary, chamomile, peppermint and lemongrass herbs to make your dogs feel just right. Kick back with these herbs on your feet and some herb between your fingers and you’ll be feeling just right in no time. But then you’ll get the munchies and everything will look like a hot dog.