Air that’s barely there!

Aero, like other portable O2 concentrators, provides oxygen to patients with lung defects while on the go, only it has the advantage of never requiring a refill. Its slim, comfortable profile makes it easy to conceal, giving users the closest experience possible to not requiring supplemental oxygen at all. Better yet, it comes with a stylish backpack adapted for the necessary tubing and equipment. It even has an integrated control to increase or decrease the flow discretely.

Designer: Lina Kuroi

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Air that’s barely there! was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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  1. Barely-There iPhone Bumper


Scuba Breath

My perception of a pristine and peaceful scuba dive changed when I went for my first dive off the Great Barrier Reef. It looks so easy in the movies, but the breathing underwater with an oxygen mask is difficult. Don’t let those practice lessons in the swimming pool fool you! To make it easier for us, here is the Triton Oxygen Mask For Diving. It is a very convenient oxygen respirator concept that allows us to breathe under water for a long time by simply biting it. It also does not require the skill of breathing in and out while biting mouthpiece like conventional respirator.

  • Triton uses a new technology of artificial gill model.
  • It extracts oxygen under water through a filter in the form of fine threads with holes smaller than water molecules.
  • This is a technology developed by a Korean scientist that allows us to freely breathe under water for a long time.
  • Using a very small but powerful micro compressor, it compresses oxygen and stores the extracted oxygen in storage tank.
  • The micro compressor operates through micro battery.
  • The micro battery is a next-generation technology with a size 30 times smaller than current battery that can quickly charge 1,000 times faster.

Triton is a 2013 sadi product innovation studio project.

Designer: Jeabyun Yeon

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Scuba Breath was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. 2 O2s and I Breath Right
  2. Scuba Dive Without The Wetsuit
  3. Calling All Divers, Micro Algae Scuba


Voice Over

Le créatif Martin Rosete a réalisé avec la société « Kamel Films » ce superbe court-métrage appelé Voice Over. Ayant déjà reçu 44 prix et récompenses à travers le monde, ce projet propose de découvrir 3 scènes d’agonie annoncée par un narrateur. De superbes plans à découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article.

Voice Over6
Voice Over5
Voice Over4
Voice Over3
Voice Over1
Voice Over2
Voice Over

Plant for the Planet

L’agence allemande Legas Delaney a imaginé cette campagne print pour “Plant for the Planet” avec des créations splendides. Afin de montrer que le CO2 est absorbé par les feuilles à travers la photosynthèse, ces derniers ont pu proposer des créations autour de coupures dans des feuilles.






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