TDA: Special Olympics

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der Schlitten

“der Schlitten” is a mixture of mid-century aerodynamic design, a sled and details of opulent vehicle. prototype, materials used are zebrawood, elm bu..

skinny laminx


I haven’t had time yet to wish my dear friend Heather a Happy New Year …. she has started this new year with some fantastic new towels, cushions and prints … amazing to see how she gets inspired by ‘just’ an IKEA catalogue, a true artist! Looking forward seeing much more new work of skinny laminx in 2009!

Thought Bubbles in Brooklyn


Do you ever wonder what people are thinking about when you pass them on the street? Katie made a bunch of thought bubbles out of paper and hung them around Brooklyn. She waited for people to walk by the bubbles and when they did, She took a picture.  This is Brilliant. 

[via color me katie]


The chair STRIPE is a representation of continuance… it leads to creation of new design and absolute life diversity.

Banana hammers nail at 21 below zero


Meteorologist Jonathan Yuhas shows CNN’s Heidi Collins how cold 21 degrees below zero really is.
watch the video here

Synaesthetic Filter by Stefan Rutzinger Kristina Schinegger


Los Angeles architects Stefan Rutzinger and Kristina Schinegger have designed Synaesthetic Filter, a proposed mobile pavilion for experimental music that can change shape to alter acoustic qualities during a performance. (more…)

Men vs Women Differences

Une manière originale de mettre en avant les contrastes entre le sexe masculin et le sexe féminin avec cette série de 3 affiches, sous forme de schémas pour l’annonceur Goldstar Beer. Une idée de l’agence McCann Erickson.

Baseline : Dieu merci, vous êtes un homme.

Duplex Aquarium

L’aquarium conçu par Constance Guisset est thermo-formé de façon à créer un espace au sein duquel l’oiseau peut se déplacer et voler à la même hauteur visuelle que le poisson. Un croisement occasionnel entre le monde aérien et le monde aquatique.

Breaking Eco-Clothing Stereotypes With Melissa Baswell Of Mountains Of The Moon!

Melissa Baswell is the designer behind Chicago-based eco-fashion company Mountains of the Moon. All of the company’s clothing is made locally from organic cotton or hemp fabric produced in the U.S. and features clean lines with a retro flair. This spring, Melissa is launching her Eco-Luxury line, a line produced on a smaller scale than Mountains of the Moon. Melissa says, “I wanted to create something that broke the eco-clothing stereotype. It’s really difficult to find high end designer clothing that is made in a conscious way from sustainable fabrics, and is also still wearable.” Despite the economy and the recent boom of green designers, Melissa thinks these challenges allow her to be creative in trying new ways to incorporate sustainability into her designs. “The most important thing is to stay fresh and do something unique,” she says. When she is not busy designing, she also does freelance styling and eco-friendly merchandise design for bands and music industry events. Click the slideshow to see her work!

slideshow (5612)