Walkway Optical Illusions

Après Homage to the Lost Spaces, l’artiste Mike Hewson revient avec de nouvelles illusions d’optiques géantes d’une grande qualité. Réalisées après un tremblement de terre à Christchurch en Nouvelle-Zélande pour camoufler les travaux, ces oeuvres magnifiques sont à découvrir dans la suite.

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Optical Heartbeat For Better Diagnosis

The Optical Stethoscope is a nifty piece of technology that acts as assistive device for doctors. Through graphic representation on its knob, it shows doctors the heartbeat, or stomach fluid sounds in waveforms. Basic info like heart rate and pulse is displayed for faster comprehension. The basic idea behind the concept is to aid doctors in making faster and accurate diagnosis.

Medical students who are not yet familiar with the sound of internal organs, will find it easy to use this device, especially in an emergency situation.

Designers: Seobin Oh & JoonHee Kim

Yanko Design
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(Optical Heartbeat For Better Diagnosis was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Heartbeat Indicator Mouse by Chiu Chi Tat & Tsoi Man Hei
  2. Neonode N2 – Optical Touchscreen Phone
  3. Heartbeat Baby Bump Bump Bump


SUPER Spring 2013 ‘Wanderism’ Optical Series

Questa nuova collezione di SUPER è davvero fantastica. La base dei tradizionali modelli è trasparente con la parte superiore in nero o havana. Voglio i Ciccio.

SUPER Spring 2013 'Wanderism' Optical Series

Definite Exit

The Triangle Optical Gate Design makes it ample clear which side of the gate can be used to pass through and which cannot. The design employs the use of an intuitive triangle edge on the top and the bottom end of the gates and LEDs help to make them more evident. The gates are the kinds you see at subway stations and can intuitively integrate features like barcode scanners, RFID readers etc.

Designers: Jongwon Baek & Jaeyong Lee

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(Definite Exit was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Exit Made Easy