DCM Dining chair replica

Non ditelo a nessuno ma la replica della DCM Dining chair la trovate su VEGA.

DCM Dining chair

More On The Curves

Is there something more comforting about holding a phone in your hand that feels and looks curvy? Perhaps yes, and this is why phones like the VEGA, inspired by the design and innovation “brionvega”, demand so much attention. According to the designer, the display is curved for a better grip and use and the black and white OS is super cool. The color function is active only for the video – photo modes and the phone is crafted from polycarbonate.

Designer: Simone Savini

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(More On The Curves was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Two Wooden Curves
  2. My What Lovely Curves You Have


VEGA Magazine Rack

Disegnato dai danesi Anders Folke Andersen e Rikke Beck Christensen per Foxy Potato.

VEGA Magazine Rack

Vega Lamp by Alice Rosignoli

Una delle nostre designer italiane preferite Alice Rosignoli, ha disegnato Vega Lamp. Questa lampada è una traduzione del principio della relatività generale, il tessuto è curvo sotto la massa del bulbo. La forma che assume, è una conseguenza geometrica della natura dei materiali utilizzati.

Vega Lamp by Alice Rosignoli