Dezeen Music Project: Warm Leatherette by Yuri Suzuki

Sound artist, designer and musician Yuri Suzuki, who made this radio from an electronic circuit board that looks like the London tube map, has responded to our call-out for tracks to feature on Dezeen Live with his tribute to synth pioneer and Mute records founder Daniel Miller.

The track was recorded using the OP-1 portable synthesiser and sampler (prominently featured in this music video by Swedish House Mafia) by Swedish company Teenage Engineering.

If you’ve also got a track you’d also like to be featured on Dezeen Live, it’s easy to get involved. All you need to do is upload it to our Soundcloud account here.

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Dezeen Music Project: special call out for tracks and performers

Dezeen Music Project

Dezeen Music Project is looking for original music tracks and performers to take part in Dezeen Live, our series of talks at 100% Design from 19 to 22 September during the London Design Festival.

Dezeen Live at 100% Design will be a series of one-hour shows comprising interviews, discussions, reports and music performed in front of a live audience. The shows will also be filmed and broadcast later on Dezeen.

If you’re a musician, composer or sound artist and would like to play your music during one of the shows, please send some examples of your work and a bit about yourself to

If you can’t make it to London, but would like your music to be featured, all you have to do is upload your tracks to our Soundcloud account (please make sure you change the sharing settings for uploaded tracks from private to public and make them available to download).

Selected tracks will also be published on our Dezeen Music Project blog and featured on the audio player in the right-hand column of our home page.

The copyright of the any tracks submitted will remain with the artist and Dezeen will provide a full credit and link each time we use at track. See the full copyright notice here.

Listen to all the Dezeen Music Project tracks here and see more details about Dezeen Live here.

Dezeen Live

Dezeen Live at 100% Design
Earls Court Two
Warwick Road

5pm-6pm, 19-21 September
2.45pm, 22 September

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Dezeen Music Project: Churning by Carpe Noctem

We often feature dubstep tracks on Dezeen Music Project, but we haven’t had any drum and bass for a while. This track starts off with a chilled-out, melancholy vibe, but it doesn’t take long for Vancouver-based producer Carpe Noctem to drop in a full-blown D&B beat.

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by Carpe Noctem
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Dezeen Music Project: Tubular Bells (remix) by Fine Cut Bodies

Budapest DJ Fine Cut Bodies has remixed the first part of the classic Mike Oldfield album Tubular Bells. The track is a competition entry for an Indaba Music remix contest to commemorate the release of the original record, and you can listen to the other remixes the track is up against here.

Make sure you also check out the excellent Fine Cut Bodies remix of Fever Ray track Keep the Streets Empty for Me that we featured on Dezeen Music Project back in June.

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by Fine Cut Bodies
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Dezeen Music Project: Marks of a Tear by Yu-Chi

Online music label Curious Absurdities has contributed some great chill-out tracks to Dezeen Music Project over the past few months (check them out here), but this instrumental composition by Japanese artist Yu-Chi is something very different. In fact, existing somewhere between the beautiful and the bizarre, Marks of a Tear isn’t much like anything we’ve featured on Dezeen Music Project before.

The track comes from Yu-Chi’s recently released album Monochrome Clown, which is well worth a listen and is available to download for free.

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by Yu-Chi
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Dezeen Music Project: This World by Will Matiu

It’s been a while since we last had a track by Leeds-based DJ and producer Will Matiu on Dezeen Music Project, but he’s always been able to guarantee a great party track to put up on a Friday, so we were pleased to see he had a new track to share.

This World certainly doesn’t disappoint, combining a catchy vocal hook and club-friendly four-to-the-floor beat. It’s a simple but effective formula that has proved equally as successful on previous Will Matiu tracks we’ve featured on Dezeen Music Project.

You can download the track for free here too.

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by Will Matiu
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Dezeen Music Project: Feeling Good by Nsquared, featuring Xenia Gargali

Greek DJs Nsquared have sent us this deep house interpretation of Feeling Good, the song made famous by Nina Simone.

If you’re enjoying the vibe, check out our other house tracks here.

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Nsquared, featuring Xenia Gargali
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Dezeen Music Project: Got that Vibe (remix) by Trash Inc

We’re rounding off the week on Dezeen Music Project with this funky remix of an old school Afrika Bambaataa track by Beirut producer Trash Inc.

You can listen to other Dezeen Music Project tracks by Trash Inc here.

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(remix) by Trash Inc
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Dezeen Music Project: Mutual Core (remix) by Simplex

Cardiff-based DJ Simplex, who we featured on Dezeen Music Project last month, has sent us a preview of his glitchy remix of Mutual Core, a track from Björk’s most recent album Biophilia.

The track is part of a remix contest being held by online music store Beatport. You can listen to the full track and vote for it here.

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(remix) by Simplex
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Dezeen Music Project: Summer Swell by Cillian Warfield

This soothing instrumental is the latest track by Helsinki-based musician Cillian Warfield. A delicate acoustic guitar picking pattern forms the basis of the track, from which mournful horns and eerie bell sounds emerge as the track builds up, before fading back down again in a gentle swell.

Listen to the other chill-out tracks on Dezeen Music Project here.

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by Cillian Warfield
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