Vitsœ relaunches 621 Side Table by Dieter Rams

British furniture brand Vitsœ has relaunched an injection-moulded plastic table originally designed by German industrial designer Dieter Rams in 1962.

Vitsœ relaunches 621 Side Table by Dieter Rams

The 621 Side Table was designed to showcase the practical and aesthetic properties of plastic.

Vitsœ relaunches 621 Side Table by Dieter Rams
The 621 Side Table next to the Rams’ 620 Chair Programme that was also relaunched by Vitsoe in May last year

Rams regularly promoted the use of plastic in his products for Vitsœ and electronics brand Braun, and described it as a “noble and long-living material.”

Vitsœ relaunches 621 Side Table by Dieter Rams

Having been out of production since the 1980s, the table is manufactured by injection-moulding plastic into a form that gives it inherent structural rigidity.

Vitsœ relaunches 621 Side Table by Dieter Rams

Two sizes are being produced, which can be purchased separately or combined as a nested pair.

Vitsœ relaunches 621 Side Table by Dieter Rams

The tables are available in off-white or black with surfaces hand-painted to give them a textured surface that provides durability and anti-static properties.

Vitsœ relaunches 621 Side Table by Dieter Rams

Rams has added adjustable feet to the new versions, which enable the product to perform better when used on uneven surfaces.

It can also be turned on its side so one end slides under a chair or sofa and the other becomes the table surface.

Vitsœ relaunches 621 Side Table by Dieter Rams

Vitsœ was granted the exclusive worldwide licence to produce many of Dieter Rams’ furniture designs in 2012, and last year it relaunched an upholstered armchair that was also created in 1962.

Here’s some more information from Vitsœ:

New licence, new table production

Vitsœ continues to build on its exclusive worldwide licence for Dieter Rams’s original furniture designs by adding the 621 Side Table to its growing furniture collection. The table – injection-moulded in Britain – will be available from March 2014.

The table was originally designed by Rams in 1962 along with his 620 Chair Programme. It was last produced in the 1980s and is typical of Rams’s constant quest – at Braun and Vitsœ – to elevate plastic, as he has said, to a “noble and long-living material.”

Vitsœ relaunches 621 Side Table by Dieter Rams

The detailed form of the table is quintessential Rams and has been displayed in museums worldwide, often in its innovative Rams-designed packaging. The table is hand-painted with a distinctive textured finish to give both durability and an anti-static surface.

Available in two sizes and two colours (black and off-white), the table can be turned on its end to slide over a sofa. Its simple modular design allows it to sit alone or be combined as a group to satisfy a surprising range of uses in the home or office. Not only a side table, coffee table or bedside table, it is excellent as the there-when-needed table.

Vitsœ relaunches 621 Side Table by Dieter Rams

In addition, the table is now delivered with adjustable feet which have been designed by Rams to realise his original desire that uneven surfaces should be overcome easily.

The competitive price and worldwide online availability directly from Vitsœ ensure that more people will be able to embrace Vitsœ’s ethos of living better, with less, that lasts longer.

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by Dieter Rams
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Braun Design at Paul Smith Albemarle Street by das programm

A collection of 1950s and 1960s products by designers including Dieter Rams, Arne Jacobsen and Dietrich Lubs for German electricals brand Braun are on display at the new Paul Smith store in London (+ slideshow).

Braun Design at Paul Smith Albemarle Street by das programm
Audio 1 compact system with record player (white version), 1962, and ‘kangaroo’ system audio stand, 1967, by Dieter Rams at Paul Smith Albemarle Street

Collectors of Braun Design products das programm curated a selection of vintage Braun products in fashion designer Paul Smith‘s recently extended store on Albemarle Street in London’s Mayfair district.

Braun Design at Paul Smith Albemarle Street by das programm
Record player by Dieter Rams, 1960

The emphasis of the small exhibition, titled White, is mainly on audio products such as radios, turntables and speaker units.

Braun Design at Paul Smith Albemarle Street by das programm
Atelier 3 / L 40 compact system and box speaker by Dieter Rams, 1962

“We’re showing 45 pieces, mostly 60s audio but also including some classic household designs,” said das programm director Peter Kapos.

Braun Design at Paul Smith Albemarle Street by das programm
PC4 record player by Dieter Rams, 1965

Dieter Rams was appointed director of Braun’s in-house design department in 1960 and began applying the standards established by the Ulm School of Design a year earlier.

