We have a very difficult relationship with General Motors. For one, we really liked meeting with all of their top brass and hearing their plans for rebuilding their struggling empire a couple of years back at the Chicago Auto Show, including Robert Lutz, who was our favorite (and who wouldn’t like a cranky-yet-cool guy who was one of the key players behind the release of the BWM 2002 in the mid-70s, which will forever be the best car ever?). On the other hand, it’s all the usual complaints we’ve been hearing over these past few months; the bloat, the years poor design choices, the lack of foresight, etc. So now when GM announces that it’s doing something like launching a new site called the Lab which is described as a way for people to watch the company’s design processes and provide input along the way, we think a) “Hey, that’s nifty” and b) “This is such an obvious, silly ploy to appear transparent now that our taxes are paying all their bills.” We don’t enjoy being cynical [insert guffaw here], but while we have hopes that this site, with its “We want your opinion!” tagline, will be the bee’s knees and offer regular, interesting insight into automotive design, we’re also not going to be holding our breaths or expecting it to live beyond these first few press releases whenever they put up some new entry. Time will tell, we suppose.
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