Nike NYC logo redesign by Triboro

In questi giorni per le strade della Grande Mela lo studio di design Triboro si è divertito a cancellare parte delle lettere del famoso logo NIKE trasformandole in N Y C.
Qui sotto vi ho messo una serie di esempi.

Nike NYC logo redesign by Triboro

Nike NYC logo redesign by Triboro

Nike NYC logo redesign by Triboro

Nike NYC logo redesign by Triboro

Nike NYC logo redesign by Triboro

Nike NYC logo redesign by Triboro

Nike NYC logo redesign by Triboro

Triboro Leftovers

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Triboro is a design duo working from Brooklyn doing some really fantastic work.

Their ‘Triboro Leftovers’ is an online publication that solves the formerly painful problem of creating some great work and then having to throw-out everything that the client doesn’t like. Check out their work here, and the leftovers here. Enjoy!