Braun Design at Paul Smith Albemarle Street by das programm
RT 20 tischsuper table radio by Dieter Rams, 1961

Under his direction the company became renowned for producing rational and functionalist designs, which are widely credited as Apple creative director Jonathan Ive’s aesthetic reference for the computer company’s products.

“The influence of Braun Design on Apple design is well documented,” Kapos told Dezeen. “From the 2001 iPod onwards, Apple has been helping itself to all kinds of bits and bobs, producing a curiously accelerated collage of Braun Design.”

Braun Design at Paul Smith Albemarle Street by das programm
L 460 wall-mountable round speakers by Arne Jacobsen, 1967

Other Braun Design members are also represented in the collection. The oldest piece in the store is Hans Guglelot’s combined record player and radio from 1955, and homeware designs by Reinhold Weiss and Gerd Alfred Müller are also on show.

Braun Design at Paul Smith Albemarle Street by das programm
G 11 table radio by Hans Gugelot, 1955

The items will be displayed in the recently opened store until 7 October and Kapos will be giving tours of the exhibition in its final week – more details here.

Braun Design at Paul Smith Albemarle Street by das programm
Audio 1 compact system with record player (white version), 1962, and ‘kangaroo’ system audio stand, 1967, by Dieter Rams

Earlier this month, Dieter Rams was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Medal from the London Design Festival, honouring “an individual who has made significant and fundamental contributions to the design industry over their career.”

A few months ago furniture brand Vitsœ reissued Rams’ classic 620 Chair Programme and earlier in the year a private collector put his 1000-piece archive of the designer’s Braun products up for auction on eBay.

See more design by Dieter Rams »

Das programm sent us the text below:

White: overview

Amidst the architectural and cultural ruins of post-war Germany, industrial designers considered their role in the task of reconstruction. In 1953 the Ulm school of design opened. It taught that rationally organised objects of daily use might serve as models for a more rational social form and thereby guide the maelstrom of productive forces to a more acceptable result. They called this utopian project ‘systems design’. The following year, the Braun Company approached the Ulm school with a brief to modernise their audio line. Designers Otl Aicher and Hans Guglelot, lecturers at the school, established the Braun style and produced the blueprint for a comprehensively integrated programm of household electronics.

The Ulm school is represented in the exhibition by two pieces: Gugelot’s G 11 / G 12 record player and radio combination, issued in the 1955 the inaugural year of Braun Design, and Gugelot and Rams’ SK 4 phonosuper of the following year. This pair of foundational objects are the first encountered by the visitor.

Braun Design at Paul Smith Albemarle Street by das programm
Prüfplatte A 1, unattributed, ca 1960

An in-house design department was established at Braun in 1960; Dieter Rams was appointed its director in 1961. You can see from the pieces on the bridge shelf how the Ulm style was both retained and transformed in the products issued after the services of Ulm freelancers had been dispensed with. Post-1960 Braun designs remain orderly and rational, according to functionalist principles. But the first designs’ rather Scandinavian-modern references to nature are replaced by a more severe and emphatically industrial material vocabulary.

Just as important was the transformation in the interrelation of individual designs. The Braun audio designs of the 1960s were no longer conceived as single items related to others in the programm by a more or less common aesthetic. Now, the program was thought of as a single integrated system consisting of functionally compatible elements under a fully unified aesthetic regime. In this way the entire Braun programm of the 1960s unfolded as a unitary modular system.

Braun Design at Paul Smith Albemarle Street by das programm
KF 21 coffee machine by Florian Seiffert, 1976

The examples presented in the main space have been selected to express the formal and functional unity and systematicity of the 60s Braun program. The audio designs of this period, all by Dieter Rams, may be divided into two groups: light weight turntables, small radios and speaker units, and larger more substantial system elements. The largest of these at the far end of the room is the Audio 1 integrated system sitting on the ‘kangaroo’ modular stand. Despite the formal variety, the distinctive characteristic of 1960s Braun Design is its overarching coherence. It all ‘locks’ together.

It’s interesting to think that at this time Dieter Rams was also drawing furniture designs on the same principles for production and sale by Vitsoe, then Vitsoe+Zapf. The idea was that audio design, furniture design (and toaster design for that matter) should fuse into a single interlocked whole – a total rational environment that we might imagine extending outwards to the design of buildings, districts and cities…

Braun Design at Paul Smith Albemarle Street by das programm
KM 3 mixer system by Gerd Alfred Müller, 1957

Because space is limited the emphasis of the exhibition is placed on audio products. However, the Braun program of the 1960s also encompassed extensive kitchen, misc. household, lighter, dry shaving and photography ranges. The pair of ‘Das Braun Programm’ posters by the till presents something of this scope.

