Interactive music video for Bob Dylan’s Like A Rolling Stone

Dezeen Music Project: viewers of the first official video for American musician Bob Dylan’s Like A Rolling Stone can change channels that mimic TV formats to watch people lip-syncing to the 1965 track.

Interactive music video for Bob Dylan's Like A Rolling Stone

The interactive video by digital agency Interlude allows the viewer to swap between channels and watch different presenters and characters sing along to Dylan’s iconic track.

Interactive music video for Bob Dylan's Like A Rolling Stone

The 16 channels include a financial market update, a live cooking demonstration and sports highlights. One features archive footage of Dylan himself singing the track.

Interactive music video for Bob Dylan's Like A Rolling Stone

You can also watch a couple flirt in a romantic comedy or an argument on a soap opera, all while mouthing the track’s lyrics.

Interactive music video for Bob Dylan's Like A Rolling Stone

“I’m using the medium of television to look back right at us – you’re flipping yourself to death with switching channels [in real life],” director Vania Heymann told Mashable.

Interactive music video for Bob Dylan's Like A Rolling Stone

Buttons on a panel down the left hand side of the screen and up and down keyboard buttons are used to flick between the channels, bringing up an info bar with the channel’s name, number and description each time.

Interactive music video for Bob Dylan's Like A Rolling Stone

This is the first official music video for the track, which has been created to coincide with the release of Bob Dylan’s CD box set The Complete Album Collection.

Interactive music video for Bob Dylan's Like A Rolling Stone

The song reached number two in the charts when it was released in 1965 and was voted Greatest Song of All Time by Rolling Stone magazine.

Interactive music video for Bob Dylan's Like A Rolling Stone

The film was made using software called Treehouse, which Interlude created themselves.

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Sounds of Threads music visualisation using strands of wool by Bertrand Lanthiez

Dezeen Music Project: French artist Bertrand Lanthiez created this audiovisual installation by projecting white light along criss-crossing woollen threads (+ movie).

Sounds of Threads music visualisation by Bertrand Lanthiez created on strands of wool

Called Sounds of Threads, the installation comprises strands of wool stretched between four wooden stands, with beams of white light projected across them in time to a piece of music.

Sounds of Threads music visualisation by Bertrand Lanthiez created on strands of wool

“I was interested in questions of how sight can enhance hearing, or also disturb our balance in perceiving a multimedia-based bodily experience,” said Lanthiez.

Sounds of Threads music visualisation by Bertrand Lanthiez created on strands of wool

“I tried to demonstrate the power of our senses when they interact simultaneously,” he added.

Lanthiez composed an original piece of music to use in the installation, which he exhibited earlier this year in Reykjavik.

Sounds of Threads music visualisation by Bertrand Lanthiez created on strands of wool

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strands of wool by Bertrand Lanthiez
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Animated music video for Japanese band SOUR created using spinning CDs

Dezeen Music Project: designers Masashi Kawamura and Kota Iguchi made all the animations in this music video for Japanese band SOUR’s single Music Is Life using rotating compact discs. 

Life Is Music by Sour music video

Kawamura of creative agency PARTY and Iguchi of design studio Tymote used the CDs to create a kind of phenakistoscope, a nineteenth-century animation device consisting of a series of still images that appear to move when rotated.

Life Is Music by Sour music video

“The idea came from the lyrics,” Kawamura told Dezeen. “The song is about life and the way it cycles like the rhythm of music. That made me think of using CDs as the surface to create animations on.”

Life Is Music by Sour music video

Traditionally, a phenakistoscope would have to be viewed through small gaps to create the illusion of movement and prevent the images from blurring into each other. Kawamura and Iguchi managed to create the same effect by syncing the speed of the rotating discs with the frame rate of their video camera.

Life Is Music by Sour music video

“The slits on a phenakistoscope simulate flashes of light and create a kind of strobe effect called persistence of vision,” Kawamura explained. “In our case, we used the frame rate of the camera to recreate this effect without the slits. We shot the film at 15 fps and filmed 17 frame animations to synchronise with the 105 BPM of the song.”

Life Is Music by Sour music video

Kawamura and Iguchi created animations on 189 CDs to make the video. They raised the money for the project on crowd-funding website Kickstarter, and backers who pledged $70 or more will receive one of the discs used in the shoot, signed by the band.

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created using spinning CDs
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Dezeen Music Project: Woodrow Shuffle by Giga Herbs

Spiky, off-beat guitars contrast with balmy, bell-like keyboard lines in this track by New York four-piece Giga Herbs.

Woodrow Shuffle is the second single taken from Giga Herbs’ debut album Mad Weird LP.

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Dezeen Music Project: 45 by Atom Tree

This month Glasgow band Atom Tree released their debut EP Tide Of Thorns, which opens with the track Die for Your Love that we featured on Dezeen Music Project last year.

45 is a brooding electronica track in a similar vein, which Atom Tree have made available to download for free as a nice taster of what you can expect to find on the EP itself.

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45 by Atom Tree
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Dezeen Music Project: Family Music by Y’Skid

Here’s another track by Eindhoven-based hip hop producer Y’Skid. Family Music is a bit jazzier than the previous track we featured by Y’Skid, but has still got a great hip hop groove.

We liked the track so much we used it on the soundtrack to our first Dezeen and MINI World Tour movie from Eindhoven with Miriam van der Lubbe.

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Dezeen Music Project: Doubtful by Y’Skid

Dezeen is in Eindhoven for the penultimate leg of our Dezeen and MINI World Tour, so we thought we should seek out some musical talent based in the city.

Y’Skid is a local producer who has created some great jazz-infused hip hop tracks. This instrumental called Doubtful has quite a different vibe, but we love its laid-back groove.

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Dezeen Music Project: Never Never by K H U S H I

We featured debut single Magpie by East London musician K H U S H I a few weeks ago on Dezeen Music Project. This stripped-back track called Never Never is the B-side to that release and is available now, together with the main single, on Laissez Faire Club Records.

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Dezeen Music Project: Feeling Beast by Man Oeuvre

We used this experimental electronica track by Man Oeuvre on our first Dezeen and MINI World Tour movie from Singapore.

Feeling Beast starts off with glitchy samples, before kicking in with a solid groove that slowly becomes more and more discordant as the track progresses.

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by Man Oeuvre
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Dezeen Music Project: Facility by Dead Red Sun

We’ve been using music by London instrumental band Dead Red Sun on the soundtracks for our Dezeen and MINI World Tour movies from the UK capital.

This track called Facility builds up intricately with increasingly busy layers of post-rock guitars before a heavy dose of no-nonsense distortion kicks in halfway through.

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by Dead Red Sun
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