U10 Update

Hey per chi ancora nn lo sapesse, sono online i due nuovi minivideo del progetto U10. Caroline e Marco raccontano in 100 secondi come vivono le loro passioni!

Dining Table ONE

One is a dining table with two faces. The short side of this solid oak table has a rough, almost cut off shape, whilst the long side has a soft silhou..

Mishka 2010 Calendar

Passate il 2010 in buona compagnia. Fotografie di Ellen Stagg. Mishka Rock!

Mishka 2010 Calendar

Unitasker Wednesday: The Egg Cuber

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

I think that this week’s unitasker may actually be a non-tasker. Ever since reader Penni sent this Egg Cuber to me, I have tried to imagine why someone would want square eggs — and I have yet to come up with a reason.

Does the oval offend some people? Do square eggs have a longer shelf life? Is it easier to crack a square egg than it is to crack an oval one? Is there a major problem with eggs rolling off counters and trays that I don’t yet know about? why? Why? WHY would anyone want a square egg?!

Also, I think you have to own chickens or at least have access to immediately laid eggs to be able to take advantage of this device. Egg shells are only transformable for a very short time period after being laid. It seems like quite the task to be able to even get these to work.

Please leave your explanations (the more humorous the better) for why someone might need the Egg Cuber in the comments. There must be some reason for such a device beyond the end result just looking cool.

(Image via The Kitchen Store)

Bits ‘n Pieces Exhibition

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From fabric to furniture, advanced technology is quickly changing the face of design. The upcoming interactive traveling exhibition, Bits ‘n Pieces, explores the evolution of the post-digital era with a display of objects found within the realms of graphic, product, furniture and jewelery design as well as architecture.

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The objects are as aesthetically pleasing as they are technically astounding, each designer demonstrating the future of design is not filled with sterile, emotionless objects. For example, the shape of the Brainwave Sofa created by Unfold‘s Lucas Maassen and Dries Verbruggen utterly replicates the first three seconds of neural activity in Maassen’s mind upon shutting his eyes. The result of the completely scientific process is a smoothly formed sofa in warm gray felt (pictured above).

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Ilona Huvenaars and Willem Derks‘ Knitted Vase beautifully solves the problem of the perfectly sized flower vase, expanding and contracting depending on the amount of flowers it contains (pictured above). Alissia Melka-Teichroew‘s Jointed Jewelery (pictured below) is brilliant example of selective laser sintering technology. One seamless string of ball joints, it was before impossible to mold a ball joint in ceramics or plastics all in one go, without having to assemble individual pieces together.

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Intended as an open dialogue, the collection on display at Material Connexion in NYC is part of an ever-evolving global tour that matures based on feedback provided at each location.

More images after the jump.

Bits ‘n Pieces

4 November – 4 December 2009

Opening Reception 4 November 2009, 6-8:30pm

Material Connexion

60 Madison Avenue, 2nd floor NYC

New York, NY 10010 map

tel. +1 212 842 2050

More Trees X Medicom 400% Wooden Bearbrick

La giapponese More Trees ha collaborato con Medicom per questo 400% Wooden Bearbrick, costruito utilizzando vari tipi di legni diversi per ogni pezzo di cui è composto. Si parla di un rilascio ad ottobre.

More Trees X Medicom 400% Wooden Bearbrick

Virtureal by Jelte van Abbema


Dutch Design Week: here’s a second project by Jelte van Abbema, winner of the Rado Prize at the Dutch Design Awards in Eindhoven last week, which explores how to express emotion through the digital word. (more…)

New Yorker cover by Chris Ware

For the latest edition of The New Yorker, comic book artist Chris Ware has sketched a Hallowe’en themed cover that shows a brigade of Trick-or-Treaters chaparoned by their parents. In a nice contemporary take on the subject, each mom and dad is lit by the ghostly glow of an iPhone… 

Ware’s strip, Unmasked, also features in the edition dated 2 November and can be read in its entirety (and at a decent size) over at The New Yorker website.

It’s the latest New Yorker commission for the Oak Park, Illinois-based artist who previously created four stunning covers for the magazine’s 2006 Thanksgiving edition.

Originally spotted over at MagCulture.

Nikon D700 cake

Festeggiate un vostro amico fotografo con una torta simile…occhio però che sia Nikon-addicted!

Nikon D700 cake

Jiro Belt

Qualche tempo fa un mio amico architetto mi disse che stava cercando un’idea per riciclare i copertoni usati delle bici da corsa. Ci ha già pensato Jiro Belt trasformandoli in cinture.

Jiro Belt

Jiro Belt

Jiro Belt

Jiro Belt