As in the audio segment, these products related to every other as parts of a rational, aesthetically unified whole. Indeed, the graphic design of these posters itself, in its systematic arrangement on a grid, contributes to this unity, as did the design of every other piece of Braun printed material from packaging down to guarantee cards and instructions for use – see as examples the KF 1000 headphone and MX 1 111 child’s toy.

Braun Design at Paul Smith Albemarle Street by das programm
ABK 20 wall clock by Dietrich Lubs, 1985

Presented on the bay of shelves are a few iconic examples of Braun household products. Of these, Reinhold Weiss’ HL 1 multiwind desk fan and KMM 1 coffee grinder are particularly important. Weiss joined the Braun Company as a graduate of the Ulm School in 1960 and continued to practice systems design according to its original idea. Ram’s designs tended to be simple cubular forms. A tension between rational rigour and idiosyncrasy in the arrangement of control elements provides ‘interest’. Weiss’ designs, on the other hand, are both more fully abstract and three dimensional. The device is broken down into functionally discrete units – base, stem, motor block, fan head, cowl – that are then articulated as sculptural elements, a series of volumes, densities, textures and masses. The result is at once functionally and constructionally concrete, and highly abstract.

It’s interesting to compare Weiss’ functionalism with that of his colleague Gerd Alfred Müller, whose iconic KM 3 food processor sits on the top shelf. Müller articulates the functional elements of the device – motorblock/gearing/tool – with great clarity as distinct strata imposed upon a flowing organic form, a horizontally ordered series of cuts. This form encloses the bowl; notice how its lip aligns with the top edge of the gearing block. A distinctive feature of 1960s Braun Design is the fine balance struck between difference and identity. Rams, Weiss and Müller drew up designs with very distinct characters that nevertheless belonged unambiguously to a single programm.

Braun Design at Paul Smith Albemarle Street by das programm
Tonearmwaage tone arm scale by Dieter Rams, 1962

The period of Braun Design is defined as 1955 – 1995, beginning with the first of the modernist designs and ending when Dieter Rams stepped down as Director of the Design Department. However, our exhibition focuses almost entirely on designs issued before 1968. In 1968 the Gillette Company acquired a controlling share in Braun and thereafter stopped the economically irrational practice of cross-subsiding product lines. In particular, profits from the dry shaving sector, which made up the largest part of company earnings were no longer permitted to offset losses incurred by the grandiose design folly that was the Braun audio program.

Interesting as it was, outside a small group of German middle class intellectuals there just wasn’t the demand for it. Post-68 Braun Design was increasingly led by market research, which very quickly brought about the demise of the functionalist adventure in systems design. To be sure, great designs still continued to be produced at Braun after 1968. See for example the astonishing KF 21 coffee filter on the plinth opposite the shelves. But these tend to stand out as singular designs. Shaped by marketing requirements, what remained of the programm increasingly found itself reflecting existing conditions. Perhaps, the expansive ‘kangaroo’ system stand (of which only a small part is shown here) represents the last attempt at designing in a truly utopian mode, that is, one that reaches beyond what presently exists to something qualitatively new…

Braun Design at Paul Smith Albemarle Street by das programm

Under the present stewardship of Proctor and Gamble, owners of the Gillette Company, Braun continues to extend the company tradition of offering products of the highest quality in terms of design and manufacture. Its offering is now almost entirely restricted to personal grooming. Recently, a number of interesting discontinued products of the Braun Design period have been re-issued. Amongst these are Rams’ DW 30 digital watch of 1979, Dietrich Lubs’ AB 30 vs alarm clock and Rams and Lubs’ superb ET 66 calculator. These are displayed for sale in the till area.

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Vitsœ Reengineers a Dieter Rams Classic

Best known for its widely coveted modular shelving system designed by Dieter Rams, Vitsœ recently scored the exclusive worldwide license to Rams’ original furniture designs. First up on the relaunching pad for the London-based company is the designer’s 620 chair, which hits the market this month following a top-to-bottom reengineering. Every last purpose-designed stainless steel bolt in the chair, designed for Vitsœ in 1962 and later the subject of a legal scuffle that led to the design being copyrighted, has been given the once over, and the versatile seat–add castors for swivelling, connect a few together for a multi-seat sofa–emerged from the makeover with a reduced price ($3,340, sans casters) and a footstool.

