Tote Bags book, call for entries

Seasonal tote bag by Playne Design, kindly sent in to CR as a Christmas present

Designer Jitesh Patel is currently putting a book together on tote bag design. It’s set to be published next year and the deadline for submissions has just been extended to 15 January…

The basis for Patel’s book will be, as he writes on his call for entries website, “to plot the journey of tote bags from their functional roots, to their manifestation today as a fashion statement” and will include “the most striking, inventive, ironic and original of printed examples”. 

Tote Bags is set to be published in 2010 by Laurence King. 

For a dose of those “ironic” bags – totes, after all, are a bone of contention for many – check out Patrick’s post I am not another smug canvas bag from earlier in the year. Also worth checking out is Dmitri Siegel’s piece on canvas bags’ green credentials, which we subsequently ran in CR.

Full submissions guidelines for Patel’s book are at his blog,

(And, finally, here’s a shot of Playne’s pressie. They sent the bag over in a small cardboard box that can be re-used to house pencils and the like. Nice.)

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