Ardbeg Whisky Distillery: We visit the wild island of Islay to discover what makes Scotland’s peatiest single malt so unique

Ardbeg Whisky Distillery

Those familiar with single malts will recognize the tiny, wild island of Islay as the birthplace of Scotland’s most heavily peated whiskies. Once home to over 20 distilleries, Islay (pronounced “eye-lah”) now hosts just eight, but the few remaining are some of…

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Absolut Elyx: Sweden’s new premier export embodies the legendary vodka brand’s extensive heritage and progressive attitude

Absolut Elyx

Over the past decade, Absolut became more synonymous with college parties and dance club bottle service than with its artistically-inclined, sustainably-minded Swedish roots. This shift in reputation is undoubtedly a…

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Oola Flavored Vodka: Pepper, citrus and rosemary infusions from a Seattle-based microdistillery

Oola Flavored Vodka

Between 50-year-old whiskey and 19th-century curaçao, vodka has a tendency to fall by the wayside in our hunt for sipping spirits, but a recent encounter wtih Oola’s flavored vodkas has certainly changed that. Oola, a micro-distillery in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, operates under a “grain-to-glass” mantra—a selling…

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Highland Park Loki: The mischievous Norse god embodied in a complex 15-year-old single malt

Highland Park Loki

Inspired by the mischievous and mercurial Nordic god, the amber liquid of the newly released Loki seems to capture the unpredictable shape-shifting nature of its namesake. Matured in both Spanish sherry and heavily peated casks, the flavors offer sweetness and spice with a layer of smoke that distinguishes the…

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Widow Jane Whiskey: Kentucky bourbon from a Brooklyn distillery

Widow Jane Whiskey

In addressing the challenge of producing a Kentucky bourbon whiskey in Brooklyn’s Red Hook neighborhood, Cacao Prieto distillery looked to the Widow Jane Mine in Rosendale, NY. Heavy in minerals and naturally filtered through limestone, the water makes an uncanny pair with the aged spirit. The mine also provided…

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Tron Legacy – Aerosol Mural

Dans l’esprit du film Tron Legacy, voici cet Aerosol Mural commandité par Disney. Une impressionnante fresque de 20 mètres de long, filmé durant 4 jours en timelapse grâce à une collaboration entre Distillery Productions et le photographe Toby Summerskill.


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