“Twilight” Madness: Which “New Moon” Merchandise Is Creepiest?

imageAt the risk of sounding super dorky, I’ll admit that I’ve read the Twilight series… more than once. And sure, if I had to pick, I guess I’d say I’m on Team Jacob, but I mean… I wouldn’t exactly call myself a Twi-hard. So what if I saw “New Moon” at midnight?! Alright, fine, I’m kind of a Twilighter… but I’m definitely not alone! After all, it’s hard not to succumb to the year’s ultimate guilty pleasure when you’re surrounded by it everywhere you look — and in light of the “New Moon” Westwood premiere last Monday, “fanpire” fever is undoubtedly in full effect if it hasn’t been already! T-shirts, jewelry, makeup… you can hardly go into your favorite store anymore without seeing something emblazoned with R-Pattz’s face on it. However, despite my borderline inappropriate crush on Taylor Lautner, I’m a firm believer that there are certain boundaries that need to be observed when it comes to obsessing. Sure, the very nature of the vampire-centric series is eerie in itself, but some Twilight toys and t-shirts take fangirl freakiness to a whole new level. I mean, what is the purpose of a life-size cardboard cutout? And no matter how badly you may want your own icy Edward Cullen to snuggle with, do you really need a duvet cover with his face on it? Vote below on what “New Moon” paraphernalia is the most ridiculous!

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