Unitasker Wednesday: The snowman kit

snowmanAll Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

As winter continues to pound the northern half of the country, it is a great time to head out and enjoy some fun in the snow. My daughter and I have been taking advantage of the snow by building snowmen (one of our creations is pictured immediately at right). She has enjoyed it quite a bit, especially when we use Hershey kisses for eyes, a baby carrot for the nose, and a bunch of yarn puff balls for its mouth and buttons. 

snowman-kitI have since learned that my daughter’s snowmen-building experience could have been much more sterile and manufactured had we used an incredibly ridiculous snowman kit. The one pictured includes everything you need — even a plastic carrot and plastic branches! (Multiple kits will be needed for multiple snowmen.)

Running around the house looking for items for the snowman was pretty fun for my daughter, but if you don’t have an imagination and want to trample on your child’s fun, then the snowman kit may be for you!

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