Dezeen Music Project: Facility by Dead Red Sun

We’ve been using music by London instrumental band Dead Red Sun on the soundtracks for our Dezeen and MINI World Tour movies from the UK capital.

This track called Facility builds up intricately with increasingly busy layers of post-rock guitars before a heavy dose of no-nonsense distortion kicks in halfway through.

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by Dead Red Sun
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Dezeen Music Project: Marks of a Tear by Yu-Chi

Online music label Curious Absurdities has contributed some great chill-out tracks to Dezeen Music Project over the past few months (check them out here), but this instrumental composition by Japanese artist Yu-Chi is something very different. In fact, existing somewhere between the beautiful and the bizarre, Marks of a Tear isn’t much like anything we’ve featured on Dezeen Music Project before.

The track comes from Yu-Chi’s recently released album Monochrome Clown, which is well worth a listen and is available to download for free.

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The post Dezeen Music Project: Marks of a Tear
by Yu-Chi
appeared first on Dezeen.