The ‘Internet of Toys’: Toymail Connects Kids to Their Loved Ones


From the app-based Nickster to the electronic building blocks of Littlebits, toys are making leaps and bounds in cool factor. Launched this morning on Kickstarter, Toymail is the latest and greatest new digitally-enhanced plaything. In short, they’re walkie talkie-like characters with the ability to relay messages from parents/grandparents/friends to the child who owns the toy. How it works: Anyone who downloads Toymail‘s free app can leave a message on one of the toys. Users dial in a toy/child to send a message to, talk into the phone (just like leaving a voicemail) and push send. The receiver is alerted by an animal noise—if their Toymail is a pig, it oinks when a message is received—and can respond directly to the message by pressing a button. The video below shows the toy in action:

Cofounders Gauri Nanda and mother-of-three Audry Hill were looking to create a toy that brought kids and loved ones together. “I started asking myself, ‘Could toys be made to evolve every day and what would that look like?'” says Nanda. “I felt that it was time for toys to feel more like they do in Toy Story and Pee Wee’s Playhouse, so that they never become boring or obsolete. So that they would grow as the child does.”

Toymail-Character-Sketches.jpgSketches from character development and prototyping the toys.



From the Who-Woulda-Thunk-It File: NASA-Caliber Nuclear Engineer Wins $73m in Super Soaker Royalties

LonnieJohnson-Supersoaker-HERO.jpgL: Photo via AJC; R: 1983 patent drawing

You couldn’t make it up: According to a 2001 Times article, aerospace engineer was Lonnie G. Johnson had been working on technology for a $1.6 billion-dollar spacecraft when he accidentally discovered a children’s toy that is now his claim to fame. Tasked with “preparing an interplanetary spacecraft for its atomic battery” at his day job, he was working on a side project at home one night when he turned on a faucet hooked up to one end of a “prototype cooling device” with a metal nozzle.

“I turned and shot into the bathtub,” he recalled. The blast was so powerful that the whoosh of accompanying air set the bathroom curtains flying. “I said to myself, ‘Jeez, this would make a great water gun.'”

Indeed: Johnson had just created the precursor to the Super Soaker, which has since generated a over $1 billion in sales for Larami, now owned by Hasbro. He made headlines yesterday in winning 7.3% of that sum in his claim against the RI-based toy company… not that the immensely successful engineer and inventor needed it, but it’s a good excuse to paraphrase his tale.

LonnieJohnson-Supersoaker-COMP.jpgVia CNBC; video below

Hailing from Mobile, Ala., Johnson (b. 1949) took to math and science at an early age, eventually taking first place in a science fair as a high school senior and earning several scholarships. Upon completing his master’s degree in nuclear engineering at Atlanta’s Tuskegee University, the born-and-raised Southerner spent his late 20’s moving westward, young family in tow, including a stint in Albuquerque before he ended up in Pasadena, working for the Air Force and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory respectively. By day, Johnson was responsible for integrating the nuclear power plant in the Galileo; by night, his DIY experiments nearly cost him his marriage… until, of course, that fateful evening in 1982.


Nickster Gives Educational Toys A Modern, Digital Twist


I don’t know about you, but I still find it shocking to see toddlers walking around with smartphones. Instead of scoffing, Steve Cozzolino saw opportunity. At a fateful dinner party, Cozzolino noticed that eight out of nine children were playing around on some kind of digital device (including a set of 1-year-old twins on an iPhone). At the time, he was in the process of creating Nickster, a physical toy set (inspired by his son Nick) on a Kickstarter mission, which now consists of a physical toy set and a themed app to teach kids basic principles of building, matching shapes and counting. But it was in these digital mavericks—who could barely walk but could tap and swipe—that Cozzolino realized that saw the future of play: In order to be engaging and relevant to today’s youth, he needed to create something with a digital component. “What’s most unique and innovative about the Nickster Playland app is that it connects children back to physical toys,” Cozzolino says. “It encourages them to not just play in the digital world, but also have fun with their toys.”

The toys and app don’t just stop teaching after a few lessons. “What’s nice about the app is that it allows us to build upon the toys by creating an endless number of color and shape combinations and added levels of difficulty, all opportunities to learn more,” Cozzolino says. “For example, the Sequence Train toy is 1-4 while the Sequence Train app is 1-5, 1-10 and the complete alphabet.”


E.T. Stunt Puppet Replica

Hey per un attimo pensavo tu fossi vero.

Says Who Toy Design

Joel est un jouet très design fait de bambou réalisé par Shaun Hill de studio créatif sudafricain Say Who. Les pièces de bambou sont découpées au laser, avant d’être assemblées ensemble. Nous avons sélectionnés d’autres projets réalisés par l’agence. De très beaux travaux à découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article.

























Putting Good Use to Bottle Caps

The Building Cap is an eco-friendly twist on the bottle cap that aims to be a universal replacement for the many bottle caps that end up in landfills every year. Instead of throwing them away, the dovetailed caps can be given to kids to create anything from buildings to robots! The larger the collection of caps, the wilder you can get!

Designer: Shengpeng Zhao, Chen Xu, Shun Feng, Chao Gao

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Putting Good Use to Bottle Caps was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Carving Up the Ice Caps
  2. Chess Caps
  3. Too Weak to Open Caps. Need a U-Cap


A Look Inside a Toy Prototyping Studio


At a quiet studio in Kansas City, three creatives sculpt and mold prototypes for toys. Filmmaker Anthony Ladesich’s mini-doc, “The Secret Story of Toys,” looks at artists Jason Frailey, Adam Smith and Adrienne Smith as they carve everything from Terminators to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

In the molding area you’ll see similar equipment to what was seen in “A Look Inside a Moldmaking Shop,” but Ladesich’s narrative focuses much more on the actual creators as they explain the joys—and agonies—of scratching out toys from scratch:

Via Dooby Brain



Ole Ukena Installations

Avec des œuvres conceptuelles alliant vidéo, sculpture et installation, l’artiste allemand Ole Ukena cherche toujours à détourner avec humour différents objets, à l’image d’un arc-en-ciel réalisé en barbelés. Des créations très réussies à découvrir en images et détails dans la suite de l’article.

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Multisensory Toys for Autism

Understanding and acceptance of autism is a growing movement, and with that includes design that aims to aid the development of social skills. This simple yet effective tool, called Joyco, is a game for parents and children that focuses on playful interaction. Tactile elements stimulate pleasure in the form of touch and an interactive hoop game encourages eye contact with mom or dad!

Designer: Jowan Baransi

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Multisensory Toys for Autism was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Projections for Autism
  2. Wearable Regulation for Children with Autism
  3. Surreal Becomes Real With Toys And AR


Coarsetoys – The Passage

La compagnie allemande spécialisée dans les art toys Coarse a récemment dévoilé sa dernière création absolument incroyable appelée ‘The passage’. Limité à 222 exemplaires, ce set de figurines intègre trois personnages ainsi qu’une barque, traversant les eaux en direction de l’île de Void dans la nuit.

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