354 – Typogeography, Illegible and Otherwise


(click map to enlarge)

A truism in geopolitics holds that “geography is destiny.” Maps don’t have to be so dramatically laden with meaning, though. In this case, geography is mere typography. This map of the world shows the names of the countries projected within their borders.

  • Best-fitting, or at least most legible are the large-surface countries: Canada, USA, Russia, Australia, Brazil, Greenland (not an independent country – yet).
  • Africa’s 53 countries jostle for typespace, with only larger countries such as DR Congo, Sudan, Lybia, Chad and Algeria legible (it helps if their names aren’t too long either).
  • You need to squint to recognise any of Europe’s countries’ names – Ukraine, Sweden, Finland and Norway stand out: elongated shapes lending themselves to typesetting. The rest is practically illegible (1).
  • Long-name countries, especially in combination with relatively small surfaces, are not ideal for readability: New Zealand, Madagascar and Papua New Guinea are points in case.
  • Being an archipelago also doesn’t help, vide Indonesia.

The mapmaker clearly didn’t bother with some of the more hopeless cases on the map (typo-geographically speaking, that is): Bangladesh, Malaysia (at least its eastern, Borneoan half), Lesotho, etc.

This map is taken from this page at vladstudio, a website for Siberian graphic designer Vlad Gerasimov’s work, which was featured before on this blog in #148. Many thanks to all who sent in this map, including Kaushik Sridharan,Varda Elentari, James MacKenzie (and possibly a few others that I can’t search-and-find in my bulging inbox).


(1) A beautiful word, put to hilarious use in the Billy Bragg song ‘Walk Away Renee’: “I said, ‘I’m the most illegible bachelor in town’ / And she said ‘Yeah that’s why I could never understand any of those silly letters you sent me’.”

Peugeot 3008

Thanks BB

Fifty People, One Question: London

I so love these

Quad Camera


QuadCamera is the the 4th release by Art&Mobile of their ToyCamera series and features continuous shooting. Just pressing the button, and it takes 4-8 serial shots to create one image in multiple dimensions and repetitions: a 4×2 portrait, 4×1, 2×2 landscape, and 8×1 landscape

[via the Awesome Swiss Miss]

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It’s been six years since Kill Bill hit theaters, yet we still haven’t gotten the Whole Bloody Affair.  According to Cinematical it looks like it finally might happen this year. Wooohooo

dont go that way


[via geekologie]

Cocktail Napkins


Who knew napkins could be so feisty?
3 different designs:
* I’m gonna be my own best friend
* They don’t call us bitches for nothing
* Shorty wanna thug?
Set of 15 napkins, 5 of each design. Napkins are white with gold foil. Packed together in a box with a clear lid. 

get yours here

[via Design Crush]

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get yours here 

Barack and Michelle Obama do WHAT together?

I dont think thats what its called. Fisting means something else. I think she meant this.