Hot In The Hive: Matryoshka Measuring Cups

imageIf you happen to have a Ukrainian grandmother like I do, you may be able to relate to my childhood experience of having to kill seemingly endless durations of time at her house playing with her collection of silly Russian nesting dolls while she “babysat” me. Yeah, I was five, but I wasn’t easily amused enough to think that taking the little people apart and fitting them back inside of each other sufficed as a good time at Grandma’s. Although I was bored nearly to tears at the time, now that I’m technically an adult, I can’t help but be drawn to these cute Russian doll measuring cups, called M-Cups after their actual name, Matryoshka dolls. While the dolls themselves may be a completely functionless ode to the old country, when brought to the realm of cooking, they’re actually a brilliant idea in kitchenware organization and space-saving! Plus, with all my childhood practice, I could probably break a record with how quickly I’m able to stack them up and put them away after completing a well-measured recipe!

Price: $11.99
Who Found It: xgalexy was the first to add the M-Cups to the Hive.

Bokja for The Quirico Company


Lebanese designers Hoda Baroudi and Maria Hibr of Bokja have created ten pieces for The Quirico Company featuring vintage furniture covered in antique fabrics. (more…)

Comfy And Non-Embarrassing Back-To-School Sleepwear

imageAs you’re checking off your back-to-school to-do list, make sure you factor in the college student’s favorite pastime: sleeping. Whether you live in a res hall or are off-campus with roommates, it’s important to have some cute and comfy PJs to toss on. Why?

1. Lots of people are going to be seeing these things (and I’m not talking about the people you bring home), so it’s time to toss out the ratty high school t-shirts and invest in something cute.
2. Lots of people are going to see you, so if you tend to sleep in the buff I’m pretty sure your roomie would much prefer to see you in some jammies than see your naked butt. Factor in the unexpected fire alarms and possible friends barging in at all hours of the night, and you’re going to want to have something to toss on even if you have a room to yourself.

Lucky for all of us, there are tons of options when it comes to cute and cozy PJs. No matter how much or how little you’ve slept in previously, there’s something (or lots of somethings for those 6-week runs between laundry days) super adorable for you. And if you feel like channeling your inner Holly Golightly while your roommate studies 10 feet from your face, there’s a mask for you, too. Check out CollegeCandy for some of their school sleepwear picks!

Yves Behar Wants You in His Underwear


Designer-about-town and our close personal pal Yves Behar has long been after the world to clean itself up and go sustainable. Now he’s taken it upon himself to go all the way to our skivvies. Dezeen has the goods on Behar’s firm fuseproject designing a collection of sustainable underwear for Jeff Denby and Jason Kibbley‘s newly created Bay Area-based online retailer PACT. What’s sustainable about them? Well, let’s ignore the illustrations on them relating to different non-profit organizations or the donations they make with each purchase (that stuff’s just perks, not really sustainability), the unmentionables are made from organic cotton and they come shipped in green packaging (this post has been difficult to write, given these unavoidable puns). And should you live in NY and buy a pair, now you can have a completely Behar-involved night of scandal, after you pick up some of the condoms he designed last year.

“In building PACT, we re-thought everything about the way underwear is made and marketed,” said Behar. “We’re not doing anything artificial or superficial, not with the body, not with the packaging and not with our partnerships. Our vision is to unite fashion and design with doing good in an authentic way, building a company that truly embodies 21st century needs, showing a new way for businesses to operate in the future.”

We should add that we know one former editor who is likely upset that Behar didn’t go so far as to model his own new product. Sorry, Alissa. At least you’ll always have that time you saw him with his shirt off.

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Is Million really a great idea?

Droga5’s Million mobile phone reward programme for schoolkids may have won a lot of awards but, beyond the hype, how effective will it prove to be in the long-term?

The Million project has picked up awards around the world, including top honours at this year’s D&AD. Some in the industry have described it as the ‘future of advertising’. Looking past the ad industry hype, we asked educators whether they thought giving mobile phones to schoolkids was really the best way to raise standards and levels of achievement.

Read the article in full here

Workspace of the Week: Equipment bonanza

This week’s Workspace of the Week is BayAreaBaw’s peripherally intense office:

This is an amazing office and its owner did a terrific job describing it in the photo’s notes:

This home office of mine has been evolving for about six years, with a list of equipment that currently includes:

  • 3 printers (laser, portable inkjet & label)
  • 2 external backup drives (USB & Firewire)
  • LightScribe CD/DVD Burner
  • 2 scanners (ScanSnap & Epson)
  • tape deck, turntable & sound system
  • EyeTV digital television tuner
  • Two 7-port USB hubs
  • 20″ external monitor
  • MacBook
  • wireless phone
  • cell phone, Bluetooth & Palm chargers

My challenge has been how to arrange so much gear in a small space without all of it getting in my way, both physically and aesthetically, and especially how to hide all those cables. At last count there are 21 electrical connections, along with about 15 other USB, Firewire, and charger cables.

Truly impressive, BayAreaBaw. Thank you for your submission!

Want to have your own workspace featured in Workspace of the Week? Submit a picture to the Unclutterer flickr pool. Check it out because we have a nice little community brewing there. Also, don’t forget that workspaces aren’t just desks. If you’re a cook, it’s a kitchen; if you’re a carpenter, it’s your workbench.

PS3 Playface

Playface campaign for PS3, agency: Wieden + Kennedy Tokyo, director: Timothy Saccenti, production company: Partizan Darkroom, London

In this campaign for the new PlayStation3, director Timothy Saccenti has captured Japanese gamers’ ‘playfaces’ as they try out the new console…



Clips can be seen on the YouTube film above, but it’s worth checking out the to see them in a more stylish setting. Alongside these films, a digital caravan will be touring Japan from September, capturing even more playfaces.




Filming the faces of those engaged in a variety of activities is nothing new, of course. There was Frank Budgen’s Coco de Mer campaign for Saatchi & Saatchi in 2001

which, adland noticed, were very similar to this Trojan campaign from 2004

And Fallon did this for the BBC

We even have a vague recollection of seeing the idea used for computer games players before – anyone have a link?



Geometrismo is a bathroom furniture collection with a highly recognizable image.It is characterized by the use of geometric volumes and by the extreme..

The Black Cloud by Heather and Ivan Morison


A temporary pavilion of scorched timber by artists Heather and Ivan Morison opened in Bristol, England last month.  (more…)

ODO and CODO by Digital Forming


Digital Forming is a new London-based company that will allow designers to create products on the internet that customers can customise online and then buy.
