Hot In The Hive: Alexis Bittar Skinny Lucite Bangle!

imageWe all know what lucite is, although many of us don’t yet own anything made from this material. Lucite is an acrylic, fiber-glass, plastic type that gained popularity through furniture designers trying to capture a more modern, space-age feel in their home designs. Poor lucite has always been seen as the cheap and easy cousin to other more sophisticated substances and causes most of us to immediately picture acrylic nails and the generously clunky and high heels of exotic dancers. However, lucite is actually a material that can be manipulated easily into something beautiful and unique. Jewelry designer Alexis Bittar puts a new spin on this misunderstood material and takes it from visions of trashy to visions of classy. His lucite bangles come in a range of translucent colors and varying widths, simple and chic or embellished with gorgeous glittering accents, and can all be seen at the Alexis Bittar website!

Price: $225
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