
My hands are shaking and my heart is fluttering.

The idea of publishing a magazine has been floating in my mind for many years, but I didn’t make the decision to proceed with it until this past Christmas. Deidre and I began working on it in earnest in January. I still can’t quite believe that we accomplished so much in just three months. UPPERCASE magazine is really the culmination of a dozen years of freelance graphic design experience and four years of this creative entrepreneurial adventure called UPPERCASE. All the skills I have acquired over the years have been put to use… and then some! It has been an amazing learning experience and so creatively satisfying.

Blanca Gomez provided the perfect cover image. Blanca, I am so grateful for your generosity. Thank you.

Deidre, thank you for your inexhaustable flow of ideas. And for truly putting your heart into it.

Thank you, Glen, for writing some terrific articles and for listening to me talk about the minutiae of the magazine’s progression.

The shipment of magazines is on its way from Winnipeg and we expect them tomorrow. Everything’s on schedule for the launch celebration this Thursday from 5pm – 9pm. In the meantime, I’m transforming the gallery space for the treehouse show, adding new subscribers (thank you!), filling our biggest Eclectonote order ever, and sending out Jen11 orders. I’m going to leave this post up for a while, to bask in the moment… and I’ve got a lot more work to do!

See you on Thursday!

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