A la carte kitchen system

Questo sistema modulare di cucina è stato sviluppato dai tedeschi di stadtnomaden e si può adattare ad ogni situazione con qualsiasi tipo di connessione. La trovate in vendita anche online.

Acne ‘Arch’ Plimsole

Le plimsole estive di ACNE .

Acne ‘Arch’ Plimsole

Successful Living by Diesel Creative Team and Foscarini

Milan 2010: design brand Diesel have created a range of lighting in collaboration with Foscarini as part of their Diesel Home Collection, presented at Superstudio Più in Zona Tortona earlier this month. (more…)

ILoveDust Promo

Quelli di ILoveDust fanno sul serio!

Porcelain Cupboard

Dutch designer Marjan van Aubel has developed foam porcelain, a new lightweight material. Just like bread, the foam literally rises in the kiln, expa..

DJ Turntable Business

Deepak Nagar e Nasheet Shadani hanno disegnato questa business card per DJ…geniale!

Dadahack TAP3

Messo a punto dal duo musicale Dadahack, questo lettore mp3 custom-made incorporato in una old-cassetta è davvero una figata. Viene alimentato via USB e funziona con una memoria SD tradizionale. Bisognerebbe metterli sul serio in produzione!

Umeà Institute of Design is seeking PhD Candidates in Sweden

pa href=”http://www.coroflot.com/public/jobs_browse.asp” border=”0″img alt=”coroflot_design_jobs.jpg” src=”http://s3files.core77.com/blog/images/coroflot_design_jobs.jpg”/ /a/p

pstronga href=”http://www.coroflot.com/public/job_details.asp?job_id=26294referral=C77blogpost”4 PhD (funded) positions in Industrial/Interaction Design/a
brUmeagrave; Institute of Design/strongbr /Umeagrave;a, Sweden/p

pAt Umeagrave; Institute of Design basic research is conducted in three areas: better understanding users, modelling of creative processes and understanding our digital everyday. We are seeking a number of persons with an interest in studying, researching, modelling and theorizing these processes from a design perspective. We are interested in new methodological and multidisciplinary approaches to these three areas, from in-depth studies to experimental approaches, hopefully resulting in research projects that challenge our current understanding of these processes./p

pa href=”http://www.coroflot.com/public/job_details.asp?job_id=26294referral=C77blogpost”raquo; view/a/p

pemThe best design jobs and portfolios hang out at a href=”http://coroflot.com”Coroflot/a./em/p
a href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/featured_items/ume_institute_of_design_is_seeking_phd_candidates_in_sweden__16478.asp”(more…)/a
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Video: Peter Walsh discusses office organizing and answers an Unclutterer’s question

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of interviewing Oprah’s go-to organizer, the organizing star of Clean Sweep, and all-around fantastic gentleman Peter Walsh. We talked about office organizing and his new line of products he designed for Office Max — you.organized. At the end of the interview, I posed him a question from Unclutterer readers Klyla, Jackie Pettus, and Lose That Girl (their questions were on a similar theme, so I merged them into one mega question). As always, his tips and answers were insightful and incredibly helpful:

After the interview, he e-mailed MORE organizing tips:

  • To-Do Lists: When writing a to-do list, group alike tasks together such as making calls or running errands to increase efficiency. But avoid getting overwhelmed with your workload by breaking it into small, manageable tasks. Write to-do list items on individual sticky notes and put them on a wall calendar. Rearrange them as your priorities change. At the end of the day, review your checklist and cross off completed items. Move any pending items to a fresh list for tomorrow.
  • Calendars: You might feel like multiple schedules lead to more confusion. For a little planning relief, combine home and work calendars. Simply choose various colors to mark important dates: one for professional tasks and meetings, one for personal appointments, one for social engagements, one for your children’s activities, and so on.
  • Closing Thoughts: Remember that your desk sends a clear signal about who you are and how you approach your work. You should have an organized desk at the start and finish of every day.

He also included an closeup image of the vertical storage system from the video:

Thanks again to Peter for taking time out of his busy schedule to talk with Unclutterer, Office Max for setting up the interview, and Klyla, Jackie Pettus, and Lose That Girl for asking such a terrific question. I must admit, it was nice to know that his systems fall apart from time-to-time, too! A great reminder that we’re all human.

Pedal to the metal!

Cleaned up images from this site.