Workspace of the Week: Standing room only

This week’s Workspace of the Week is RawPhil’s DIY standing desk:

RawPhil provided a detailed description of his workspace with his image:

Ever since seeing standing desks on i’ve always thought what a beautifully simple idea. With so many benefits of health, fitness, time saving and minimalist living soon after i brought my own place i set about installing my own. Recently finished off with the black desk top (£13 Ikea) I absolutely love it. I fidget and move about more whilst at the PC which can only be good, i get done what i need to with less procrastinating and my aimless viewing of YouTube has at least halved.

The Dual monitors was something I set up years ago when i used to play the stock market, but still couldn’t do with out.

The Areca Palms [next to the desk] are there for their amazing air cleaning abilities.

Thank you, RawPhil, for introducing us to your innovative office. More images of the desk and how it was made can be found in RawPhil’s photostream.

Want to have your own workspace featured in Workspace of the Week? Submit a picture to the Unclutterer flickr pool. Check it out because we have a nice little community brewing there. Also, don’t forget that workspaces aren’t just desks. If you’re a cook, it’s a kitchen; if you’re a carpenter, it’s your workbench.

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