Hot In The Hive: Vosges Haut Chocolat Mini Exotic Chocolate Bar Library

imageWhat’s a good way to relax and spend some quality quiet time alone this winter? Curling up with a good book under a snuggly comforter near the fireplace and maybe sipping on something hot and sweet. What would make this cozy scenario even better? If the books themselves were made of chocolate. While not all of us may love literature, we can all appreciate chocolate bars! Vosges Haut Chocolat is a high-quality candy company that makes everything from classic truffles to wild chocolates like the legendary Bacon Bar. The Vosges Haut Chocolat Mini Chocolate Library comes with a selection of tastes including classic milk and dark as well as an exotic flavors collection that include Oaxaca and something known only as “Woolloomooloo.” This mini chocolate bar library comes in a cute box with a ribbon and definitely resembles a row of books… until you open each of the individually wrapped bars and devour them. It’s a perfect gift or stocking stuffer for the chocolate lover/bookworm in your life!

Price: $25.00
Who Found It: idabone was first to add the Vosges Haut Chocolat Mini Chocolate Library to the Hive.

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