Chupan Chupai by Factory Fifteen at Future Perfect

Lisbon Architecture Triennale 2013: this teaser movie by architectural film studio Factory Fifteen offers a vision of a future city controlled by a supercomputer, where architectural structures can be hacked and insect-like drones police the streets.

Chupan Chupai by Factory Fifteen

Factory Fifteen produced a 12-minute version of the film for the Future Perfect exhibition at the Lisbon Architecture Triennale, which presents a vision of how cities could become transformed by technology.

Chupan Chupai by Factory Fifteen

In the movie, a group of children play a game of hide and seek around the city. “Through their play the children discover how to hack the city, opening up a cavernous network of hidden and forgotten spaces, behind the scenes of everyday streets,” explained Factory Fifteen’s Jonathan Gales and Paul Nicholls.

Chupan Chupai by Factory Fifteen

One child uses gestures to create a staircase by extruding a wall, while another is able manipulate surroundings to find camouflage.

Chupan Chupai by Factory Fifteen

Two children venture into a woodland area, where they are chased by a swarm of drones until they find their way back to their friends.

Chupan Chupai by Factory Fifteen

Factory Fifteen filmed the movie on location in India using a group of local children as actors, then used animation to exaggerate and manipulate the imagery.

Inspired by science fiction, the Future Perfect exhibition was curated by architect Liam Young. It is made of of five “districts”, including a place where sculptural dresses are made by dunking people into wax and a woodland designed to accommodate genetically modified plants.

Chupan Chupai by Factory Fifteen

The Lisbon Architecture Triennale continues until 15 December. Follow Dezeen’s coverage of the The Lisbon Architecture Triennale or read our interview with curator Beatrice Galilee.

Here’s some text from the exhibition organisers:

Chupan Chupai

From a clearing in the mist we scan across the city in luminous detail. A film is projected from the lookout that follows a group of children as they play a game of “hide and seek” in Future Perfect.

Shot on location in India we see through their eyes a near future heavily influenced by the imminent boom of the Indian subcontinent, an emerging technology and economic superpower. The control systems that now run traffic systems, power grids and financial networks sit in the shadows, out of sight but silently organising our lives.

Deep in the substrate of Future Perfect is a supercomputer that regulates the city and everyone within it. Reminiscent of an exaggerated silent film, everyone interacts with their digital city through intricate signs and gesture control. As the children play they learn to hack the augmented streets evading their friends but getting lost in the hidden spaces they have unlocked. They must escape from a sentient city that no longer recognises them.

The post Chupan Chupai by Factory Fifteen
at Future Perfect
appeared first on Dezeen.

Jonah Film

Alors que la bande-annonce avait pu être dévoilée en janvier 2013, le court-métrage « Jonah » réalisé par Kibwe Tavares est enfin visible dans son intégralité. Narrant les avantures du jeune Jonah découvrant le plus gros poisson du monde à Zanzibar, cette création très réussie de 17 minutes est à découvrir dans la suite.

Jonah Trailer

Voici la bande-annonce du court-métrage « Jonah » réalisé par Kibwe Tavares. Présenté au Festival Sundance 2013, ce projet aux effets spéciaux magnifiques signés Factory Fifteen narre les aventures de Jonah, jeune homme de Zanzibar découvrant le plus gros poisson du monde.

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