The Perfect (Pet) Match

Have you ever seen a dog that looks remarkably like its owner? Well, the RSPCA in Australia is setting up its first ever pet shop that will look to match pets with owners – but very sensibly on the basis of personality and lifestyle, rather than looks…

George Patterson Y&R agency in Brisbane just sent us press, TV and radio ads for their newly launched campaign for the RSPCA’s new pet shop which will, as the ads suggest, match up day-to-day behaviours and lifestyes of potential owners with the personalities and behavioural traits of pets – thus finding a perfect match.

There are three TV executions but this one is our favourite:

And here’s one of the radio ads, entitled Chihuahua:

Agency: George Patterson Y&R Brisbane
Creative directors: Piet Human & David Joubert
Art director/Copywriter: Andre Hull & Lee Sunter
Account manager: Jessica Hughes
Client: RSPCA

Photography: Alex Buckingham
Retouching: Santi Drane

Agency Producer: Kohbe Vela
Sound Studio: Voice Plant

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