Suited Case by Erik De Nijs

Dutch Design Week 09: in Eindhoven this week graduate designer Erik De Nijs of Nieuwe Heren presents a set of suitcases that can be combined to form a sofa when not in use. (more…)

blue on the rocks

broken glass is lightend through, various forms and colours

Kaufhaus Canal Hamburg

The landscape architectural and urban design concept for the redesign of the quarter proposes to playfully integrate the heterogenic surroundings as c..

Competition: five copies of Chroma to be won

Dezeen and architecture and design book publisher Birkhäuser are offering readers the chance to win  one of five copies of Chroma – Design, Architecture and Art in Colour by Barbara Glasner & Petra Schmidt. (more…)

Sink Your Teeth Into These Seriously Scary Vampire Halloween Costumes!

imageWith the Twilight and True Blood sexy vampire phenomenon leading the way, these blood-sucking bad guys are back in full force. But even before the unruly hair and pale skin of Edward Cullen the soap opera story plot lives of those hot monsters from True Blood, vampires were still around and intriguing us regular mortals while scaring the living daylights out of us at the same time. It started with Dracula, and then there was Christopher Pike and Anne Rice who added sex appeal to their vampiric characters (who could forget Brad Pitt as a young, brunette bloodsucker?), and of course the ultra-buff Wesley Snipes in Blade. Now with Halloween fast approaching, there’s never been a better time to dress-up as these Halloween classics. Choose the usual vampire get-up with the swirling cape, fake blood and drawn-in widow’s peak, or put a modern day spin on it a la Twilight and don a cool leather jacket, lighten your skin tone by about 6 shades and pop in some fake fans. Bonus points for chiseled good looks and stubble. Check out the slideshow for what you’ll need to have an undead Halloween!

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Adidas : Pieces of Heroes

Un court spot vidéo présentant brièvement l’esprit de la marque Adidas autour d’une mosaïque de pièces mêlant sportifs et produits phares. Une production réussie sous Cinema 4D 11 et After Effects de l’artiste Camille Marotte présenté hier sur Fubiz. A découvrir en HD dans la suite.



Previously on Fubiz

Paris by way of Street View

Noted at the excellent is a new project from photographer Michael Wolf, who navigated his way through Google’s Street View map of Paris to create some beautiful images of the city…

Those familiar with Street View will know that in addition to capturing the topography of a city at street level, the programme also, inevitably, captures its inhabitants. With their circular, air-brushed faces, the majority of the figures digitised for Street View are largely unaware of the Google cars with their rooftop cameras.

Now the inhabitants of Paris also find themselves in Wolf’s artistic take on the Google mapping project. And he’s retrieved some lovely moments of people and things caught for a single arbitrary moment on a particular day in the city.

By way of an explantion of his intentions with the Paris Street View project, thingsmagazine offers this quote from Wolf:

“The problem is that compared to Asia, Paris is a stagnant city – very little has changed architecturally since Atget’s times, and the cliches are a nightmare to get out from under of. Strangely enough, it was Google Street View which enabled me to take any photos at all of Paris.

“I spent weeks going through the city on my monitor, street by street, looking into windows, discovering reflections, searching out interesting juxtapositions, topologies, trying various crops/styles (Frank, Doisneau, Ruscha, and so on). The lack of a third dimension wore me down at times, but it was quite an interesting journey.”

To see all the images from the project, check out the Paris Street View page at


Z Solution

Z Solution from Schick – Aesthetic with StyleFor more than 40 years Schick Dental has been a synonym forinnovation and premium products for dent..

Coroflot Design Job of the Day: Senior Product Designer, 3M Japan, Tokyo


Senior Product Designer
3M Japan


We are seeking a very talented product / industrial designer with a strong understanding of the integration of design into the corporate business environment and the specific ability to effectively influence across multiple organizations. Applicants should possess excellent 3-D drawing/sketching abilities, as well as a strong proficiency in cad to communicate design concepts and a significant experience in the product development process of diverse products. S/he will be responsible for developing extraordinary products for the Japanese market.

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The best design jobs and portfolios hang out at Coroflot.


Titanium Mouse by Intelligent Design

Grade 1 titanium, high quality plastic resin, a neodymium scroll wheel and an impressive design; our handcrafted mouse was created for those who deman..