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Vitsoe riapre il programma 620 chair di Dieter Rams

Il marchio inglese Vitsoe ha riportato in vita il vecchio programma 620 chair di Dieter Rams. Il procedimento di produzione e assemblamento è stato del tutto rinnovato rispetto al passato mantenendo però intatto il design. Il programma prevede singola seduta che accoppiata con uno o più dei suoi omologhi può creare svariate combinazioni.
Estetica stupenda, prezzo esagerato.

Vitsoe riapre il programma 620 chair di Dieter Rams

Vitsoe riapre il programma 620 chair di Dieter Rams

Dieter Rams 620 Chair Programme relaunched by Vitsœ

Product news: furniture brand Vitsœ has reissued a classic chair by German designer Dieter Rams, the former head of design at Braun.

Dieter Rams 620 Chair Programme relaunched by Vitsœ

The 620 Chair Programme, first designed in 1962, has been “comprehensively re-engineered” according to Vitsœ, which last year was granted an exclusive global licence to produce Rams’ furniture designs.

Dieter Rams 620 Chair Programme relaunched by Vitsœ

Like Rams’ 606 Universal Shelving System, which Rams designed for Vitsœ in the same year, the chair is an adaptable piece of furniture that can be joined with other chairs to form a multi-seat sofa. Its castors can also be swapped for a swivel base.

Dieter Rams 620 Chair Programme relaunched by Vitsœ

Dezeen previously recorded a podcast with Rams at London’s Design Museum, where he talked to Vitsœ managing director Mark Adams about an exhibition of his work at the museum – see more stories about Dieter Rams.

Dieter Rams 620 Chair Programme relaunched by Vitsœ

Photographs are by Vitsœ.

Here’s more information from Vitsœ:

New licence, new Vitsœ chair production

Following Dieter Rams granting Vitsœ the exclusive worldwide licence to his original furniture designs, Vitsœ is pleased to announce it has comprehensively re-engineered Rams’s 620 Chair Programme delivering exceptional improvements in both quality and price. The 620 Chair Programme – marking its 50th anniversary – will be available from 9 May.

Dieter Rams 620 Chair Programme relaunched by Vitsœ

Vitsœ’s new production of 620 shows characteristic rigour and attention to detail. The chair has been completely re-engineered, right down to the last purpose-designed stainless-steel bolt. In turn, the very best traditional upholstery skills have been revived to ensure a chair that will last for generations, a point reinforced by the choice of a sumptuous full-grain aniline-dyed leather that will only improve with age. All of this has been achieved while prices have been reduced.

Designed for Vitsœ in 1962, the 620 Chair Programme has won numerous prizes and is collected by, and exhibited in, museums and galleries worldwide. Notoriously, in 1968, the chair was copied. Vitsœ’s co-founder, Niels Vitsœ, fought a lengthy court case that culminated in the chair being granted rare copyright protection in 1973.

Dieter Rams 620 Chair Programme relaunched by Vitsœ

Like its sibling the 606 Universal Shelving System, which was designed by Dieter Rams in 1962, the 620 Chair Programme is a carefully-conceived kit of parts. For example, a single chair can become a multi-seat sofa when more chairs are added. Or a chair on castors can be transformed into a swivelling chair.

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relaunched by Vitsœ
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1000-piece Dieter Rams design collection for sale on eBay

Braun design collection on eBay

News: a private collector is putting his 1000-piece archive of Dieter Rams-designed Braun products up for auction on eBay with an asking price of over £300,000.

The Braun design collection failed to attract any bids during its first listing on the online marketplace in January, but private collector Roland Feinler intends to list the collection again in the hope of selling it privately or attracting the interest of a design museum.

Braun design collection on eBay

The collection includes televisions, record players, radios, cameras, clocks, toasters and many more products and appliances created by the hugely influential German designer Dieter Rams between 1955 and 1988.

Feinler, who is based in Heidelberg, Germany, started picking up Rams’ designs between 1979 and 1981, and later extended the collection by merging it with another. His website provides a video tour of the collection along with photographs of around 400 products and a complete list of the items.

Braun design collection on eBay

In a recent edition of our new opinion column, Dezeen’s editor-in-chief Marcus Fairs questioned why the Design Museum wouldn’t admit to using eBay to procure objects for its collection.

Last year we reported that Rams had made furniture brand Vitsœ the exclusive worldwide licencee of his complete collection of furniture designs.

