Appletters and Pairs in Pears


Bananagrams, a clever brain game suitable for any age level, essentially works like Scrabble without the board. Two recently-introduced similar games—Appletters and Pairs in Pears—add to the fun.

Like Banangrams, the point of Appletters is to be the first to use up all of your letters while Pairs in Pears challenges players with racing to create the most word pairs. Appletters is also designed to be three games in one—with Applescore and Appleturnover as additional (and a tad more difficult) activities. Challenging, silly and addictive, the games come in handy as educational exercises, as well as just for fun.

Winner of the 2009 Toy Fair‘s “Game of the Year,” Banangrams provides infinite amusement and Appletters and Pairs in Pears is no different. Pick them up online from Amazon for about $15 each.

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