Vintage illustration goodies…

More amazing things unearthed at Full Table.

A strange and wonderful journey…

Insel Verlag books, above, found in an amazing website of epic and curious proportions: Full Table. “It’s bigger than you could ever think — just explore — no clues from me,” says the site author Dr. Chris Mullen. This is a website experience equivalent to visiting the Museum of Jurassic Technology. Confusing, confounding, crazy… awesome! I’m posting this on Sunday evening so if you happen to be looking for something to take up the last hours of your weekend, I recommend clicking through Full Table.

Type Tuesday: Los Angeles Type Founders

See even more on Flickr! My favourite page is below.

Type Tuesday: The End photographed by…

One of the curious objects in my collection of things.

Portable instructions

I’ve uploaded high resolution images of the instruction manual for the Royal Quiet DeLuxe (c1956)

(see the complete book in my flickr set of Typewriter Memorabilia)

Type Tuesday: action letters

Design idea outtake.

Type Tuesday: Titletters


Type Tuesday: more toys

Something else to play with…

Typewriter ads

Thanks, Kathe, for the link to these inspiring images.

Letters are fun!

This morning I had some fun hand-setting some vintage letters to be used in one of the magazine’s upcoming articles. We’re still accepting submissions for The Lost Art of The End: click here for more details.