Braun design collection on eBay

Dezeen previously recorded a podcast with Rams at London’s Design Museum, where he talked to Vitsœ managing director Mark Adams about an exhibition of his work at the museum – see more about Dieter Rams.

See more design by Braun »

Photographs are by the Braun Design Collection.

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for sale on eBay
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Vitsoe in esclusiva per Dieter Rams

Pare che la britannica Vitsoe abbia acquisito dal 2013 i diritti sulla produzione di alcuni prodotti del leggendario designer Dieter Rams. Sulla parete di casa ho una 606 Universal Shelving System presa da DePadova qualche anno fa, che di colpo abbia triplicato il suo valore?

Vitsoe in esclusiva per Dieter Rams

Vitsœ granted exclusive licence to produce Dieter Rams furniture

Dieter Rams by Abisag Tüllmann

News: Dieter Rams (pictured), the former head of design at Braun, has made furniture brand Vitsœ the exclusive worldwide licencee of his complete collection of furniture designs.

Vitsœ has produced Dieter Rams’ furniture designs, notably the 606 Universal Shelving System (below), since it was established by Niels Vitsœ and Otto Zapf in Germany in 1959, but this new decision allows the international furniture manufacturer to sell Rams’ complete portfolio of furniture designs.

Dieter Rams grants Vitsoe exclusive worldwide license

“Vitsœ’s disciplined business practices and manufacturing intelligence are in true alignment with the values of my design,” commented Rams. “Vitsœ’s growing international presence and continued commitment to the constant improvement of my products ensure that my furniture is in the best hands for the years ahead.”

The first new productions of Rams’s original furniture will be launched in 2013.

Dieter Rams grants Vitsoe exclusive worldwide license

Above: Rams’ 621 Side Table

Dezeen previously recorded a podcast with Rams at London’s Design Museum, where he talked to Vitsœ managing director Mark Adams about an exhibition of his work at the museum – see more stories about Dieter Rams.

The Braun BN0076 digital watch, based on the classic DW30 timepiece originally designed by Rams in 1978, is currently available to buy from Dezeen Watch Store.

Dieter Rams grants Vitsoe exclusive worldwide license

Above: Rams’ 620 Chair

Photographs are courtesy of Vitsœ, except the portrait of Rams, which is by Abisag Tüllmann.

Here’s the press release from Vitsœ:

Dieter Rams grants Vitsœ exclusive worldwide licence to his original furniture designs

Vitsœ, the international furniture manufacturer and retailer, is pleased to announce that it becomes the exclusive worldwide licensee of Dieter Rams’s complete collection of original furniture designs with effect from 1 January 2013.

Established by Niels Vitsœ and Otto Zapf near Frankfurt, Germany in 1959, Vitsœ has produced the furniture designs of Dieter Rams ever since, in particular, the 606 Universal Shelving System. Today, with a growing international team in a variety of worldwide locations, Vitsœ has pioneered selling directly to its customers in more than 50 countries and is renowned for its single-minded commitment to responsible design.

Dieter Rams, formerly head of design at Braun, is regarded as one of the most influential industrial designers of the twentieth century. Having recently celebrated his 80th birthday, Rams commented: “Vitsœ’s disciplined business practices and manufacturing intelligence are in true alignment with the values of my design. This makes Vitsœ the ideal partner to present my products worldwide and it is for this reason that I have given Vitsœ the licence to sell not only the 606 Universal Shelving System but my complete portfolio of furniture designs in Germany and throughout the world. In addition, Vitsœ’s growing international presence and continued commitment to the constant improvement of my products ensure that my furniture is in the best hands for the years ahead.”

Vitsœ is developing new production of Rams’s original furniture, the first of which will be launched in 2013.

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to produce Dieter Rams furniture
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Braun BN0076 at Dezeen Watch Store

Dezeen Watch Store: the Braun BN0076 is the latest watch to join Dezeen Watch Store’s carefully curated Braun collection. This minimal digital watch is based on the classic DW30 timepiece originally designed by Dieter Rams in 1978.

This re-issued version stays true to Dieter Rams’ original design with the minimal look of a stainless steel face and leather strap. The watch features an updated LED back-lit date and time display.

The BN0076 is available to buy online and over the phone, or at our Dezeen Super Store pop-up shop at 38 Monmouth St, Seven Dials, London, WC2H 9EP. Get 10% discount in store and enter our competition to win a designer watch worth £150 by downloading this flyer and presenting it at the shop.

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